Friday, April 2, 2010

Work Place #2

My blog about the workplace is not quite finish. I had to stop, otherwise, I think I will be in pain, the" john" was calling me. It was so good to go and see " john" for awhile. Is this gross or what? Sorry, but nature was calling me. Anyway, back to the workplace. I think I was in the subject of bosses at work.Some bosses can be very nice, they leave you alone as long as you know what you are doing. They just want you to let them know if something is wrong so they can report it to the big boss. These bosses have a high regard to their employees and they have a good self esteem. They know what their employees can do and want them to fully explore their potential. We can applaud these kind of bosses. Then there are bosses that do not want you to think! They want to think for you, so you look like robots. Sigh! Isn't that something? You and I know that we are capable to think since we have that precious thing on our head, called " brain"! Why do people want to think that the employees are brainless, ninkampoop, and cannot think by themselves? It is because these supervisors have low self esteem and they want to show off to their superior that the company cannot function without them! Can the employees be blamed for acting as " dummies?" Yes or no! Yes, because they follow these egotistical bosses and do not want to say anything for fear of retaliation from the boss. No, because, the jobs are hard to come by, so people just say yes all the time! They do not want confrontation! Am I right? They do not want to show they are worthless and the company cannot function without them!These bosses that shows they do all the thinking is nonsense. If they know their true worth, they should not feel alarmed. After all, if the company really need them they do not have to show that kind of tactic! Then there are the bosses that can be bribed for food. Do I see a sign that says" Will be lenient for food", or how about " will be friends for food." Ayyayay! They are no different to the people on the street corner with their signs! Oh,ya. There is a difference! They have money and a little power which have gone to their sorry little !****! I am sure everyone at work has seen this. I can say a lot more about bosses, but I might be stuck here ranting forever. What other thing happens in a workplace? Plenty! How about romances on the side? You bet! That is why they have some names for this girls" ladies of the workplace", and people know who they are. The employee get a big break if they are in "kahoots ( is there such a word? I do not know, but I will stick with it!) with the bigwigs. Why wouldn't they it? They will be an instant success! They planned it that way! Then there are some that just want to fool around. It does not matter where, be it on the stairs or on top of a pingpong table! Is the ping pong table sturdy enough? I don't know! Somebone out there, is it sturdy enough to do the "hanky panky" dance? There are other interesting episodes/drama in a workplace, that I am sure everybody has or have observed. After all, we are in the workplace longer than our house. We are with our co-workers longer than our family. So what? That means we should try to make the best of it at work. It is good if everybody is nice, but sometimes, there are some co-workers that as soon as they arrived at work, they start like a hot tamale that has swallowed a lot of bile or pepper in them, and they are ready for a fight! What do you do with them? Just ignore and keep on working. This is easier said than done! That is true, but just keep ignoring them and they will disappear. Don't get intimidated by these losers. Yes, they are losers! And they have a problem! Pray for them! Be happy and keep on working to stimulate our ------senses! You thought I will say economy? That's Barack Obama's line! Ha! Ha!
Posted by vs at 3/2/2010 9:30 AM Add Comment

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