Friday, April 2, 2010


Lent. What is Lent? Lent is a 40 day period before Easter. It begins on Ash Wednesday, this year, on February 17th, to Palm Sunday, March 28th. Palm Sunday is followed by the Holy Week, culminating on Easter Sunday. Holy Week is the annual commemoration of the Death and Resurrection of Jesus. Lent is a time of penance, prayer, soul searching, alms giving and repentance which prepares us for Christ's resurrection on Easter Sunday!What is Ash Wednesday? Why do I need to know? You do not need to know, but some people might want to know! Okay! Ash Wednesday is when we receive ashes on our forehead that reminds us that life passes away on earth. " Man is dust and unto dust you shall return." Remember these words? Where does the ashes come from? Ashes are made from blessed palms used in the previous year in the celebration of Palm Sunday. Ashes are christened with Holy Water and are scented by exposure to incense. Ashes are a symbol of penance, and help us to humble our hearts. Yes, it teaches us H..U..M..I..L..I..T..Y.. which some people are lacking!!!!!Holy Thursday is Jesus' Last Supper with his Disciples, some of whom would betray or deny Him before sunrise. Are you one of these Disciples, who will deny Jesus??? Holy Thursday is also Christ's institution of the priesthood. It is on this day, that the priest washes the feet of 12 people, symbolizing the Apostles, the first priests. On Good Friday, we are reminded of what Jesus went through for the salvation of mankind! My Gosh! Look at the humiliation, and suffering he endured during His passion and crucifixion!! I cannot imagine how painful that must have been with His mother, and for Him especially being nailed in the Cross. Oh, that was such an agony that words cannot describe! Close your eyes, and imagine a nail being pounded on your wrist. Can you feel the pain? It is horrible!!! How about the nail going through your feet?? That is sooo painful!!! And then a spear thrust on your side while your head is gushing with blood because of the crown of thorns? I cannot fathom how excruciating the pain must have been and what he endured on His crucifixion!! Which reminds me of the current pope, Pope Benedict XVI, who is experiencing harassment, and humiliation, just like Jesus! It seems like there are always people that will attack the pope and will look on something for the downfall of the Catholic Church! Why can't they leave the pope alone???? What do you guys think? Let us all pray for the dear pope that all these trials and tribulations will pass through and make him even stronger so he can continue with his role in the church! On some parts of the world, men actually undergo the carrying of the cross, and they whip themselves on the back until their back bleed! They believe that this form of self punishment can help them atone their sins!! It is such a sight to see!! Incredible!!!Which comes to my mind, how come Mel Gibson's Passion of Christ is not being shown every Holy Week? It is very good! I know it is brutal and gory, but that is what happened to Jesus during His Crucifixion!! It did not even garner any awards! I wonder why???The greatest day of the year, Easter Sunday, all fasting and sad thoughts disappear. We are celebrating His Resurrection from the dead, as evidenced by the empty tomb!!! Alleluia!!! Alleluia!!!! It seems nowadays, people are not into the observance of the Good Friday or Easter. People have become lukewarm to their religious beliefs and tradition. Why is that?? Is it because of the rat race, everybody is just always on the go and do not have time for anything, let alone their spiritual well being?? That is a good point! We have to take time and reflect that we also need to be spiritually sound and happy. Why do you think some people that seems to have everything, is not happy, as if they need something else in life?? What do you think is missing in their life? They are not happy, nor content! What do you thnk? Who do you think we owe all of our successes in life??? Amen!!!!!Since this is the Holy Week, let us all try to forget our political and religious preferences, and live in peace and harmony with each other. May there be world peace and may God Bless Us All!!!!!

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