Friday, April 2, 2010

$7.00 Per Gallon Gas

Some researchers are saying that Americans may have to pay $7.00 per gallon, to meet the Obama administration's target for cutting greenhouse emission! A target of 14 % CO2 emission was set up by the Environmental Protection Agency, budget for fiscal 2010. Target date: from 2005 to 2020! Seventy ( 70%) percent of oil used in the United States is on the transportation sector, which has focused on the oil security and threat of climate disruption. These are very high brow words. Say it in plain English that you and I can understand! Okay, here goes! There will be a gas tax, from the CO2 emissions that will unfairly burden the American workers. Researchers believe that there will be more vehicles that will travel between 2010 and 2030, about 30 % more cars. To lower this data, policymakers have to increase the fuel taxes imposed!!!That is not right! What does the workers have to do? Resort to the old ways? Yup! Ayyayay! Madre mia! What old ways? Okay, here are the ways we can conquer this high cost of gas. First, walking ( maybe then America will be the Home of theFit!!), next is bicycles ( we are going to imitate China that uses a lot of bicycles. Look at how prosperous they are!! But how about those that does not know how to ride the bicycle? Tough!!!! You better learn!), Third, horse and buggy carriage ( are we going backwards. If your work is 30 minutes away, you should give yourself plenty of time to reach your work! My goodness! Ha! Ha! I can just imagine lots of sick calls on this! I can also just imagine the horse manure all over the freeway! Then somebody can scoop those ( new jobs!!), and it can be sold as fertilizers worlwide! How about that!). What are we , the ordinary people , have to do? We cannot really do anything since the "elite" is already on their way to do this. What we can hope is a good, reliable public transportation for all the states. After all, some big cities have these public transportation already. Are they reliable? For the most part, I think, except I am not an expert. I have not lived in a big city, nor have I used a public transportation in any of the American cities. I have used it in Europe. It is not as comfortable as driving your car, you have to wait until the subway or train comes and it is very crowded! You have to elbow yourself and hang on to dear life if you are standing. But I have seen some people just standing, not holding onto anything and does not fall on the train! They must have good balance. So, everybody, start to work on your balance!! Who knows, we might really be just using the trains, subways, horse and buggy, or just plain walk. We are really going backwards. I think that the tax is not only because of the CO2 but also the greed of the big corporations that wants to fatten their already fat wallets! What do you guys out there think!! I know I am right! These corporations are sooo greedy that they do not give a damn to everyone else except their pockets!! It is not right! But what can we do? Nothing, except, to hope that somewhere here in America, there are people that will not stand for this and help ordinary people, like you or me! This is very sad. Everything else is expensive. Look at the cost of cereal.... $4.00 per box, bread.... $2.00 -$3.00, eggs....$1.89 and so on. How are people going to survive? The pay is not going up, social security is not going up ( in fact it is rapidly dwindling), health care cost is going up. I could go on and on but I just get frustrated thinking all of these things that the " elite few" are shoving on the American people's throats! I might have deviated a little from my original subject, but who cares, it all pertains to the high cost of everything, and if they impose the $7.00 per gallon gas, what will happen more to our economy? Food will go up, clothes will go up, and there will be a domino effect that who knows where it will end us all? To the poor house? Heaven forbids!!!!!
Posted by vs at 3/6/2010 11:10 AM Add Comment

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