Saturday, April 17, 2010

Survivor, Episode 04152010

Why am I blogging about Survivor? Why, oh, why??? Is there a song why, oh, why? I do not know, but you are so silly! Okay I am blogging about Survivor because I am sooo upset with the women on the villains!!! They outnumber Russell Hantz by 5 to 1, and they do not want to vote him off!!! He is manipulating them and it seems he is the king and he has a harem!!! How come when women get together, they do not trust each other? There is too much jealousy and hatred? Why??? Do you ladies know why?? I think the men are different, they are more cohesive, is it not? Can somebody tell me the big difference about men and women, why men get along better with each other??? I thought when it comes to these, like in Survivor, that the women will band together! Obviously, I was wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!!! Hmmmmm.....unless Russell hypnotized them or had put a spell into each of these women??? After all, we do not see everything that is happening every minute that they are there in the wild and open. Right??? Quick, somebody, shake, slap or do something to the women to put them back to reality, out from their deep slumber in the no good world of Russell!!! Wake up, ladies, Russell is just using you! If I could just scream at the women!!! Grrrrr! !*#!!!! The last episode of April 15th was a crazy one. Of course, it would be, it is on the same day that the taxes are due!!! What are you talking about? Taxes does not have anything to do with Survivor! You are right! I just threw it in, to deviate a little. You are so weird!!! I know! Do you have a problem with that??? Oops. No, just go back to Survivor!!! I do not want to hear about Uncle Sam!! Goodness gracious, okay! Do not be mad, get glad! Ha! Ha! Ha! They should be paying me for the commercial! Oh,well! Sigh!!!The episode started with the food challenge where the contestants have three hurdles to go though. Who do you think won? The food challenge was won by the Villains! Do you know what the reward was? Outback steaks and shrimps!!! Wow!!! That was really yummy!!!! Why? Where you there? No, but if you have been to Outback restaurant, you know what I mean! Their food is delicious!!!! Yum! Yum! Yum!!! Okay, I get it!!!On the immunity challenge, Russell deliberately lost it! Why? Because Jt from the Heroes tribe promised to give him the immunity idol that he found!!! Whoa!! Jt, that is a very, very, stupid, dumb, silly move!!! Do you think that Russell will save you when you merge? Russell, aka, devil, is the most conniving, no good, untrustworthy and the biggest liar! He also has the biggest ego in the history of Survivor, bigger than his head!!! I read that he thinks people will be asking for his autograph and he is already thinking of how much money he will make in guest appearances!!! Ha! Do you think he is right? How many are fans of him??? If he is an oil tycoon, why did he join Survivor??? Seems like he is after the money, which he does not need if he is really a rich businessman? Does the other contestants know about this??? If they do, and they still trust him, they are really crazy!! Jt, seems like just handed Russell his one million dollars!!! It will be too late when he realize it! Jt thought Russell will vote Parvati off. What did he do? Showed Parvati Jt's letter and voted Courtney off!!!! Nice move, Jt!!!Parvati found an immunity idol with the help of Danielle. She did not show it to Russell, and she thinks she can manipulate Russell. Hopefully, she is not wrong!! If he finds out, I bet you that Parvati will be a goner!!! Hold on, does Russell know that Parvati and Danielle found the immunity idol? He was in the background lurking?? If he did, why would he show Parvati the idol and letter that Jt gave to him??? Hmmmm...... the plot thickens....... What is wrong with Danielle's upper lip?? Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! I cannot stop laughing!!!! Are those monkey lips??? LOL!!! I keep commenting about it?? Phew!!! It is sooo red and it does not look good!!! Is she wearing an ill fitting dentures??? Maybe, Survivor can give her some money to fix her dentures!!! How about that, Jeff Probst, please give some moolah to Danielle so she will not look like an alien!!!! Ha! Ha! Ha!!! Sorry, I cannot resist!!!How about the women, they are always wearing bikinis, like Amanda and Courtney. They seem to be sooo dirty. Do they even change their bikinis or underwear??? I hope they do not have cooties!!!! Yikes!!! I wonder if all of them are so smelly??? Ha! Ha! Ha! You are soo stupid!!! It is a good thing they are outside! Why do you care? You are not with them, plus they are roughing it!! They do not have the convenience that they did before! They are enduring this for the one million prize! Got it?? Ya!!!! The one million is their incentive... that is why, Amanda and Parvati just reached their 100 days in the game of Survivor!!! How about that! I cannot even imagine me there for even half an hour, with no bath and decent food and bed!!! How about you guys,would you exchange all the conveniences you had to be in the jungle for a few months, for a million dollars???? Yes??? Moolah talks!!! More power to you then!!! Anything for the promise of being rich!!! Just make sure you can stomach the lies, cheating, and manipulation of your fellow contestants!!! Also, it helps to be smart and physically strong for the challenges!!! Are you up to the challenge for a million bucks????
Posted by vs at 4/17/2010 11:05 AM Add Comment

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