Friday, April 2, 2010


Pets!!! It is nice to have but it is also hard to have!!! Do I share the same sentiment with everyone? I am sure I do, even if you are a pet lover! With pets, you start with the least expensive and least hard to take care of. And which one is this? The fish, of course! Why is it least expensive? Well, you just buy a medium bowl, get some goldfish, and their food! And you call that an aquarium!! Ha! Ha! Ha! Goodness, gracious, there is more to an aquarium than that! That is not an aquarium. That is just a goldfish bowl! You lose the nice, soothing effect that the real aquarium emanates ( that is a big word! Wow!!!). Are you impressed? Not really! Back to the aquarium.... to call it an aquarium, the tank should have a filter, some stones, plants, and other goodies that the fish can use to simulate their real world. The fish in it should be able to get along with each other. What do you mean? You would not want a piranha to go with your exotic fish, is it not? If you do, you might as well kiss goodbye to the other fish in the tank! That will really be such a waste! Everybody agree with me? With all the things you want in the fish tank, I do not think it is that cheap! oh,well, at least it is nice to look at and you do not have too much maintenance on it. That is true!The next pet can be a boa constrictor or a snake! Yuck!!! Do not even think of that! How about just to have it for a few months, to fatten it for food to eat? I wonder how a snake meat taste? Any idea, ladies and gents? That is so gross!!! That is soo disgusting!!!! They eat it in some parts of the world, I think! Oh, oh, I think I am in trouble with snake lovers. Sorry, guys, snake is not my cup of tea! Let us go with dogs, man's best friend. There are many different breeds to choose from: Pomeranian, Lhasa Apso, Bulldog, Poodle to name a few. Some dogs can be very expensive if it is pure breed. But how do you know it is a pure breed? The dog has registration papers when you buy it. So, be prepared to pay an arm and a leg if the dog has credentials! Wow! That sounds like a diploma! Ha! Ha! Ha! Dogs are nice, if it is properly trained. If it is not trained, you might as well say bye, bye to your nice, immaculate, and a good smelly house. What do you mean? I mean if dogs are not properly trained, it will do its business in any part of the house. And once they establised their territory, a puddle will be present everyday! And the odor is very hard to remove! And gone is your shiny, nice hardwood floor. Only black pee stains remain which stays even if your dog is long gone!!! Who is to blame? The pet and the pet's owner, of course. If you cannot tend to their needs, then do not get a dog!! Dogs also has to go to a veterinarian for shots and check up. It seems like you have another daugter or son, and the only thing nice about a dog is, it will not talk back to you! Right? You are absolutely right!!! The next pet are cats! Meow!!! Cats have different breeds also, the best known breed is the Siamese cat. Some cats are really beautiful! In my opinion, they are easy to take care of. Just give them their kitty litter and food, and they are happy! Are you sure? Yes, I am! They are also more huggable and lovable, except it seems they like sleeping a lot! Why is that?? I do not know. Their nature? Anybody knows why cats sleep a lot? Some cats can be very cunning,smart and alert! I was really surprised. I thought they are stupid and dumb. I found out they are not! They can even have a conversation withyou if you would let them. It seems you are biased to cats? A little bit, besides, they need very little attention and veterinarian care. So, which among the pets are the ones that majority like? It really depends on the person! A word of advice.... Do not leave your dog overnignt at home if you do not want your counters, sofa, etcetera chewed! And if your dogs go with you on vacation, be prepared for the dog to acquire fleas! Yup! Fleas!!! Yikes! There goes another medical bill for the dog!!! Now with cats, get your cats declawed, or you will end up with thorn couches, drywall, chairs and what nots! But even with these predicaments, it is still nice to have pets at home. They become a part of your family! Then they should be a deduction to your income tax? They should! After all, you pay all of its existence!! He is a dependent!!! Hmmm... Any thoughts??
Posted by vs at 3/17/2010 3:31 PM Add Comment

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