Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Wii!!! Does everyone know what is Wii???? Wii, pronounced we is from Nintendo, that offers games, rock bands, and fitness, to name a few. The games are the ones the kids like playing for hours and hours. What do you mean? I see adults getting hook for hours in the game, also!!!! You are really right!!! It gives them the satisfaction to emerge as the victorious person, be it boxing, bowling or other games! Do you know anybody that is hooked up to these nintendo games??? I see a lot of head nodding!
Then there is the Guitar Hero and Rock Band. You experience the rock star's performance with the music in your own living room! There is a module that you insert and you follow the singing while you play the drums and the guitar!! It is better if someone do the guitar and another person do the drums. I tell you, this is soo funky!! Even though you are out of tune you just keep on going and going. Sounds like the battery that keeps on going and going!! Ha! Ha! Ha! It seems like your living room become alive with wannabe rock stars!!! The music can be really contagious for you to take part in the simulation! Oh, Ya? It is sooo much fun! It is soo entertaining, insane, and hilarious. A word of advice: put some plugs in your ears if if will bother you!!! But I cannot just imagine you not participating or at least listen. It is brilliant, whoever thought of this! Try it, you will like it!!! Boy, oh, boy, there is a rocker in our house!!!! Clap your hands together!!!!
Then there is the Wii Fit Plus. You step on the balance board, enter your height, and it will give you your weight and your BMI! I noticed though that my weight is off, by about 5 pounds! And I cannot believe that my BMI is normal!!! How about that???? I will not disagree with the Wii, my scale in the bathroom is wrong!! Yippee!!! I can eat more!!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! Now, I really like it and I am hook!! The Wii got me, hook, line and sinker!!! Okay, let us start with level one, the lowest level of difficulty! Let us start with the simple aerobics. No problem! It was easy! Let us go to Hula Hoop. Wow!! Hula Hoop... Let us go. I have to see if I can still gyrate my hips. Oh, Oh! Disaster!!! Big time!!! I cannot believe it! I failed the hula hoop! The Wii is wrong. How could it be wrong? It does not take into consideration your arm movement, it is only a left and right movement! It is not my fault that I failed. I got distracted!!! You got distracted 5 times by the Wii!! Ya, right!
Okay, let us do something simple. How about just some moves on and off the balance board? Just follow them! I can do this. This will be a breeze! One, two... What is wrong with you? You are supposed to go back, not to the right! Do you know your left, right, back, and forward??? Yes, I do!!! Okay, let's start. One... two... good! Keep going!!! Oh, oh. You lost your place!!! You are hopeless!!!! Ay...ya.. yay!!! Wait, how come you did not fail? T he Wii gave you a passing score!!! Unbelievable! I told you I like the Wii! It does not lie!!!! Chuckle! Chuckle!!! Let us go to another exercise. Walking. This will be easy. Okay, let us go. Start walking. Wait! What does Mr Wii says? Keep your walking steady, do not go ahead of the pack. Okay. Why did you call Wii, Mr? Is it a he??? I do not know, Who cares?? Do not mess me up with my walking, the only exercise I can probably finish with flying colors!!! Woo-hoo!!! You are almost in the finish line! Can you believe that?? You will finish the task! Hurray!!!! You did it!!! But I am soooo sweaty and my heart is thumping so fast! Do I need to call 911? Dumbo! No! I just need to catch my breath for the next task! You can still go on? Wowie!!! I am impressed!!!
Let us try Tightrope. I always want to work in the circus. Ha! Ha! Ha! That is a very hard task. I bet you, you will not even accomplish one to go across. Let us see. One two, go!!! Right feet, left feet. Oh no, you are going to fall!!! Bam! Down you go!!! Told you this is not for you! I guess working in the circus is out of the question!!! Ha! Ha! This is enough for me today!
Isn't this amazing with the Wii? You can lose weight, burn calories and at the same time, improve your posture and balance?? No wonder many people are resorting to Wii! You do not have to drive to your fitness center, you do not have to pay a fee, and you can do it anytime, anywhere in your own house!! Isn't that amazing??? I wonder, though, if there is a decline in the fitness membership, because of the Wii??? Anyone care to answer???
Keep!! ???? Any such word? Who cares??? Wheeee!!!!!!!!!
Posted by vs at 4/14/2010 9:24 AM Add Comment

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