Friday, April 2, 2010

Health System

There is a big fight going on between the American people and President Barack Obama. He is insisting to pass the health care reform even if it kills him! He only need a few more votes and it will be passed. God help us if it is really as bad as it sounds!Does the American people know the whole issues involved in the reform? First, let us hear about the good things with the health care reform. Everybody will have a health care! Does that include the homeless people? If it does, that is good! I am all for that. The next thing I am hearing is the people with pre- existing conditions will not be rejected! I am all for that also! What is the next good thing about it? Nothing!!! Those are the only ones I have heard. What is bad about it? Okay, health care will be rationed. That does not sound good! Next, taxes will be raised to households earning less than $250,000 to finance the health care reform. Don't we all belong to that category except Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and a few others? Whoa, Mr. President! Have a heart!! Next, the health reform bill will result to bankrupting the insurance industry, that will lead to socialized medicine. Well, even though I am opposed to insurance companies getting huge profits, even those insurance companies that are supposedly non- profit, ( non-profit, indeed they are!!!!), I am opposed to the government pushing them to bankruptcy! Which comes to my question, why is the government insurance, COBRA, more expensive than the private insurance? Can somebody please enlighten us? What is the next bad thing about the Obamacare? Expect long lines to endure wating for a health care provider. We are already waiting a long time sometimes in doctor's offices! Wait and see, our waiting times will be longer!!! Oh, no!! Then, there will be extreme cuts on Medicare. God forbids! The seniors are already having a tough time with their health care coverage. They have to pay an arm and a leg for everything, including prescriptions!! If the medicine is not a generic one, be prepared to pay $ 80.00 to $100.00 per pill. You ask your doctor to change it. What does she or he prescribes? A drug that is involved in a lot of accidents and lawsuits!!! So, what do you do if you cannot afford the brand name pills, and do not want to take the risk of taking another pill? You die!!! Oh, Oh!! That is extreme! I am kidding. No, I am not. You forego that medicine and heaven knows what will happen to you???? How about abortion? It will be funded by the health care reform! Abortion is a very hot issue concerning this, but to me, life is very sacred. Have you seen the pictures of what they do to the fetus during abortion? It gives me the creeps!!!! Yuk!! Hopefully, women will think twice before doing this. Is is very brutal, indeed!!!! Who or what is the government trying to imitate? The health care from Europe? This is what the Obamacare is copying, the Europeans health care, or the health care across our border, Canada. Is it working for the Canadian citizens? I do not know, but it will be good to know what are the good things about it, and maybe our government can get those good things, incorporate it for us and add better provisions. Then the American citizens will not be in such contention with the government!! The Americans are so upset with thie health care issue. For one thing, we are very independent! We do not want our government dictating to us what to do! We value hard work, and with hard work, we know that we will reap great rewards. We do not want to be dependent on anything or everything, including our health care! This is a free country, so to speak, and we should be able to make our own decisions, not having the government dictate in what we should do with our health care!! Give healthcare to everyone who do not have one, but we, the people should have our choices! After all, it is our bodies, not the government's body!!!!
Posted by vs at 3/13/2010 11:29 AM Add Commen

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