Sunday, April 11, 2010

Four Seasons

Which of the four seasons do you like best? For me, it is the toss up between Summer and Fall! Why? Because in the summertime, you do not have to dress too much. What do you mean? You just wear a bathing suit all the time, like a bikini? Heavens, No!!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! For one thing I do not have an hourglass figure, so bikini is out of the question!! What I meant is no winter coats or jackets, no boots, no scarves or no mittens!!! And on summertime, you can walk outside, go swimming, tend to your garden and enjoy your Vitamin D!!!! It is also time for picnics in the park, and barbeque on the grill! It is also a good time for camping, and vacation!!! I don't know about vacation. Why??? With the gasoline prices up, I think many people will not drive very far from their backyard! Am I right or not??? And many people will resist the urge of flying since it is very expensive, and the airlines are adding more and more costs to everything! They are even thinking of charging people for using the bathroom!! You think there might be a time that the airlines will charge you for farting???? What?? You are insane!!!! Why not? They are charging everything, and you are letting gas out up in the air!!! That is so hysterical!!!! Please stop!!!!I also like Fall, because of the beautiful sceneries with the colors of the leaves changing! The temperature is just right! Just wear a light sweater and out you go!!! It is neither hot nor cold, a very enjoyable stroll on the park. Don't you agree? Some people prefer to go driving in the Fall since the temperature is nice, and the places you go on vacation will not be as crowded! How about Spring?? Spring is nice, also, except you get soaked with rain!! That is okay, you will not melt!! But on a rainy day, you tend to be lazy and just want to curl up in bed!! That is true, but then this is when the trees become alive again! You will also see many flowers blooming, the grass once again is green!!! What more can you ask for? this is the time you see again the Cardinal! I am not talking about a sports name, but a bird!!! A very pretty bird that when you see it, you know Spring is here!!! Sorry, sports fans out there, I do not even know which state this belongs too, let alone whether it is a baseball, football or basketball franchise! Who cares, anyway? Oh, oh, I see the Cardinals fans pouting!!! Ooooppppps.....Then there is Winter! Brrrr!!! The coldest season. The time when your heater comes on! You get prepared for the high gas bills, depending on where you set your thermostat! Nowadays, even though the thermostat is down to 65, the gas bill is still high!! You cannot win, in the wintertime, it is the heating bill, and on the summertime, it is the electricity, the cost of cooling your house!!! We cannot really win!!! Also, during winter, the skiing and snowmobilers season, it is a very pretty sight, with all the snow blanketing the trees,houses and grass. It is very pretty, indeed, as long as you are not driving.So, which season do you like?? Or do you live in an area that does not have the four seasons?? Just imagine, see yourself in the four seasons. That is right! Close your eyes and immerse yourself in the beauty of each of the four seasons! What do you think? Did you like the snow in the Winter, the blooming carnations in Spring, a lazy afternoon on a beach on Summertime, or a lazy stroll amid the breathtaking, beautiful colors of the Fall? Take your pick!!!!!
Posted by vs at 4/11/2010 10:12 AM Add Comment

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