Friday, April 2, 2010


Anybody wants to go camping? We will be setting up a tent under the bright full moon with plenty of stars to brighten our way around the campgrounds! No pop up tent, no RV, only a dome shape tent!!!! Sounds interesting and intriguing? Any takers??? I went on a camping trip twice. I did not have any idea what it is about, so I went along. It was a very nice picturesque location near a beach. What a sight!!! We set up the tent, a canvas tent that we borrowed, with no problem. It was very easy to assemble and very sturdy. I like that! We also have the cooking equipment complete with all the paraphernalia. No problem. The hotdogs, and fried chicken were very good! What fried chicken? Ok, we cheated! Thinking that we might end up hungry, and the cooking equipment might not work, we passed by a chicken place and bought some fried chicken!!! Talk about plan B!! Cheaters!!! We did not want to go hungry. Ha! Ha! Ha! That is what I call having a plan B!!! It is yummy and it worked!!!! Better than a hotdog!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! Needless to say, my first camping experience was very nice. No problemo, I can go on another one,even though the toilet facilities is something to be desired. You have to walk to get to one! If you need to go to the bathroom every now and then, camping is not for you!!! Very inconvenient when regards to facilities!! Unless you have a tight covered container outside your tent where you can do your business. After all, it is dark, who would see? A word of caution, make sure the lid is really tight, or you might end up with pee all over your tent! Phoey!! Yikes!!! That is really gross!!! Talking from experience? No,with my luck, I might end up with my butt stuck to the container, or someone seeing me squatting on a container!! Wouldn't that be really hilarious!!! Ya! Ha! Ha! Ha! My stomach is hurting from laughing!!! You are sooo funny!!!! Years later, off I went to another campground. This was a bigger place. More people. There were only a few tents, and a lot of pop up tents and really nice RVs! And here we are, only a plastic, sheer dome tent! Oh, well, at least we will have a place to sleep! We were able to put up our tent, and started to make fire on the barbecue grill. Damn! Damn! Damn!! The fire will not start!! Finally, it did. Alleluia!!!! All of a sudden, rain came pouring in!!! It is not that kind of just pitter, patter mild rain, It was a storm!!!! How lucky can we be???? We looked helpless in the car, as we saw our tent come crushing down!!! Oh, well, at least the fire kept going! Ha!!! We do not need to make one again! That was a plus! A positive approach? You bet! Who thought of going camping, anyway? Did someone even looked at the weather??? Oh, well. Fortunately, the rain lasted only for a few minutes. It poured suddenly, and it abruptly ended!! Wow! There was a rainbow! Someone really want us to have fun on our camping! When we went outside to see the damage... It was awful!!! Water, lots and lots of it, inside the tent. Luckily, it did not soak our sleeping bags! Also, our tent is on the ground, we have to start from the beginning! At least, we have a fire going on! Ha! Ha! Ha! I was so glad we brought a lot of paper towels to help soak the water inside our tent. Our spirits were not dampen. We were determined to make the best of it! The grilled steak and corn were sooo good, and so were the rest of the food! We ate really good! We decided then to take a stroll around the campgrounds. Everyone were so friendly inviting us inside their RV's. it was really fun and nice talking to all the lovely people! Nighttime fell. Time to go to sleep! When we were laying down inside the tent, someone said," What is that crawling?" Yikes! It is a bug, which has crawled inside our tent. Hurry, w here is my shoe, so I can kill it!! Everyone has left the tent except me. Chicken!!! Oh, well. I managed to kill it!!! Everybody came back inside the tent again. We laid down again. Then I heard another voice, " What is that?" Since we have a light colored plastic tent, you can see all the bugs crawling outside. We just ignored it and prayed to God that it does not go inside our tent!! It was a long time before our weary bodies succumbed to sleep. What do you think? Is camping only for the outdoorsy type person? Personally, I do not care for it. I would rather have the convenience of a hotel room.... nice, comfortable bed, showers and the whole works! But I think, everybody should at least try it in their lifetime! But if you go, be prepared for a lot of adventure!!! You will not have a dull moment on a campground! Try it, you might even like it!!!!
Posted by vs at 3/21/2010 8:42 AM View Comments (2) Add Comment

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