Friday, April 2, 2010

Olympics, 2010

OLYMPICS! An ultimate challenge to athletes around the world! Athletes can showcase their skills and athleticism around the world. Only the very best in their field get chosen to represent a country. I did not say their country, but a country. That is true! I was so amazed to hear that some of the athletes comes from a different country, denounced their country, become a citizen to represent another country different from theirs! Shame on these people! What do they get? Maybe, when they win, they get idolized in their new country? Why did they choose another country? They were probably not good enough to represent their own country, so they want to go and live their Olympic dream? What if they do not win? Will they go back to their country, who probably calls them traitors by now, or will they stay in their new country who gives them an evil eye for not winning? I assume the family cannot really convince the athlete not to do it, but they do not really have a say on this matter, since the athlete has decided already and has made up his/her mind. This is a tough decision that only the athletes can answer.And how about those athletes that come to the USA to practice and represent another country? Why does the USA opens the doors to athletes that comes just to practice and represent another country? Is it greed and love of money by the practice gyms? Do they not realize that the competitors might win over our own? I do not know the reason but I think it is wrong. The athletes from other countries comes here to practice because they know they have a better chance of winning. We have better facilities, better choreographers and better coaches! But I do not think it is fair to have them practice on the same place that our athletes do!How about those athletes that made millions over here, then go and represent another country? What are they thinking? They make their living over here, have probably obscene, outrageous large houses, and lives in an exclusive neighborhood. And what do they do? Turn around and represent another country! Phoey to them!!!!! Now, let me say something about the male figure skating, the drama that unfolded between Yevgeny Plushenko and Evan Lysacek. Evan deserves the gold medal, no doubt about it! In my opinion, he skated better, he was flawless in his jumps, and had better landings after the jump. Plushenko is just such a sore loser and cry baby! He thinks because he is the champion, he can bully his way to the podium? No, he cannot!! Look at the way he handled himself at the medal ceremony. He went first to the gold medal podium before he went to the silver podium. What a loser!! And he had the audacity to give nasty remarks on the newpaper about Evan, which Bob Costas repeated on his interview with Evan. I believe Evan handled himself beautifully in the interview with Bob Costas. He really deserved the gold medal and much more!!! My cogratulations to him!! And Plushenko? He is an Olympic disgrace, he lacks sportmanship, and did not show professionalism! He should be called: YEVGENYSORE LOSER PLUSHENKO!!!!
Posted by vs at 2/22/2010 1:37 PM

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