Friday, April 23, 2010

Survivor, Episode 04222010

Here I am again, blogging about the previous Survivor episode! I guess I am hooked up to the lies, manipulation or what have you by the men and women of both teams! The teams were finally merged, and their tribe's name is Yin and Yang, which according to Russell means good and evil!I noticed on this episode that the women wore decent clothing, Amanda was wearing a jogging outfit! Unbelievable!! I almost fell on the floor... looking at her in a jogging suit! Ha! Ha! Ha! What is wrong with her jogging suit? Nothing! I thought all she had was her bikini that she has worn forever, just wear and wear, no washing!!! I thought she, with the rest, might be too smelly. The player that really seems to be dirty is Rupert! Why? Because of his hair... on top of his head, and around his face!!! I wonder if there are some insects inside those hair??? Yikes!!! You are gross!!! Do not even think about it!!!! Rupert, please get a haircut and shave your hairy face!!! All you can see is your hair!!! It is not pleasant to look at!!! I am surprised the girls are not afraid of you!!! LOL!!! You dingbat! How could they be afraid of him? They know him!!! Okay, let me say it differently, if I see him like that outside, I wlll be afraid of him!!! Would you not be afraid of a face like that???? Enough of Rupert, let's go to Danielle. Oh my gosh, Danielle's upper lip is still the same!!! Then she gave a big smile, when she won the immunity challenge! What did we see here? Her teeth together with all her upper gums!!!! What is really wrong with her monkey lips??? Do you think she will be like that after the Survivor game is finished? Was she born like that or it is an ill fitting dentures by her dentist??? It is really funny!!! I am not laughing! If it is her natural teeth, you have to say sorry to her! Okay, but I still think she looks funny!!! Ha! Ha! Ha!!! You are not nice... laughing at somebody!! Okay, okay, I am sorry, I cannot help it!!! Ha! Ha! Ha!Who was booted off by the merged tribe? Make a lucky guess! In the meantime, Parvati is sooo sneaky. Russell did not even have the faintest idea that Parvati already has an immunity idol with her. Russell gave her the idol that JT gave to him!!! He thought Parvati will be voted off, so he came again gallantly to her rescue, and gave her the idol! Now, Parvati has not one, but two idols, she can play with!!!! How did the two idols come into play last night??? It was a big turning point to the game!!! I thought Parvati was going to save one until the end. She is really smart!! She gave one each to Sandra and Jerri, thinking that both names will be written down. She was right with Jerri! Jt's jaw must have dropped to the floor when Parvati made that move. Jt, I told you that Russell cannot be trusted!!! You are a moron, an idiot, an imbecile all lumped together!!! Where did your brain go??? In the gutter??? There is no gutter there! Oops... Come to think of it, he does not have a brain!!! A brainless ninkampoop, trying to sugar coat his enemy, which backfired!!! Did he learn his lesson??? Of course, but it is too late!!! He is off and away from his buddies and the chance to win the million dollars!!!Needless to say, the Villains outnumber the Heroes now! Will we see the Heroes dissapear one after another? Or will someone from the Villain cohort with the Heroes??? What is in store with Parvati?? Russell was soo surprised when Parvati showed up with two idols!!! He told her that she has a lot of explaining to do! Will Parvati see her exit soon??? After all, Russell is very devious! It seems every move he makes, everybody follows!!! Who will be the leader of the pack??? The competition is sooo fierce now, I bet Russell will no longer trust Parvati!!! But whom will he turn to, to be his ally??? How about Amanda that lied to Parvati, telling her to play the idol for her to save herself??? Hmmmm .... the plot thickens... There are so many unanswered questions and predictions of what the next move of the players will be. Do you think that the producers are prompting the players for some of their moves??? It is hard to say. Maybe, maybe not. If it will get them more viewers, why not???? What does everyone think?
Posted by vs at 4/23/2010 8:20 AM Add Comment

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