Friday, April 2, 2010

Olympics, 2010 #2

am sooo frustrated with the computer, that I might just give up today. It kept on kicking me out. I was almost done, and poof! Everthing I wrote is kaput!!! Have you guys experienced that? That is not funny!!! I can use some really nice words, but I won't. Anyway, I hope it does not do it again! What is wrong with you, computer????Winter Olympics is done and gone but its memories will linger with , not only with athletes but everybody in the whole world! It was nice to see the camaradarie, friendship and love with everybody in the Olympics. Perhaps this love and friendship will go on even after the Olympics! Let us just hope and pray! Then there will be peace on earth!!!Everyone was glued to the television set for 2 weeks, watching their favorite athletes realized their dreams. It was the culmination of their hard work, long hours of practice, and I can just imagine, lots and lots of moolah spent! They deserve the medals and much more! Can I hear their relatives? Yes!!!!Canada did a great job hosting the Olympics. They did a superb job with the opening and closing ceremonies! Hep! Hep! Hurray, Canada!!!!How much are the medals worth? I was expecting it to be a lot, since those medals wer huge, plus the gold price is very high--- over $1100.00. I was wrong! The gold medal is made up of 550 grams silver covered with 6 grams of gold. Value: $494.00! Only!! You bet!!! The silver medal is made up of 41 grams of copper and 509 grams silver ( silver is only $16.00 per gram. It is cheap!). Value: $260.00. Wow! Not a lot! The bronze medalis made up mostly ofcopper with some tin and zinc. Value? You want to sit first? It might take your socks off! May I have the music, please. Ta ra ra raa. It is only........$3.00! wowie!!! The Olympics committee might just be saying that it is not the cost of the medal but what it stands for! The sentimental value and it is priceless to these outstanding athletes!I heard that the athletes get a monetary compensation from their country, like, the gold medalist gets $50,000. The silver and bronze medalist gets some also, but not as much. But the thing is , they get to meet the president of their country!!! Isn't that enough???? And look at the endorsements, interviews and appearances from the magazines, talk shows, to name a few. Pretty soon, they are celebrities! They have money and power that you and i do not have! But they have to make sure that they do not do something stupid, or they might lose everything they worked hard for! You know what I mean about this! Boo Hoo to us!!! But they do not have the privacy that we have! If you can be a celebrity, would you choose having a well known face with money and power, no privacy, or would you choose an obscure face but you have lots and lots of privacy, no power and maybe just a little money? What would you choose?
Posted by vs at 3/4/2010 8:50 PM Add Comment

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