Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sunday, June 3, 2012

It is 8 pm, do you know what is happening in the world?  Why? Should we bother to know? It is the same old, same old things....bad economy, outrageous unemployment, high prices on everything, should I keep on going???  No one really cares about the sad plight of our country.  The rich people do not care, the politicians do not care...all the politicians care about are themselves!!!   Woe to all of us!!!!

What should we do as citizens of our great country which is rapidly going down the toilet???  PRAY! PRAY! PRAY! Pray that our leaders wake up and see what they have done to this once great country! Or maybe someone should give them a good tap to awaken them all!!  Any takers???

To start with our prayers, there are some organizations coordinating fasting and prayers:

40 Days of Prayer and Fasting - June 21-July31
16th campaign since 2003 coordinated by Signs of the Times Apostolate.  For more information go to the website for prayers and events.

Rosary Rally - October 13
Praying the Rosary in public in the whole United States, coordinated by america needs
Go to their website to find the nearest Rosary rally near you.

20th International Novena of Prayer and Fasting - October 20-November 6
Imploring God's mercy
For more information and registration call 1- 888-478-PRAY or

Our Blessed Mother is calling all of her children throughout the world to PRAY and FAST like never before.We are imploring God's mercy since it is not only our religious liberty and freedom that is being threatened but peace in America and the whole world!

May God Bless all of us!!!!