Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Dollar Store or Regular Store

Are you a dollar store shopper, or a regular store shopper? What do you mean regular store? Like grocery stores, convenience stores, or wholesale clubs! Do you think you will save going to the dollar stores??? I used not to go to the dollar store. I go to our regular grocery stores for everything! When I mean everything, I mean everything... from food to toiletries, paper products and others! I didn't know much better then! Besides, I am too lazy to drive from one place to the other! Nowadays, it is a different story, with food prices very high! and gas prices very high! I try to combine a lot of trips. Plus I usually bring coupons and look at the store specials before I go shopping! Sounds good, right??? But how many times have you gone to the store without your coupons???? HA! You caught me!!! Sometimes, I am in the store only for one item, I end up with 10 items!!! How many of you have done this? Raise your hands, do not be shy!!!! I, like you, cannot resist a good bargain especially if I think we need it! Or maybe you want it??? You should be able to distinguish between need and want!!! I wonder if someone can invent something that will be your conscience during shopping, a gadget that will say," Hey, you, do you really need it? If you do not, just put it down! I told you to put it down!!! If you are the only one who wants it, that will be a waste! Big time!!!" Sounds good? Quick, everybody, put your thinking cap! I am sure that your gadget will be an instant success!!! Oh, ya, in this country, we are soo wasteful with our food. We just eat a little and throw it away!!! What a waste!!!! People know this, that is why there is a growing number of dumpster divers!!!! You were on the dollar store subject, you went on a tangent again! Sorry, I cannot help it!Dollar stores... I only buy in these stores a few items like gift wrappers, bar of soap, lunch bags, napkins, small knives for cutting tomatoes etc, and disposable gloves. I tried one time their lightbulbs... it did not work! Being only a dollar, I just threw it away, making a mental note not to buy it anymore at the dollar store! I was going to buy the other day, cotton balls, since I know it will be only a dollar. But that means, going out of my way for just that one item! Since I was at a grocery store, I just thought I will buy it there. Did you know how much it cost at the grocery store??? Guess??? $1.00! $1.00? Yup!!! Unbelievable!!! Yippee!!! The bag of cotton balls was only $1.00!! Now, I know what can get you excited!!! You are El Cheapo!!! You better believe it!!! How about those bar of soaps? The bar of soap is smaller now, but it is still three in a pack for $1.00. Someone told me that you can tell the soap is cheap! It does not lather that much! You are right!! I experimented one day with the $ store soap against a name brand soap. Who is the winner?? The name brand soap!! I wonder if the $ soap removes the dirt from your body??? Of course, it should be! There is no question about it! You dumbo!!! This soap has been in existence for years and years! It is also a well known brand!!! I do not care, I will stick to my $ soap! But watch your dollar store, sometimes they cheat! I found one that unwraps the three bar of soap and they sell it for $1.00 per bar! When I confronted the clerk, she agreed it should be 3 bars per $1.00 per the computer! She did not know how it was unwrapped from its packages!!! Ya! ET did it!!!! Sorry, dollar store, you cannot cheat me this time! I really know my soap, and how it is packaged!!!! Needless to say, that dollar store went out of business!!!! How about toiletries? I buy toilet paper and paper towels in the wholesale club! They are, for me, cheaper and lasts longer!! But I found out that their brand is not always the good one. I bought their toilet paper... I was surprised! It was individually packaged but was very flimsy!!! It was only one ply!!!! I thought I will try it since it was a few dollar less than the name brand! I was wrong! Why do you need a two ply toilet paper? It is just to wipe your stinking butt, anyway!!! Oh,Oh!! Some people unroll a two ply and make it a two, one ply toilet paper!!! Really??? Yes!!! Phew!! And I thought I was cheap! Now, are you happy, that somebody is cheaper than you!!! Yup!!!! Anyway, I don't know about you guys, but for me, a two ply toilet paper is better! You will not need as much to use! Correct? I also like toilet papers that are soft for my butt! My, oh, my! How about when you are out, the toilet papers in the public is soo hard! Oh, well, I just bear and use it! Beggars cannot be choosy! Right???? How about food? I try not to buy any at the dollar store. If I do, which is maybe, just the spices, I read to see what country it came from! Most of the time, I buy food in either the grocery store or the wholesale club, whichever is cheaper!! You really have to know your prices to get ahead of the game of shopping for food!!! So, now, which would you prefer, the dollar store, grocery store or wholesale club??? Or do you do,what I do, hop from one place to the other to shop for the best price for your hard earned dollars??? Let us know what your thoughts are!!!!!
Posted by vs at 4/20/2010 8:04 AM Add Comment

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