Thursday, April 15, 2010


Musicals!! Either you love it or you hate it!!! I don't know why some people would hate it! Hate is a stong word. Just say, they do not care to see it, they do not like it! Why? Because everytime you turn around, they are opening their mouths... singing! What is wrong with that? That is really good!!! Singing is better than cursing, which you see in almost every movie or television shows? So, which would you prefer... hearing music or hearing expletives that sometimes is out of this world!!!! Come on, tell the truth!!! Singing is so pleasing to the ears, especially if the singers have natural talent. Don't you all agree???There is one musical that I love to watch. The Sound of Music!!! Has everybody seen it??? I think I have watched it more than three times!!! I really enjoy watching that movie, with Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer. The duo can really sing! Do you think the younger genereation would care to watch it??? I do not know, their eyes and hands are so pre-occupied with texting that I am not sure that they will have time to go to the movies, let alone an old movie like this one!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! I can tell you are an old foggy, with the age of the movie!!! Come on, be real, enough on the old movies. Boo... Hooo...Those movies are from the yesteryears, in the old, old, days... in the 1900??? Ha! Ha! Ha!!! Back to the real time, 2010. Are there any musicals on television nowadays?? To some of you that does not have television, like Madonna claims, there is a musical/ comedy show titled Glee! I tell you, the actors and actresses can really sing! I thought it will only be a handful of them that can sing, but they can all sing! It is about a High School Spanish teacher, Will Schuester( Matthew Morrison), who becomes the director of the school's glee club who is trying to become champions again! Then there is Sue Sylvester ( Jane Lynch), who is always trying to sabotage Will and his glee club. What is it with the jogging outfits??? I have not seen her with any other outfits except jogging suits!!! The producers must be saving a lot on her outfits for the show!!! Sems like she has no class, and revenge is her middle name!!! She has no mercy for Will!!! She is a very good actress, and every time I see her, I am all ears of what she is going to say or do next. She should get an award for her character!! There are romantic twists and turns on the characters like any other show. Of course, why should there not be? After all, sex sells! If there is no sexual innuendoes, it will not go with the viewers. Am I right? It does not matter if they can sing good, or act good. People want to see the softer side of the characters, with their man or woman! The last episode was a tribute to the power of Hello! They rendered several powerful, beautiful Hello songs. One of them was an old song sung by Lionel Richie. It was really nice!The next episode is going to be a tribute to the material girl. Does everyone know who it is?? Madonna!!! She does not want to appear in the episode because she claims she does not know wht Glee is all about!!! She is afraid that they might murder her songs!!! What is wrong with her??? She is not probably going to be paid handsomely, that is why. So, Glee and her are just settling in with Glee using her songs! Do you know how much she is getting paid for this? $100,000 in royalties!!! Don't we all wish it was us getting paid the big bucks??? We can settle for half that amount, right? Ha! Ha! Ha! You wish!!! And the producers will not get headches from the egoistic material girl!!!
Posted by vs at 4/15/2010 9:38 AM Add Comment

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