Tuesday, April 27, 2010

National Day of Prayer

What is this National Day of Prayer that has been on the news for quite sometime now, and is the subject of soooo much controversy??? This is a day designated by Congress when people were asked to turn to God in prayer and meditation. Even though it has been in existence for so many years, it was not made official until 1952, the first Thursday in May designated as the day of prayer. The intention was to unite all religions in prayers!
Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush each hosted special events on this special day only once during their term of office, while Bill Clinton did not! George W. Bush held events on this day in each year that he was president. Barack Obama did not hold one on May 7, 2009! What is the controversy surrounding this day? On October 3, 2008, the Freedom from Religion Foundation, the members of which are atheists and agnostics, sued President George W. Bush, and the National Day of Prayer Task Force at a Madison, Wisconsin federal court. The Obama administration asked Judge Barbara Crabb to dismiss the case in March 2009, because there is no legal standing for the suit, plus the tradition dates back to 1775! Did they drop the case? No!!! Instead, the suit was amended to include President Barack Obama and Press Secretary Gibbs! Judge Crabb, on April 15,2010, ruled that the National Day of Prayer is unconstitutional, in that it is a religious exercise that serves no secular function, and is in violation of the First Amendment. The United States Department of Justice filed an appeal on April 22, 2010.
Now, there is Reverend Franklin Graham, the son of evangelist Billy Graham that is being barred from speaking at the festivities in the Pentagon!!!! Why is he being tossed out of this event? It was because an outside group complained about Graham's statement about Islam and the evil under its banner. In addition Graham further said that only Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life which fueled the anger of the group! A military spokesman tried to defend their decision by saying that they are an all inclusive military. But what does that mean? Not to include Christians???? It seems that our freedom is slowly disappearing! Where is our freedom of speech and religion? We cannot utter any word for fear that someone will hear you and you get a retaliation??? Come on, what is going on in our beautiful country.... the land of the free??? You think that with the attack by the radicals on 9/11, the military people will uphold the one day National Day of Prayer and will not listen to a small group!!! We, the Americans, really need to set aside even just one day to pray!!! Who cares what the others say. They can join and do their own thing! After all, our forefathers set this one special day for all religions to be united in prayer!! So, how about it, guys, set aside our differences just for this one day? One day will not kill you for a prayer!!! We really need a lot pf prayers, not only in this country, but worldwide! Let us uphold what the great people before us have started! Look, the prayers were all abolished in our school and government! Take a look at your surroundings. Is the once great American nation in a sorry state? Yes! It is!!! Unemployment, foreclosures, homelessness, disasters, one after another!!! Is it not time for all of us to unite and pray to God??? Through prayers, maybe the country will turn around and once again will see prosperity, and none of these grim situations. Who knows, miracles can happen!!!!
I am so glad that President Barack Obama will still issue a National Day of Prayer proclamation for Thursday, May 6, 2010. Do not forget the day! Circle it on your calendars!!! Make sure to join each and everyone of the people in this beautiful, great nation of ours!!! God will be sooo pleased to see people praying in unison, even if it is only one day on a given year!!!!!
May God bless each and everyone of us, and our families!!!!
Posted by vs at 4/27/2010 8:10 AM Add Comment

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