Friday, April 2, 2010


What is it about the United States that many countries hate and at the same time love by so many? Is it our democratic way of life? Or is it something else? After all it is the greatest country in the world! Where else can you talk freely, walk freely, dress freely ( as long as you do not go out without anything on! Then that is not dressing freely! When you are in your birthday suit, you do not have a dress, right? Right! There you go! I got you!). Ha! Ha! Ha! Okay, everyone will say they can do the same in other democratic country. Oh! Oh! Sorry, I goofed, you are right! In the United States, we have the freedom of speech, freedom to choose our leaders, freedom to choose our health care insurance. What do you mean freedom to choose our health insurance? The government is trying to take that over! And in closed doors! Thank goodness, the public is voicing their opinions, and we just hope and pray that our politicians will wake up. They, meaning, the politicians should be thrown to icy waters (Brrrrr !), to get them to really wake up, think what is best to the people they are governing. Or, maybe, that is it, their brains are frozen, they cannot think anymore. If that is the case, the American people are all doomed! Heaven forbid!!! This is just one of the things plaguing our great nation today. The health insurance problem is a big one. Why can't our politicians write the health care reform bill in English ( Ha! Ha!, it is already in English! )? What I mean is in plain old simple words that you and I can understand. Let the ordinary people have a say in it. After all, it is our own. I bet you, if the politicians will have to use this health care package, they will think twice!!! Am I right or what? Tell me!!!On our last election, we made history. Barack Obama was voted as the president of the United States. It is the most coveted, prestigious place in the government. Why was he elected? He was highly educated, a very good and eloquent speaker. He was chosen by many because people were tired of the old politics! We needed change!!!! And people thought he can do that. Barack is regarded as the best communicator of all times. And very eloquent indeed! He has a very sharp memory, he can do a speech without reading anything. Wow! That is really very impressive!!!! The first few months after he got elected, I noticed he was in the limelight all the time. I was telling someone, why is he on television all the time? Does he not have anything to do? He probably was just basking on the fact that he is the head of the government, the president! After all, not everyone becomes president, especially of a great nation! He has been in the office for over a year now, do we see change? Yes, we do! Several changes in fact. First, the unemployment is higher. Every day, all you hear on the media are cuts here and there. And some people are saying that we have not seen the worst yet in regards to unemployment. We will just hope and pray that they are wrong!!! So, the people that are employed out there, hold on to your jobs! Second, the value of our homes have deteriorated. Isn't that something? There are very many foreclosures, all around the country. That is very sad. Hopefully, this will pass us by. Third, the homeless population increased. The soup kitchens and food banks are steadily losing their supplies. Why are there so many homeless people? All you can see are lines and lines of people asking for food. This is very sad indeed. I could go on and on, but you might say" Boring. We already know that since it is always in the news." To be a good communicator is a plus for presidents, but, it cannot and will not put food on the tables of the hungry and homeless ( what table? homeless people does not have tables! Dumb!), roof on homeless and people that had foreclosures. What should be done? I do not have the answers but let us just hope the best for our country, the land of the free! We can just hope for miracles. Miracles do exist!!! God Bless America and each and everyone of us!!!!
Posted by vs at 2/26/2010 9:54 AM Add Comment

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