Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Mega Mosque at Ground Zero

There has been a lot of news of a mega mosque to be built at Ground Zero since last year, so I thought I will put in my 2 cents worth of spill!!!

A 61 year old Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf paid a whopping $4.85 million in cash for the 50,000 square feet of property!!! That is a lot of money!!! Hmmm...........It is no wonder it was approved immediately by the members of a Manhattan community board!!! From what I have read, the money paid should have been investigated first where it came from!! Comments, anyone????

The intention of the mega mosque was to bring new business to the area of Manhattan which was devastated as a result of the horrific incident of 9/11, where almost 3,000 lives were lost!!!! It will be a 13 story Muslim Mosque overlooking the grounds where the 9/11 innocent people lost their lives!!!! How pathetic this will be, not only to the relatives and friends of the people who lost their lives for nothing, but also to all the American people!!! It will be a constant reminder of the horror of 9/11, and to have a mosque built near the sacred place??? No way!!! The New York City bigwigs should think twice, three times, or a million times to have such a place built near Ground Zero!!! Ha!!! What are you talking about??? It has already been approved, and the construction will commence soon!!! Oh, no!!!! They are even going to have the grand opening on the 10 year anniversary, in 2011!!!! How insensitive this is to the American people, and some Americans do not even care!!! Money sure talks!!! After all, $4.85 million is a lot of money for a deteriorating place!!!!

There was a huge rally last Sunday, June 6th, which was sponsored by Pamela Geller, founder of Stop Islamization of America, and a blogger who runs the human rights web site, " Atlas Shrugs", and Robert Spencer, author of several books on Islam, and head of the web site," Jihad Watch." They were joined by 5,000 ( NYPD) to 10,000 multi - ethnic, multi - racial coalition from America, Iran, India, Russia, Egypt, Israel, Africa, Europe, etc, and the parents and spouses of frefighters killed on 9/11. They are planning another rally in September, and again when construction begins.

The rally took place just a minute walk from Ladder 10 Firehouse who lost 7 firefighters on that horrific, terrible day!!!! There was an absence of major networks nor camera crews, only bloggers in the internet!!! I wondered why??? Was it censored??? For what purpose??? I also heard something about the government trying to control the internet!! Is this true???? Does anyone have comments????

This subject is really intense!!!! I think the plan to build a mega mosque at Ground Zero is not good!!! It is insensitive, inappropriate regardless of intentions!!!! Positive would not come out of it because of the horrors associated to the place!!! Imagine, almost 3,000 killed, and some unaccounted for!!!! The place is a cemetery, a burial gound!!!!

What there should be near Ground Zero is a memorial, complete with a huge mall, and entertainment center! I am sure that if someone organize a collection for this purpose, everybody will pitch in!!!! Ya!!!! How about that???? Then there will be a revival and joy in the place that will commemmorate the people that lost their lives, one day in 2001!!!! What do you think, guys???? Any comments??????
Posted by vs at 7/20/2010 8:20 AM Add Comment

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