Sunday, July 25, 2010

New Technology

There are sooo many gadgets that we have started to be a bunch of lazy people!!! Do you think that the problem of obesity in the United States is a result of all the new technology that have crop up over the years?? What are you talking about??? When was the last time you manually turned on the television set??? Hmmmm... Many, many years ago!!!!! Right!!!! How about the fireplace??? When was the last time you manually place wood in the fireplace and start the fire with a match?? Hmmm...Many, many years ago!!! How about watering your lawn with a hose???? Hmmm.... Many, many years ago!!!! There are many, many more things that have evolved for convenience sake over the years, that when it breaks down, we are panting and we are at a loss, is it not????

The world has really changed over the years. There are more sophisticated tools that everyone uses!!!! Is this just to keep up with the Joneses or just for convenience??? Everyone seems to be always in a rat race that we all want something that will be easy for us, is it not??? I guess that is human nature!!!! We are all into anything that will speed up the process!!!! Why not??? If it will save time, then that is a good thing!!!! Time is money!! If we can cut something to do in half, look at more accomplishments we can do!!!!!

Even food, there are a variety of dinners already made up in the stores that we just pop in the microwave oven and presto!! we have a meal!!!! That is right!!!! Very convenient!!!! But are these food contributing to the delinquency of our bodies?? Wow!! That is a different word to use for our body!!!! Delinquency!!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! But I like it!!!! How about you??? Do you like the word??? Why not??? It is different!!!! I use the term delinquency because it contributes to the fat content of our body, is it not??? You are sooo crazy, but funny!!!! Thank you very much!!!! I do not know. I, for one, do not really care for packaged dinners!!! Maybe, once in a while, or just for emergency!!!! Why??? Because to me, some does not really taste good!!! Have any of you bought any packaged dinners that you went crazy because it was really good???? Ha! I rest my case!!!!

Yes, boys and girls, we have indeed graduated to a lot of convenient gadgets and what have you. Which brings me to a million dollar question... Will you be willing to go back doing these things manually??? Boo..Hoo....Heck, no!!!! What for??? That will be living in the dark ages!!!! That is right!!! We are not going to accomplish going back to the days of yesterday!!! Everybody likes all the conveniences that has evolved for sooo many years!!! If we take it away, it is like taking a toy away from a child!!!!! And what will happen??? Nothing!!!! But it is here now, and these modern technology is here to stay!!!! Who knows, maybe in the near future, each house will have a robot or something that will clean the house and cook, among other things!!! What a wish!!!! And what will you do???? Nothing!!!! Except eat!!!! Ayyayay!!!! Heaven forbids!!!! Then every one will end up with big butts and big bodies!!!! No, because whoever will be cooking will cook wholesome, nutritious, and very satisfying delicious dinners!!!!!
Posted by vs at 7/25/2010 10:17 AM Add Comment

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