Saturday, July 10, 2010

Big Brother 12, 07082010

The Big Brother is back!!! Sounds a scary show?? Not at all!!! Maybe for the reality contestants because they are being watched continuously by the outside world 24 hours a day!!! There are many, many cameras in and around the house that the people will see every little move that the contestants are doing!!!

Do you think the producers got this idea from the novel, Nineteen Eighty Four, by George Orwell???? Big Brother is a fictional character in the novel, a dictator of a totalitarian state Oceania. Everyone is under complete surveillance by telescreens by the ruling elite!!! After the publication of this novel, the term Big Brother has been synonymous with abuse of government power, particularly to civil liberties. Thus the phrase," Big Brother is watching you!"

There were 13 contestants, including 1 saboteur who will share a large house isolated from the outside world, with their every move followed by a camera! The show is hosted by Julie Chen who comes on the television screen for instructions!!! Included on the lineup of the contestants are a mixture of professions, including a podiatrist, a college professor, a sheriff, a cocktail waitress from Las Vegas who is very beautiful as well as well endowed!!!! Everyone noticed that as soon as she walk in the room!!! Is that not too heavy to carry?? What will be the cost of carrying that baggage on competitions??? Ha! Ha! Ha! You are insane!!! I bet most of the guys, not all, will be vying for her love and affection!!! Hmmm... love and affection, my butt!!! Maybe lust and affection!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! Stop!!! You are making me laugh sooo hard!!! That might be a good thing, her weapon to win the prize money!!!!

The first showdown for the head of household berth was a Weenie Roast. Woo...hoo... what a name!!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! Your mind is again on the gutter!! Brace yourself!!! Back to the game....The contestants were divided into two teams, red and yellow. They have to go across to the other side clinging to a slippery, giant hotdog!!! Some of the players finally learned the technique of how to cling to the hotdog without going to the very top with the help of their teammates!!! One houseguest hurt herself when she fell down. Is she the saboteur??? The saboteur's role is to create havoc, mayhem, and confusion in the big house!!! If the saboteur survives for half the episode, that person will win $50,000!!!! That in itself is a very good incentive, don't you all agree??? Monet won $10,000 on the competition, Hayden won the first head of household title, and Andrew, the podiatrist, is exempted from elimination for wearing the ridiculous weenie outfit!!!

After the competition, the saboteur did the first strike! All the lights went out, and as soon as it came back, the contestants realized that the door to the pantry had a padlock!!! My, my, my!!!! That will be a disaster!!!! No food for you guys!!!! Nenenenenene.... But if you are trying to lose weight, that will be a good thing!!!! For you!!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! Not for them! I did not see anyone that seems to have a weight problem!!!! Who do you think is the saboteur??? The podiatrist, Andrew, who was walking and went behind the couch and threw a pillow to the others?? Or was it Brendon, the high school swim coach, who was going to brush his teeth in the dark???? These are good questions that we hoped will be answered next week!!!!

What is next??? Hayden, HOH, has to nominate 2 houseguests for eviction. Then a veto competition will follow to either use the power of veto to save one person or not!!! Who will Hayden nominate??? Who will win the power of veto??? Sound exciting??

How would you like to be watched by Big Brother constantly??? How would you like to be in a house surrounded by complete strangers, and no interference from the outside world... no telephone, no television etc...etc...??? Would you survive for several months??? Would you be willing to give up your life and family?? These contestants know what they are in for, they are ready to form strategic alliances, and for some, the answer is of course!!! For what??? What else??? What do you think???? For money, and to be well known and become a celebrity!!!!
Posted by vs at 7/10/2010 8:27 AM Add Comment

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