Tuesday, July 27, 2010


What is unemployment?? Unemployment is when a person is able and willing to work but is currently without work!!!! There are so many unemployed people right now, that it is not even funny!!!! The prediction is very bleak also, that unemployment will continue to rise with the remaining manufacturing jobs going overseas!!! That is not good!!!!

What is happening to our dear country???? After trillions of dollars spent and thousands of new laws enacted, the situation seems to be getting worse!!! Foreclosures are mounting, job losses are staggering and debts are mounting!!!! What the government need is an array of excellent economists or someone that can turn the economy around!!!! How??? I am not sure, but we surely need a miracle right now if our good country will survive!!!!

What is the unemployment rate right now???? There are sooo many rates and terms for unemployment that I am not sure really which to believe. There is the so called U3 from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which claims that the unemployment rate dropped from 9.7% in May to 9.5% in June!!! What does U3 means??? The definition of U3 includes anyone age 16 or older who is not institutionalized and is not currently employed, but able to work, available for work and actively seeking work!!! This excludes discouraged workers, who stopped looking for work and part time workers who would prefer to work full time!!! The latter belongs to the U6 which is another classification rate by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. What is July's U6 unemployment rate? Down from 16.6% in May to 16.5% in June!!!! Then there is another source that says the real unemployment rate is 21.5% that does not have government manipulation. Irregardless of these statistics, something is very real and very clear: UNEMPLOYMENT IS VERY HIGH!!

Unemployed people can get unemployment benefits, if you are eligible, but it only amount to an average weekly payments of 36 % of the individual's weekly wage!!! If a person has a mortgage and a family, that is not really enough for existence!!!

Everyone is hurting right now. It is not only the unemployed and their families, but also the businesses!!! Can you see that the businesses is not as what it was before??? That is why you will see a lot of businesses slashing their prices, and competition is very steep!!! Everyone in America is affected!!!! What do you mean, everyone???? The politicians seem not to be affected, because they are not doing a damn thing about it!!!! The rich do not care, they just care for themselves getting richer!!!! Who cares about the middle income group? Yup, people, they do not give a damn about each and everyone of us!!!! So what do we do????

What do I think we need??? Prayers!!!!! That is right!!! The prayers that people took away from schools and other institutions!!!! If everyone prays for America, perhaps God will have pity and will intercede so the outcome will turn around for the better for our beloved country!!!! Then maybe, perhaps, our heads of the country will open their eyes and do something to help the American people!!!! Hmmmm.......Wishful thinking!!!!!

Some say we are recovering from a recession, and others who have seen the depression days believe that we are in a sorry state of depression right now!!!! Golly gee!!! No wonder I can see that it is really hard to make ends meet!!! Have you all experienced the same thing????

I also see that the businesses are not raising their prices!!! What are they doing instead???? They are making the products smaller!!!!! That way, consumers believe that it is the same price!!!! But we are no fools!!!! We know, right???? Can you blame them??? Not really, I guess thay have to survive also!!!!

May God bless all the unemployed!!!! May they get good jobs that will be rewarding and fruitful!!!! May they be steadfast in their faith and not lose hope!!!! After all, if one door closes, another door will open!!!!!

So, America, how about a prayer or two for our beloved country and all its people?? Prayers work, and miracles do happen!!!!!
Posted by vs at 7/27/2010 8:38 AM Add Comment

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