Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Brand Name Products vs Generic Products

Brand Name products or Generic products??? Which one should you buy??? That is a million dollar question to all shoppers!!! Here are my questions......1. Do you want to save money??? 2. Do you not mind wearing or using something that is not a brand name?? 3. Do you care if you are called El Cheapo??? If the answer to all three is yes, welcome to the generic world!!! My third question was just there!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! I could not resist it!! I do not think that anybody will call someone El Cheapo just because he or she buys generics!!!! And if they do, who cares???? They do not give us the money we need for existence!!! Hmmmm.... On the second thought, there is no one in our sorry state of economy could afford not to buy generics!!!! What do you all think???? Well said!!!! Bravo! Bravo!!! Take a bow!!!!!

Before we proceed, what is the difference between a brand name and a generic name??? Everybody should know it by now! But I will tell you since you insist!!!! Lol. A brand name is an identity of a specific product or business. When it is legally protected, it is called a trademark!! Generic name, on the other hand, does not include a trademark or brand name!!! In other words, generics are no name products???? You can call it that!!! Comments, anyone??? That is what I like about you. After you are done with an issue, you ask for an input with your audience!!!! Very Impressive!!!!! Thank you. Are you done buttering me up???? Are you serious??? I do not have butter with me!!!! I give up!!! You are sooooo hopeless!!! But you love me to death!!! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Let us be serious now. Where do you want to start??? Food, since that is what keep us all going day in and day out!!!! How about butter, sugar, salt, flour, cereal, bread just to name a few??? The taste and look are the same for both the brand name and generic, but the savvy shopper can save a bundle buying the generic brand! After all, the ingredients are the same due to government regulations!!! How about bananas?? Just because the bananas do not have the brand name sticker does not mean that it is not good! I have often bought bananas without the brand name sticker slapped on it, and it taste as good, if not better! And if the bananas become too ripe, instead of throwing it out, why not make a banana bread, with or without nuts??? Oh, is it ever sooo delicious!!!! Yummmy!!!! Okay, Miss do it all, please go back to what you are blogging!!! Shucks!!!! Oh, oh, I thought you will say something else!!! No, I just want to mention banana nut bread because I just made one recently and Yum! Yum!!! Come on guys, it is very easy!!!! If I can do it, so can you!!!!

How about pop, soda or cola??? You can save a bundle if you do not care about the taste! Better try it before you buy a lot!!! I do not care for the generic, so I am sticking to my diet name brand cola!! I just recently read someting about diet colas being consumed everyday. It takes off some calcium from women!!! I did ot really read the article but it would not hurt checking it out!!! Why don't we all check it out and maybe someday, we can blog about it??? Deal???? Then why do you still drink diet pop?? The weaning has to be done gradually. I noticed that I do not drink as often now as before!!! Hurrah!!! Keep trying, just drink water or green tea!!!!

How about gasoline??? I am not sure. Personally, we do not go to the off brand gasoline stations. But I have seen some people get their gas from a generic gas station, and some says that these gas stations has the same tank truck that delivers to brand name locations!!!! Anyone care to comment???? It will be nice to know!!!!

Now, the most important one: drugs!!! Drugs!!! Sounds like the ones you get on the streets!!!! Heck, no!!! You are sooo silly!!!! Get a grip on yourself!!! You are getting excited!!! Have you tried it before??? None of your beeswax!!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! I am just kidding!!! I have never tried it!!! Let me say it differently, medications! Do you like that better???? Yup!!! Would you buy generic drugs instead of name brand drugs??? Of course, I would!!! The brand names are very expensive!!! They charge you an arm and a leg and with the co-pay, it is still an arm and a leg!!! Wow!!! that is intense!!! You bet!!! I can say that from experience!!!! It is a no win situation with brand name drugs!!! On the other hand, generic drugs have the same ingredients like the brand name, set by the FDA and is as effective!!! So, save your money, and if the doctor can prescribe you a generic drug, go for it!!!!

So, folks, which one will it be for you??? A brand name or a generic brand??? I have already made my choice!!!! How about you?? The money you saved might be a bundle that can be used for something else!!!!
Posted by vs at 7/14/2010 8:53 AM Add Comment

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