Friday, July 30, 2010

Big Brother, 07292010

The episodes of Big Brother is getting juicier every week!!!! There are more disappointments, back stabbing, romance, shouting matches, lying, and dumb moves!!!! Then there are supposed to be strategic moves that backfires to the face of the planner!!! What a sorry sight that was!!!! To have a plan, only to backfire!! And to say that you are the most intelligent of all the houseguests?? Come on, there is a doctor in your midst!!!! On the second thought, I do not know about him!!!! But he really, really made me laugh sooooo hard with his stupid speeches!!!! Where on earth did he learn how to make a speech like that???? Hmmmm.......... In the medical school???? Ha! Ha! Ha! Oh, no!! Not in medical school because I know very many smart doctors that does not give out incoherent and idiotic speeches!!!! My, my, my, I believe the doctor made this blunder because he did not want to leave and in desperation, he said gibberish, nonsense sentences!!! It was hilarious though, and you bet, I was really entertained!!!! I wonder what his patients and the other doctors will say when he goes back to his office???? That will be interesting to know!!!!! Any comments????

What and who am I talking about???? Let us start from the beginning. Matt Hoffman is the head of household. He nominated Kathy Hillis, a sheriff and Andrew Gordon, a podiatrist, as a pawn!! Matt did not listen to his brigade team, consisting of Hayden Moss, Enzo Palumbo, and Lane Elenburg who wanted him to nominate Branden Villegas and Rachel Reilly, the lovebirds!!!! Matt Hoffman's "genius plan" was to backdoor Branden!!!! Was that a stupid idea or a good idea??? Much to the chagrin of his alliance and Dr. Andrew, he proceeded with his dumb idea!!!!

What happened next was an unexpected turn of events that Mattt could not believe!!!!! On the veto competition, which names do you think were picked to play in the competition???? None other than Rachel and Branden!! Ha! Ha! Ha! Matt!!!! Nenenenenene... To make the long story short, Branden won the veto competition, much to the delight of Rachel!!!! Matt's plan backfired!!!!! Now, what is your plan B to get rid of either Branden or Rachel, "genius Matt?'' You should have seen the look in his face after Branden won the veto competition!!!! Dr. Andrew now is really getting frustrated and desperate. He talked to Branden, his secret ally, that he will make a bold move to get the houseguests votes!!! Did he succeed???? Of course not, with his stupid speech!!! On his speech, he mentioned about going after Rachel and Branden!!! He then ended it with, " use the power of veto on me!" What the heck was that???? He bullies Branden and Rachel, then asks him to use the veto??? He is one heck of a delusional doctor!!!! I just love it!!!! I could not stop my laughter!!!! Good grief, Dr. Andrew, what were you thinking???? At that point, I knew he was a goner!!!! Andrew's speech made Rachel upset, which Branden said it was just a show! Rachel could not believe that Branden did not tell her!!!! Oh, oh, lovers quarrel??? And it is a man between them???? Whew!!! Branden, how will you get out of this mess with your lovely partner????

Before the voting, the nominated evictees were given another chance to talk. Sheriff Kathy's speech was short and simple!!! How about Dr. Andrew???? I could not believe it!!!! He made a bigger speech, exposing the secret affair between Hayden Moss and Kristen Bitting, what they talked about the houseguests when they were in bed and him trying to sleep!!!! Wow!!! That was explosive!!! But the explosion did not blow on Hayden and Kristen, it blew on Dr. Andrew!!!!! Now, now, that was really hysterical!!!! Never have I laughed sooo hard watching a reality show!!!! Quick, someone please give the doctor a sedative!!!!! He is something else!!!! And he is a doctor??? Yikes!!!! What an idiot!!!! A very stupid move!!!! Dr. Andrew, you are a ninkampoof!!!! Dr. Andrew, did your mind gone kaput???? I wonder what the houseguests will say when they learn that he is a doctor???? Hmmmm.....Needless to say, the vote was unanimous in saying sayonara to the stupid doctor!!!! The vote was 8-0!!!! Oh, oh, we will miss the ever hysterical doctor, don't we!!!! I would love to see more of him to see what else he can do that will be as hilarious??? How about bringing the doctor back, Julie Chen and the producers of Big Brother?????

The Head of Household position is once again up for grabs!! During the competition, poor Rachel was on the block several times, thanks to Kristen!!! Ugh!!!! Kristen was trying soooo hard for Rachel to be eliminated, but Rachel was like a bad, recurring dream that will not go away!!!! What was the end result??? Rachel won!!!! Phew!!!! She is again the HOH!!!! Hurray for Rachel and Branden!!!!! I just loved the outcome!!!!

The show ended with Rachel and Kristen in heated words!!!!! Hmmmm.... Who do you think will Rachel nominate for eviction???? Want to bet it will be Kristen and maybe, Hayden???? How about Matt, the liar???? Wow!!!! This show is really getting insane!!!! I guess we will have to wait until Sunday!!! Their ratings must be up since the show is televised three times a week!!!! My, my, my!!!! How about that???
Posted by vs at 7/30/2010 8:14 AM Add Comment

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