Friday, July 23, 2010

Big Brother, 07222010

There was a lot of juicy things brewing in the Big Bother house, with Rachel, the current Head of Hosehold in the middle of it all!!! She nominated for eviction best friends, Britney Haynes and Monet Stunson. It seems that all Britney and Monet did were to shed tears in this episode!!! Ayayay!!!! They should have fought for themselves!! What do you mean??? Britney won the power of veto!! I think that was just a fluke because of the stupidity of the other contestants!! Did Britney use the power of veto for her friend or herself???? Of course, she used it on herself!!!! It would have been a dumb move to use it on Monet!!!

Who did Rachel replaced Britney with??? Rachel Reilly and Branden Villegas were going to put Andrew Gordon as a pawn next to Monet, but Matt Hoffman, a member of the secret brigade alliance approached Rachel and volunteered!! Matt knew that his back is covered by Hayden Moss, Enzo Palumbo, and Lane Elenburg, his secret brigade alliance. Was that a good move by Matt, or a stupid move???? What was his motive???? I thought that it was a very dumb move, but he was trying to play both sides!!!! I could just clobber him trying to symphatize with Monet and Britney!!!! I guess he is trying to make his move to get ahead of the game!!! After all, $500,000 is a lot of money!!!! Don't you all agree????

I was sooo surprised when Rachel exposed Matt when she called a house meeting!!!! I thought, " Matt, you ninkampoof, you are busted!!! You will see the end of your stay in the big house!!!!" Boy!!!! Was I wrong!!!! The houseguests must not really liked Monet! By a 7 - 2 votes, Monet was evicted!!!! How about that??? Matt and the brigades must be really powerful!!!! Oh, oh... Rachel and Branden must really watch their backs now!!!! They will be the target if one of the brigades become head of household!!!!

Besides the romance of Rachel and Branden, there is another romance going on!!!! It is between Kristen Bitting ang Hayden Moss!!! When Kristen and Hayden were making out under the sheets in the bedroom, they did not know that Andrew was in the room trying to go to sleep!!! Did they see him??? I do not know!!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! That is interesting!!! How could you even make out under a bunch of cameras rolling 24 hours a day??? That is what I call L..O...V....E....!!!! Hmmmm...You mean lust???? Or just to have something to do because of boredom?? Ha! Ha! Ha! You are probably right!!!!!

The next head of household competition is a show of endurance. The houseguests have to stand on surfboards while being doused with water!!! The last standing will be HOH!!! The first 5 eliminated, together with Rachel will be the haves, and the next 4, the have nots!!! The haves were Lane, Kathy, Kristen, Hayden and Britney and the have nots, Enzo, Branden, and Andrew!!!! The last 3 will be eating slop or whatever the voting public decide for the have not group!!! Yikes!!!! Some of these people will be on slop back to back!!!! Oh, well, do you feel sorry for them??? Of course!!!! But then, look at how good their bodies will be!!!! LOL.

Who became the new head of household??? It was between the 2 best friends, Matt Hoffman, a web designer,and Ragan Fox, a college professor! Ragan decided to give it to Matt!!! I knew with this kind of challenge that the skinny guys will have the edge over the muscular men!!! How about Andrew??? He is skinny!!!! He is a doctor!!!! So what??? He does not have the stamina for a physical challenge!!!! Oh,oh... Any comments from doctors out there????

Who will Matt nominate for eviction???? Will it be Rachel and Branden??? I guess we will have to wait until next time!!!!
Posted by vs at 7/23/2010 8:18 AM Add Comment

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