Monday, July 12, 2010


Many people walk many minutes and hours at home, at work, in the park, in the amusement park , etc, etc. Why do we walk??? We walk for different reasons. Name one. At work, to go from point A to point B to do our work and to go to the bathroom. Bathroom!!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! I cannot believe you said that!!!! At home, going from one room to the other to do chores. In the amusement park, to go to the different rides. On vacations, to see the sights! At the mall, to go in and out of the stores!!! That is it??? No!!! people walk at the malls to get fit!!!! Besides being in a nice atmosphere, it is also safe!!! How about in the park??? We walk in the park to exercise, to rest and if we have, a date... just to talk. Are you sure about that?? He! He! He! You are thinking of something again!!! Get your mind off the gutter, please!! How about in the neighborhood??? To exercise primarily!!!!

Today, we walked for 45 minutes. We did not have a choice, our car has to be fixed and so we walked from the garage to our house! What do you mean that you did not have a choice??? Liar, liar, pants on fire... ooopppsss, I forgot what the next few words are!!!! Anyway, you are right!!! The garage offered us a ride but we thought since it was a good day, we should just walk!!! We brought along a small water bottle to keep us company!!! It was nice for the first few minutes, but as the walk progressed, I was very, very hot!!!! My sweat was really coming down!!! Or should I say my fat was coming out of me!!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! You said it, not me!!! What was I thinking walking in an 80 degree temperature??? To exercise, since the other day, you thought you lost 1 pound, only to come back that night!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! Did you really think that you lost 1 precious pound??? Impossible with what you are eating!!!! Look at the other day, it was a steak!!! I was only going to eat a small piece but when I tasted the grilled steak rubbed with garlic salt, my gosh, I forgot what I said that I was only going to eat an apple the whole day!!! Yum! Yum! It was sooo delicious!!!! You are hopeless when it comes to food!!! You are easily tempted with food!!!! My, my, my!!!! And you thought you lost one pound!!!! You are very, very funny!!!! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Tell me what else happened on your 45 minute walk. Wow, there were some people walking also, and they were friendly. There were some bicycles, that I did not know where behind us. I thought one bicycle was very near me!!! Should bicycles have horns to alert other people of them??? I thought they do!! Maybe they did not sound it because it might startle you!!!! One bicyclist though was nice enough to let us know she is passing through!!! I like her!!! She is concerned with others, unlike the other bicyclist!!! Oh, well.

Then there were dog poo on the sidewalk of the main streets!!! We had to zig zag our walk so as not to step on the dog poo!!! Goodness, gracious, why don't the dog owners clean their dog's mess??? That was inconsiderate of them!!!! Isn't there an ordinance about this??? Any comments???

The subdivisions sidewalk were better, no dog poo!!! I was really grateful for that!!!! Once you go through the neighborhood, you admire and appreciate all the trees that you go through for the shade!!!! It helps block the sun!!! I should have brought an umbrella for the sun, or worn a hat or sunscreen. Too late!!!

Once we reached home, I was drenched with sweat or fat! Ha!Ha! Ha! I was soooo hot and tired that I could not move for about half an hour!!! Gee, whiz!!! I am really, really fit!!!! LOL. But after I had rested, my body feels good!!! I cannot imagine how many calories I consumed with this walk plus the impurities that were released from my body??? Anyone has any comments???

I would like to continue walking everyday. Wishful thinking!!!! Any bets I will continue walking?It is nice, very satisfying and it gives you a sense of accomplishment!!!!

Well, guys and gals, what are you waiting for???? Come on, grab someone and let us walk to a healthier body!!!!!
Posted by vs at 7/12/2010 11:16 AM Add Comment

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