Sunday, July 4, 2010

Frozen Dairy Products

There are so many frozen dairy products in the market today that consumers have an awful time deciding which ones to buy!!! What are you talking about?? Look at the freezers in the grocery stores... how many different frozen dairy products do you see??? A lot!!! Right!!! There are tons and tons of items, be it regular or diet!! The temptation is sooo great that to bypass the freezer aisle is a plus when you are shopping!!! Can you imagine, you did not succumb to temptation to buy those ever sooo good and yummy treats! And when you are driving, all you can imagine are those very enjoyable treats!!!! Did you succeed?? Only for a day or two!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! Wimpy, wimpy, wimpy!!!! That seems to have a good ring to it..... wimpy, wimpy, wimpy.... Anyone care to put a melody to it???

Let us get serious for a second. Too late, your second is up!! No more!! How did I ever get you to be a sidekick? You are hopeless!!! Your jokes are nothing to be desired!!! Oh, oh, do you think you hurt my feelings? No, sire!!! I have broad shoulders! If your shoulders are broad, can you carry me on your shoulder and spin around??? Then, I will say, Yippeeee.... hi, ho.... silver!!!! That will really be fun!!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! Excuse me, I am not a horse!!! See, I went off again from my topic! It is fun exchanging punches with you!!! What punches??? I am not near you!!!! I give up!!! Yakity... yakity... yak.... one, two, three... time is up!!!!! Whew!!!! What a ham!!! Did you say ham??? Is the ham honey roasted??? Yum ! Yum! Yum!!!! Never mind, I will not utter another word!!! You are something else!!!! I surrender!!!! If you are surrendering, how come I do not see a white flag with you??? Because I do not have time to make one!!!! Get it???? Wow!!!! I finally got to you!!!! One point for me!!! Hurray!!!!!That was fun!!!!

July!!! What about July??? Did you know that besides being the month of America's birthday, it is also the National Ice Cream month??? Great!!! That is a good excuse to eat lots and lots of ice cream!!!! There are many variations of ice cream, one of them the Sorbet.

What is a Sorbet? It is a frozen dessert made from sweetened water flavored with fruit, which is either juice or puree, chocolate, wine or liqueur. The origin is either Roman or middle Eastern. In other words, it is like a snow cone or shaved ice??? Right!!!! I learn something new everyday!!!!

Sherbet!!! Sherbet is a fruity flavored dairy product with a milk fat content of less than 3 %. It must include dairy ingredients such as milk or cream. It is smoother, closer to ice cream!!!! Why don't you just say, it is ice cream with less fat and calories??? Simple and sweet!!!! You got that right!! LOL.

Gelato! What the heck is Gelato?? Sounds like something from the unknown!!! You are really ninkampoop!!! Have you ever been to Italy and saw all those people lining up to get a Gelato, even in the middle of winter??? That is right!!! We heard a lot about Gelato that we stood up in line in February, and sat outside the cafe to lick the Gelato from the cone!!! I was going to say Yum! Yum! but I cannot!!! Why?? I was not pleased with it because I was freezing to death eating a Gelato, outside!! Yes, it was one of the coldest day in Rome!!! Brrrrrr.... We must be crazy or what? Well, you want to do everything, and you listened to the saying, " When in Rome, do what the Romans do!" My companions, though, were really enjoying their Gelato!! Oh, oh, how many times have I mentioned Gelato in this paragraph? Too many times!!!! You must really, really like it!!!! Ya!!!! By now, you probably know that Gelato ( 9th time the word Gelato has come up!!! whoopee do!!!), is Italy's variation of ice cream!!! It has the same ingredient as the ice cream except unlike the commercial ice cream in the United States which is frozen in a continuous assembly of line freezer, Gelato (11th time) is frozen very quickly in individual small batches in a batch freezer! Gelato ( 12th time) has a lower butter fat content, 4-8 % versus 14 % for ice cream!!! Stop!!! B....o...r...i...n...g!!!! I cannot take it anymore!!! I can only digest soooo much material at one time!!!! But if it is food, you can go on and on eating!!!! That is sooo different and more palatable, not only to my eyes perspective but also to my mouth and stomach!!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! Don't you all agree???

Now, let us tackle the ice cream!!! What is there to tackle??? You already basically said what can be said!!!! Besides, at this point, who cares???? Everybody loves ice cream, diet or no diet!!! The only thing left to say is how do you choose which flavor to get??? I think I am done blabbing for now, I will tackle that some other time!!!! Agreed???

Come on, guys, let us go and get an ice cream cone!!!!! Have fun, and God bless each and everyone of us!!!!!!
Posted by vs at 7/4/2010 10:12 AM Add Comment

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