Sunday, June 13, 2010

Rain or Sun

Why did you say rain or sun? Should that be rain or shine??? Nope!!! I really meant rain or sun because we are not going to a ball game or a function that rain or shine, the game will go on!!! Got it???? You are disgusting!!! You made me lose my thought!!! What do you mean? You can think??? Of course, I can since I have something in my head called brain that all humans have!!!! Wait a minute, are you sure that every men and women have a brain??? You are right, but that will be tackled some other day!! Now, beat it and leave me alone!!! My, my, my, it will be again one of those days!!! I cannot believe you, I told you to leave me alone and here you are still chattering like crazy!!! What should I do with you??? I will just pretend you are not here! You can do that and I will try to be quiet! Deal??? You are sounding now like Howie Mandell, Deal or no Deal??? Ha! Ha! Ha! You are exhausting!!! I give up!!! Let us go back to my blog......

Which would you prefer : a rainy day or a sunny day??? I bet 99% would say a sunny day!!!! Why is that? There are many things that you can do on a sunny day, whereas on a rainy day, you are limited to what you can do! Are you sure about that?? Let us analyze it!!! You thought I will say I will analyze it by myself??? Ha! Ha! I got you this time!!! Let everyone put on their thinking cap and let us dissect it!!! Golly!!! You sound like a scientist! Dissect!!!! Please speak in plain English! Okay, let us break it down and analyze it!!!

Let us start with a rainy day. When it rains, you are so glad you are at work since you do not want to do errands with the raindrops falling on your head! Oh, oh, she is going to sing!!! Spare us of your monotone singing, will ya??? If you are at home, you just want to curl up in bed and keep on sleeping, is it not? You are right! Or, just curl up on the couch reading a book or watch a movie! Sounds good??? How about the laundry? Okay, that can be done also. How about cleaning the house? I guess.. it seems that is a reluctant yes??? You are right, because with the pitter patter of the rain on the rooftop, you would rather bum around inside the house!!! Lazy bum!!! You can call it that, but I will call it a rain rest! You have an answer for everything, do you?? Of course!!!

How about a sunny day??? You are asking me what you can do on a sunny day??? Come on! You know what can be done on a sunny day!! Everyone is happy on a sunny day, even the birds are tweeting and singing on top of their lungs!!! To start with, gather everyone and have an outing in the park! Barbecue ribs, chicken, hotdogs or hamburger and play while waiting for the food! Yummy!!! I cannot wait for the grilled food! How about just walking around the park! The walking will have 2 purpose : enjoying nature and at the same time a workout!!! Sounds good?? Make sure though that you have a mosquito repellant when you go out on the woods!!! Looks like you think of everything like a mother hen!!! I am just talking through experience. When I walked on the park, the mosquitoes had a feast day on me!!! Goodness gracious!!!! My arms and legs were full of mosquito bites!!! I wonder what the mosquitoes sees in me??? Dinner, what else??? Ha! Ha! Ha! Another thing that you can do on a sunny day is just relax. Place a blanket on the grass, lay down and close your eyes!!! How relaxful is that??? If you have a boat, then you can go on a trip and enjoy!!! Or go to the beach and go swimming!!! The adventure is endless on a sunny day unlike a rainy day!!! But, a little rain once in a while is welcomed for the grass, trees and flowers to grow!

If you have a choice, what will it be??? Rain or sun??? Seems that you think you can just ask for either rain or sun!!! Do you have that power to get which one you want on any given day?? I do not think so!!! Then, be thankful and just take the day as it comes and make the most of it, be it a rainy day or a sunny day!!! Well said!!

Be happy. Stay safe and may God bless us all!!!!
Posted by vs at 6/13/2010 9:59 AM Add Comment

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