Sunday, June 27, 2010

Losing Weight

Losing Weight!!!! Two words!!!! Two words that many people can relate to. What is our obssession with losing weight??? Is it for our own satisfaction, or for others to embrace us in their social network?? The answer is both!!! When we look good, our self esteem is very high! When we are obese, that self esteem comes tumbling down.....down .... down.... until we no longer want connection to the outside world. What follows next??? Resorting to eating to your hearts content!!!! Then you just wake up one day and see yourself in the mirror! Yikes!!!! I am soooo fat, that I hardly recognize myself!!! Your once pretty face is now a thing of the past! What you see in the mirror is a very round face, like the moon... oh, sooo round!!!! Aaaarrrrgggggg!!!! Heavens, the moon is pretty especially if it is the full moon!!! I am just trying to be funny!!! Did it work??? Not really!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! Anyway, once you see your moon face, you become depressed, and what do you do??? Eat more!!! You lose all your contacts, and the only company you now have are the food that made you of what you are!! Suddenly, you really realized that you cannot live like that. You have to push yourself to start losing weight!!!

What are your options???? First, you can go to your doctor and ask for help. Are doctors good with nutrition?? Maybe, maybe not. But nevertheless, doctors can probably recommend something for you, like surgery. Oh, no!!! Going under the knife???? Sorry, but no thanks since you heard a few of the cases that did not come out so good! Yes, surgery is the quickest way, a nip and tuck here and there but there are too many risks involved plus it will be very costly, and the insurance might not cover it!!!! Your doctor might also be able to recommend a plan for you! Sounds good???How about the fad diets out there, like the Atkins, South Beach diet, liquid diet, grapefruit diet, and cabbage soup diet, just to name a few. These fad diets all have the same common thing, which is eating foods low in carbohydrates, low in fat, and high in protein! Before anyone take on any of this diet, get the real facts and safety tips, if there are any! Some people lose weight with the fad diets, only to gain much more after they went back to a normal, eating style!! This is not good. Then you try other diets and your weight goes up and down which is crazy and not good either!!! So, what do you do???? Who knows??? Cry and cry until your eyes become sooo puffy!!! LOL. That is not funny!!!! Laughing at someone that is losing her mind!!!! I am just kidding!!!! Can I not joke around a little??? After all, laughter is the best medicine!!!! Right???

What do we do since the fad diets does not work for you???Let us see.... does anyone have any comments???? Yes!!!! I have one!!! Don't you think that first of all, we have to set realistic goals for our weight loss regimen. We do not want to lose weight very rapidly, and then put it back on because we have starved ourselves to death!!!! Then, we really have to control our mind and our mouth!!! What do you mean? To control our mind, we have to control our stress! That is easier said than done!! I agree that it needs patience and perseverance. Controlling stress can also be achieved by a good workout, eating healthy and start a project that will help put your mind at peace. The next thing to control is our mouth!!! That is right!!! Control your mouth, by not overeating and looking at the quality of food we put in our mouth, and not quantity!! This idea sucks!!! I can already see a big F for failure in this one!!! Booo.... Hoooo... you are going to deprive me of the one thing in life that I love most!!!! And what is that??? Eating!!!! Especially going to the fast food restaurant that have super sized everything!!!! I do not think I can take this much longer!!! Stop!!!! Do you not want to feel sexy and beautiful???? Yes??? Do you not want to have people going Ooooohhhh.... Aaaahhhhh to your body??? Do you not want people to be jealous of how you look??? Yes, yes, yes!!!! Then, start with your good, sensible eating and snack smartly!!!

One more thing, it is not only the mind and mouth that is needed to have a fit and healthy lifestyle! Oh, oh. We are not done?? Sigh!!! Okay, what is it? Sock it to me!!!! You will need a good exercise routine!!! You do not neeed to go to an expensive gym or buy an expensive workout equipment, you just need to be active for at least one hour a day, like walking or simple exercises that you can do at home!!!! Did you know that a good waistline for a man is 40 inches, and for a woman, 35 inches???? My, my, my!!!! Are you sure about the numbers?? Are they not reversed??? Ha! Ha! Ha! You are sooo crazy!!!!

How are we going to start into a beautiful body fit??? Get a doctor's advise, get an exercise buddy, and eat healthy, nourishing food! Sweet and simple!!!

Are you guys ready for a beautiful fit and a healthy body???? Come on, then, stop stress, exercise and eat sensibly!!!! No more super sized foods!!! Once we accomplish this, we will be happy because not only will we look good, but we will be healthy, mind and body!!!!

Keep smiling!!!! Take care!!!!!
Posted by vs at 6/27/2010 9:05 AM Add Comment

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