Monday, June 7, 2010

Paper or Plastic Bag

Whenever you check out on the grocery stores, you will hear paper or plastic? Most of the time, or 99 % of the time, I always say plastic! Why? Because the plastic bag is easier to carry, and because I use it as a garbage bag on the little trash cans at home. The plastic bags are usually stack with three or four in one can, so when it is full, the filled bag is removed and transferred to the larger trash can! Sounds ingenious??? You bet!!! But I am not to get the credit for this.... I learned it from my sister!!!! Nice to learn something new from my sister!!!! Thanks, sis!!!! That is some form of recycling!!! How about you? What else do you use the plastic bags for????

Sometimes, I ask for a paper bag. Why???? When I need it, like for a book cover or when there is a trip somewhere that the paper bag is needed!! I guess you can use it as trash can liners, but it is big and bulky especially if you only have a small garbage can! So, you do not really like to use the paper bags??? Not really. The paper bag uses more storage space than the plastic bag!!!

Have you ever wondered how and when the paper and plastic bags started??? Oh, oh, here she comes now with the history of the bags!!! We do not really want to hear it! Sorry, but whether you like it or not, here it comes!!! You never know when you are going to use the facts, like if you are ever to go to a game show.... then you will be prepared!!!! Sigh.... You are exhausting me!!!! Since I cannot stop you, sock it to us!!!

Paper bags come from trees. Everybody knows that!!!! Duh!!!! Did you know that the paper bag was an American innovation in 1883??? It is made of kraft paper, a German word meaning strong. Wow!!! That is ancient!!!! Plastic bags, on the other hand, began in 1957 as sandwich bags and baggies! It was not until around 1996 that the plastic grocery bags hit the stores! I remember when it used to be just paper bags in the grocery stores, and just suddenly, bam!!! the plastic bags were born!!!!

I guess the plastic bags are easier to carry than paper bags and it seems more sturdy than the paper bags. I will disagree with you on this one. I think a paper bag is sturdier and can hold more items than a plastic bag. Does anyone know??? Why don't you experiment and let us know??? Sorry, but I do not like homework!!! Oh, well, just a thought!!!

What do you guys think? Is it better to use plastic or paper??? Well, for one thing, both contribute to pollution. Look at all the landfill, how much paper or plastic are in the landfills??? Plus, how about the chemicals used to manufacture both products??? And the trees that are cut down for paper bags??? I get it!

But what are we suppose to use for groceries? How about a reusable bag made of cloth that can be used over and over??? Sometimes, I see people with that bag, and I applaud them for being environmentally savvy!! Maybe one of these days.

What do you guys think?? Some places are charging a few cents for plastic bags now. That is why I do not go to those stores!!! Why do they have to charge a fee for plastic bags?? Groceries are already expensive as it is!! But, maybe, if the stores do that, then people will start using reusable bags!! Please do not give the stores any ideas!!!! It seems far fetched now, but wait down the road, anything to get more of our hard earned money!!!!

Why is it that in the wholesale clubs, they do not give any bags??? It is the empty boxes in front of the store that you use to haul your groceries! To cut down on costs??? Hmmm... maybe one of these days, I will ask that question! I am just curious!!! Curiosity kills a cat!!! I am not a cat! I just want to know for my own satisfaction!!! Anyone feeling the same????

I guess both bags have equal effect on our environment! It is up to us to decide which has the less amount of pollution, toxicity and litter that will be created....paper bags or plastic bags????? No one can tell us what to do. Are we prepared to change? That is a very good question that only each of us can answer!!!
Posted by vs at 6/7/2010 9:44 AM Add Comment

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