Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day, 2010

Father's Day!!! The day set aside to honor the greatest man in your life!!!! Your husband??? Ha! Ha! Ha! No, dingbat!!!! Your father!!!! The cool, affectionate breadwinner, who sings lullaby to you in the wee hours of the night to put you back to sleep even if he has to wake up early in the morning!! The man that is always there when you need him, the man that will protect you and give you the last penny if you need it!!! What do you mean the last penny??? There is nothing you can buy with a penny!!! LOL. That was just a figure of speech!!! You are right!!! Fathers have a very unique role in a person's life. He will go to the very end of the world just to see you happy and successful!!! Does this remind you of your old man???? Excuse me, do not call my father, old man!!! You can call yours that but not mine!!! Don't you have any respect at all of your father??? Oh, oh, here she comes ... in a fighting mood!!!! Sorry. How about if I say your handsome, lovable, cute as a button father??? Oh, my gosh!!! Now, that is too much!!!! Oh, well, I tried!!!

How did Father's Day started?? Oh, oh, we are going to hear the history of Father's Day!!! Can I be excused??? Of course not!!! Did you know that Father's Day was inaugurated in the early twentieth century to complement Mother's Day?? The observance started on June 19, 1910 with the efforts of Sonora Smart Dodd who felt that fathers need recognition, just like mothers. People were not enthusiastic with Father's Day, hence, it was not until 1966 that President Lyndon Johnson issued the presidential proclamation honoring fathers, designating the third Sunday in June as Father's Day!!! This year it falls on June 20, 2010!!! It was President Richard Nixon, 6 years later, in 1972, who made it a permanent national holiday. Why did it took so long to acknowledge fathers nationally?? I am not really sure!! Maybe, the fellows think that they are so macho that they do not need any recognition like Mother's Day??? Or they are always on the sideline that they are embarrassed to be on the limelight??? Whatever the reason, or reasons, I am glad that it was finally proclaimed and we are honoring our fathers!!! They sure sacrifice a lot for their children!!!! Don't you all agree??

What do you remember of your father when you were younger??? Very strict??? Lenient?? Loving??? A good provider??? Almost all of the above!! Why almost? Because you cannot be strict and lenient at the same time!!! Does that make sense??? Yes, it does!!! How about those trips and vacations that he takes you?? The trips to the theatre??? Yup!!! Those were happy days!!! Then you got older, and you realized how horrible he has been to you!!! Are you serious??? Ha! Ha! Ha! I got your attention!!! I was just trying to see if you are still following me!!! I am just kidding!!!!

Fathers come in different shapes and size! Oh, oh, what is she thinking now??? Nothing!!! I am just saying that it does not matter if your father is big,small, thin, fat, rich or poor, they are here to guide you every step of the way!!! He tries to give you everything that money can buy!! Not everything!! Okay, let us paraphrase it. Gee, whiz! That is a big word! He! He! He! I just want to let you know that I know some big words! Are you impressed??? Are you kidding??? Please do not answer me with a question!!! Why??? It is annoying!!! Sigh!!! Okay, back to fathers!!! Fathers will give you everything that their wallets can afford!!! How about that their credit cards can afford??? You got me!!! Bingo!!! Ding....ding....ding.....

Today is Father's Day. Whatever you have planned for your father, enjoy him and his company!! Life is too short. He deserves the break today. That sounds like a commercial for a fast food!!! Is that where you are going today??? Ha! Ha! Ha! Anyway, be it mowing the lawn for him, helping him fix something, a fast food carryout or a lavish dinner, have fun!!!! Enjoy the day!!!!

May God bless all fathers and here's wishing Happy Father's Day to all!!!!
Posted by vs at 6/20/2010 10:24 AM Add Comment

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