Monday, August 2, 2010

Novelty Fads

Whenever there is a new novelty item, nearly everyone goes crazy!!!! What do you mean, everyone??? Some do not get crazy!!!! That is why I said, nearly everyone. Look, listen before you utter any other word!!!! Or should I say, look before you leap!!!! Is there a saying like that??? Who knows, and who cares???? Wow!!!!! You are sooo testy today!!!! Yikes!!!! Calm down, missy!!!! Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed???? Uh..huh....

Back to what I was saying.... There was the Hula Hoop, glowing pendant necklaces, pet rock, beanie babies, mood ring, coil spring, Rubik's cube, Cabbage Patch Kids, just to name a few!!! And it seems that there is a new craze that comes up every year that makes children crazy and they just have to have it!!!! It is also a dream come true to the inventor who suddenly hit a gold mine!!!!!

Look at the Cabbage Patch Kids. They are not called dolls, but kids, and you have to adopt them!!! A brilliant strategy!! I remember when that was a very hot item, people had to look for them everywhere!!!! You would be lucky if you ever find one!!! And how about the Rubik's cube??? It sold 100 million from1980 to 1982!!! It is still loved by children and adults!! And where are these items now??? Probably gone, or in some attic gathering dust!!!!

What is the present craze now??? Silly Bandz!!!! What is it???? You mean you have not seen any??? Only in pictures!!! What is it? They are brightly colored bands that can be worn around the wrist like bangles, but returns to their original shape like animals, unicorn, fish, crabs, sailboats, etc, once removed from the wrist!! Is that not clever or what??? What makes this sooo appealing is the affordability!!! It is sold in packs of 24 for only $4.95!!!! It is not only young children that are going crazy with it, also college students!!!! And like the Pokemon cards, it can be traded, collected and shared!!!!

A long time toy inventor, Robert Croak, really hit the jackpot this time!!! The annual sales two years ago was $10,000. And how about now??? A whopping $100 million!!!! That is really fantastic!!!! Which comes to my mind, why can't we think of something as simple as that, that will be an overnight success??? Because some of us do not have the force nor the brain to concoct or make inventions!!!! Or maybe, we just have not put our thinking cap in gear!!!!

Yes!!!! The Silly Bandz is the new thing!! Some schools are banning it because it is a distraction! Kids trade it or gaze at other students arms instead of listening to the teacher! It is also banned because of safety concerns, such as wearing the bands around the neck or shooting it at other kids like the ordinary rubber bands!!! Sounds familiar???? You bet!!! You were shooting rubber bands when you were a kid???? My, my, my!!! What a wild child you are!!!! Not really, only a little!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! That was a very long time ago!!!!

Well, guys, what are you waiting for??? Put on your thinking caps and invent something!!! Go on, invent the next novelty craze of 2010!!!!
Posted by vs at 8/2/2010 8:10 AM Add Comment

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