Monday, August 16, 2010

Big Brother, 08082010

Another houseguest said sayonara last night!!!! Who was the latest casualty??? Oh, oh, I knew it!!!! She is going to prolong our suspense!!!! You got that right!!!! If you do not like it, tough!!!!! Ay...ya....yay....

Last week started with Matt Hoffman winning the head of household competition again!!! My goodness, Matt really has a lot of stamina to endure the competition!!! Well, one thing, he is skinny!!!! See, I told you that being skinny has a lot of advantages!!!! I know, but it is also sooo good to eat, is it not??? Ha! Ha! Ha! You always think of food!!! Why not??? Do you have a problem with that??? Feisty!!!! Back to Big Brother.....The saboteur was also selected by America, who is Ragan Fox, the college professor!!!! If he succeeds for 2 weeks, he will win $20,000!!!

Which houseguests were nominated by Matt??? None other than the lovebirds, Rachel Reilly and Branden Villegas!!! Rachel and Branden were really scared for being nominated. They felt helpless for the first time at the Big Brother house!!!! All Rachel did was cry!!!! Boo... hooo, Rachel, that is what you get for saying, " Bring it on,"!!!! You were really asking for a lot of trouble then!!!! This is what you and Branden get!!!! And I thought you are tough!!!! Branden started campaigning sooo hard to intimidate the houseguests so he will be the target!!! He had a run in with Britney, Kathy and Ragan, to the delight of the brigades!!!! Did it work????

Britney Haynes won the power of veto. Again??? Yes, again!! Hard to believe the little woman can win the veto competition twice!!! And did you see who she is trying to hook up with??? The big Lane Elenburg!!!! She looks like a little girl with Lane!!!! Did she use the power of veto??? No!!!! You should have heard Branden's speech and tirades against the other houseguests. It was like watching Dr. Andrew all over again!!!!

Well, who was eliminated??? After so much deliberation, the brigades thought that Rachel is a more powerful foe than Branden, since she won already 2 HOH competition!!!! With the votes of 6 - 0, Rachel was eliminated!!! She will be the first one in the jury house!!!

Who won the HOH competition??? Branden did!!! He was really out for revenge for getting her woman out of the house!!! He nominated Ragan, who is not an ally with anyone, and who was trying to offer Branden his allegiance!! He also nominated Lane Elenburg, which made the brigades mad!!! Earlier, Enzo Palumbo and Hayden Moss made a secret alliance with Rachel and Branden, so Branden did not touch them!!! Branden also tried to make a deal with Britney!!! I think Branden made a stupid mistake for not nominating Britney, just like the stupid mistake that Rachel did when she did not nominate Matt when she was HOH!!!!!

Who will win the power of veto??? Who will be eliminated??? Will Branden open Pandora's box??? Will it also have the power of veto just like what Matt got when he opened Pandora's box??? Wow!!! You sure ask a lot of questions!!! But those are all good questions, but unfortunately, we have to wait until the next episode!!! Stay tuned......
Posted by vs at 8/16/2010 11:18 AM Add Comment

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