Monday, May 31, 2010

Eyeglasses or Contact Lens

Which would you prefer: eyeglasses or contact lens? That is a good question This really depends on the person. Some people cannot be bothered by putting something to their eyes. They think that the cleaning and the orgy of putting the contacts on your eyes is tedious! Any comments on this? Yes, you called it orgy. Isn't that a sexy word? I do not care, it seems okay to use. Oh, well.
Both eyeglasses and contact lens have the same purpose, to correct defective vision! Eyeglasses are mounted in frames with lenses in front of your eyes, while contacts are placed right on the cornea. Did you know that Leonardo da Vinci was credited for the sketching and describing the first contact lens, but it was not until 300 years later when the contact lens was fabricated? My, my, my.... you are sooo smart. I didn't know that you knew that! Ha! Ha! Ha! Internet, my, friend! Nowadays, you will know something by just the click of your fingers!!!! That's modern technology, for you!!!! Chuckle. Chuckle.....
Let us see what the differences are between eyeglasses and contacts. I will just list a few, eyeglasses are uncomfortable, the frame slipping costantly on your nose whilch you do not worry with contacts. You get poor peripheral vision with eyeglasses while you get the entire field of view with contacts. Eyeglasses fog up with changes in temperature while contacts do not! I wonder if there is someone out there who can place a wiper on eyeglasses???? A wiper on glasses???? Are you nuts??? Why not?? When you are out there during wintertime, the snow drifts on your face that you cannot see! If you have wipers on your eyeglasses, just start it and bingo!!!! Snow or fog is gone!!!! You are out of your mind!!!! Just take tissues, and wipe it clean!!! It will be cheaper!!!! Any takers for building wipers on eyeglasses??? Crazy, crazy, crazy!!!! That is sooo hilarious and insane!!!! Wipers on your eyeglasses!!! Only you can think of something as absurd as that!!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
I thought of something else, with eyeglasses... fashionable and inexpensive sunglasses are not an option, whereas with contacts, you can choose any of the designer, affordable sunglasses on the market!!! To the last one, I say amen! How true!!!! When I bought my pair of eyeglasses, I opted for a prescription sunglass. That was a big mistake! True, it was nice, I can see outside and inside, but I wanted a larger frame which I cannot find, hence I reluctantly settled for one. Yes, selections are very limited with prescription glasses, and they are soooo darn expensive. I paid an arm and a leg for it!!!! I could just have contacts made and purchased a designer sunglass that is one third of the cost of the presciption sunglass. What was I thinking??? Yup, it is better off getting contacts and purchasing the sunglasses of your dreams!!! And the selections are sooo many!!!
I think the contact lens is better. You can see better, and the deterioration of your eye is slower. The cleaning and upkeep of the contact lens is peanuts! Once you learn the technique, it is next to nothing! Just clean the contacts, flop it on your eyes, put on your coveted designer sunglasses, and presto! you are out on the world!
So, there you go guys, will it be eyeglasses or contacts for you?????
Posted by vs at 5/31/2010 8:56 AM Add Comment

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial day, 2010

Memorial Day, a federal holiday observed on the last Monday of May. This year it falls on May 31, 2010. This holiday was formerly called Decoration Day because it commemorates the United States men and women who died while in military service. Many people observe this holiday by visiting cemeteries and memorials. Some places have parades, and other activities!!!
Other people view Memorial Day as the traditional start of summer driving. The prediction this year is for heavier traffic on the roads, as well as the air travel. Why? Because it seems like the economy is recovering!!! Is that right? I am not sure about that!!! Anyway, the people are already tired being coup up during wintertime, so many are ready for a long summer driving and fun!!! It does not matter whether the gas prices are up from a year ago!!! Ya, baby!!! Summer is here!!! Let us go to the beach and barbeque!!!!
Many will be traveling to the beaches to go swimming and boating. A word of advice: please use precautionany measures and safety equipments while on the water!!! You can easily lose yourself and be giddy and lose control while out having fun! I already heard a lot of people losing their lives! That is soo sad!!!
There will probably be many people on the park or their backyards firing up their barbeque grills..... for steaks, chicken, pork chops, hotdogs, sausages, corn and other vegetables or meat. Yum! Yum!!! Stop!!! I am getting hungry, and with the way you are talking, the food might not see Memorial Day tomorrow!!!! Oh, ya??? Oink! oink! Control yourself!!! One more day!!
Others take this day as an opportunity to do their gardens! Many have been buying tomatoes and flowers for their front yard or back yard! That is sooo amazing that the people have the drive to go and garden! Look, your beautiful flowers will be in bloom all summer long, and it adds a pretty picture on your yard, is it not??? You are right!! How about the vegetables?? That is also wonderful!! Think of the fresh tomatoes, green beans, cabbage, and green peppers that you can pick right from your backyard! It taste sweeter and very fresh than what you buy! Plus your vegetables do not have the pesticides that the farmers use! That itself is worth the gardening!!! Sigh!! How right you are!!! That is why, even a few apartment dwellers are planting some vegetables. They get the satisfaction that they will really eat fresh, good vegetables!!!!
So, on these Memorial Day, let us all say a prayer to all the courageous men and women that risk their lives for our country! Without them we will not have the democracy that we are enjoying!!!!
Happy trip, grilling, or whatever you are all doing on Memorial Day!!! Stay safe!!!
God bless America!!! God bless all!!!!
Posted by vs at 5/30/2010 11:18 AM Add Comment

Saturday, May 29, 2010

So You Think You Can Dance

You Think You Can Dance started the other night, with the auditions of dancers from New York City and Miami. This show lacks the glamour of Dancing with the Stars show. Of course, it will not be a glamorous show because the contestants are just regular people unlike Dancing with the Stars that the contestants are celebrities!!! There is no comparison!! It is like you are comparing apples to oranges!!!! Oops..... You are right!!!
There were some contestants that were really good and talented, and some that were not fit to audition!!! What does these people think they are.... auditioning, and they cannot even move!!! Come on, people, don't you know if you can move or not???? Look at the mirror when you dance!!! Are you guys on a state of denial and delusion? What does your relatives or friends say??? Oh, oh, I forgot. Families and friends are sometimes not good critics because they will not tell the truth for fear that your feelings will be hurt!!! Unless, you are my relatives!!! Yup!! My relatives are usually too honest, that the words can bite you!!! But that is good, though, you just make a fool of yourself with relatives, and you save yourself from the ridicule of the outside world!!! And for that, I am sooo thankful for my honest to goodness relatives!!!! Oh, ya, baby, thanks for my dear relatives who oftentimes, have saved my face and humiliation from others!!!! Back to the show.
There were some weird performers on the audition, one of them is a father daughter team. They were doing a sexy dance routine that was sooo hot. It was not appropriate for a father daughter ensemble!! What were they thinking?? Can she not find someone to help her dance??? I am sure that there would have been a lot of young guys who would have love to do sexy moves with her!!! But to do an erotic dance with your father??? It gives me the creeps!!! I was soo glad that the judges told them to stop dancing!!! It sure was really something to watch!!! I do not see anything wrong with a daughter dancing with her father! Yes, a daughter can dance with her father, but not an erotic dance!!!! No, sir!!! Phewie!!! Gross!!!
Then there was this guy with fruits on his head, and a pair of broccoli over his nipples!! Ay...ya...yay.... What in the heck was that??? Well, for sure, he got the attention of the judges!!! This was also soooo weird!!!!! This guy is a weirdo, big time!!!!! I cannot wait to see more of who will audition from the other parts of the country.
It is weird, interesting, nice and it seems like it might be worth my time to watch. Besides, what else is there to watch on the big tube?? Ha! Ha! Ha! Just kidding!!! I think it is a very nice show!!!
I just remembered something, why were the judges crying after some performances??? It looks like, they were really moved by the dance! Am I just not into the depths and art of dancing???? I don't get it!!! Can someone please explain to me why the tears on the judges????
Posted by vs at 5/29/2010 10:49 AM Add Comment

Friday, May 28, 2010

Drapes, Curtains, or Blinds

Drapes, Curtains, or Blinds??? Sounds like you are offering a drink!!! That will not be bad..... naming some drinks drapes, curtains, or blinds!! What will be on it?? Alcohol, of course, and some exotic fruits with a little hint of some spices like cinnamon, basil or ginger!!! Wow!!! You are sooo crazy!!! Now you think you are a connoisseur of mixed drinks!!! Oh, my gosh! That is a big word for you and you spelled it right!!! I am sooo impressed! I tell you, I was not sure how to spell it so I have to look it up!!! That was amazing!!! I can still spell!!! My English teacher will be very proud of me!!!! Hep! Hep! Hurray!!!! Nenenenenene.... I can still spell!!! Good grief. Enough!!! You are again deviating from your subject!!!! Anyway, any takers for new drinks called drapes, curtains, or blinds??? You can even do a jingle: drapes, curtains, or blinds..... drapes, curtains, or blinds, ya ya ya!!!! Shish kabob!!! Never mind your mixed drinks or jingle! You are hopeless! Stick to your blogging!!!!
Which would you prefer on your windows, drapes, curtains, or blinds? In my opinion, it really depends on the person's choice or the room you want to furnish!! If it is the bedroom, my choice are drapes that you can close at night. How about blinds? That is also good. Once you close it, you will not be disturbed by the early morning sun, especially if you want to sleep in late!! That is true, blinds will be better for that reason, especially if you have a hangover!!!! Oh, my, my!!! Now, you are going to go back to your drinks!!!!
I believe the drapes is a better choice for the family room. It adds elegance to any room!! It depends though on what you choose!!! If you just choose a cheap looking fabric, then forget elegance!!!! Am I right or not??? How about vertical blinds on the family room?? That is good, especially if you have a patio door leading to the outside. Then you can just draw the blinds to either the left or right! With drapes, it is on your way if you have to go back and forth outside through your patio door!!! What do you guys think????
How about curtains?? They are good for the kitchen, although I prefer the blinds, also, because you have more privacy!!! And blinds come in different forms, and sizes! There are so many different kinds of blinds: faux wood, bamboo, mini blinds, and cellular or honeycomb, to name a few. Wow! Sooo many to choose from! What is cellular or honeycomb? It is a shade made of fabric that stacks like an accordion! That is sooo impressive! What is good with the honeycomb, if you do not have anything to do, just start using your blinds as an accordion and start singing!!! See, there' s a dual purpose for your blinds!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! You are sooo silly!! I do not know what I will do with you!!! I have heard that a lot!!! LOL..
Why are you even blogging about the window furnishings?? You are not an expert, nor an interior designer. Sigh... you are right! Although at one time, I enrolled in interior design, but I never finish it. Why??? Because it was taking a long time, plus you have to draw a 3D of your rooms and furniture!!! What do I know about drawing, let alone a 3-dimensional!!! So, you are a dropout!!! My,my my...Yup, I am a dropout, do you have a problem with that??? Oh, oh, now she is testy! Tsk..tsk...tsk... calm down!!! Interior designing is just not for you, so give it a rest! Okay.
Now, why are you really blogging about drapes, curtains or blinds, since obviously, you are still hopeless with decorating?? Do you really want to know the truth??? I do not have anything better to do than blog about these three things!!! There you go! Ha! Ha! Ha!!! I got you! You thought I will say something else! Ha! ha! Ha! Stop, I cannot stop laughing that I might have an accident on my pants!!! Phewie!!!! You are sooo stupid!!!! Plus I thought that this might be a good subject! Any comments?????
Posted by vs at 5/28/2010 9:03 AM Add Comment

Thursday, May 27, 2010

American Idol Finale

The ninth American Idol was just proclaimed last night!!! Will the winner be as successful as Carrie Underwood, or will the winner be just a mediocre winner just like the others??? This remains to be seen.
What was different on the Idol show last night from the other Idol shows??? Last night was a star studded gala, complete with well known singers like Janet Jackson, Cristina Aguilera, Brett Michaels, and a host of singers from yesteryears, like Chicago and others!!! Almost all of the previous American Idol winners were present to pay tribute to Simon Cowell which included Kelly Clarkston and Carrie Underwood! Paula Abdul showed up pretty in pink!!! I was dissapointed that she did not perform!!! It would have been nice!!! Oh, well.
They might as well have called last night's show a Farewell show for Simon Cowell!!! It seems like last night the crowning of the American Idol was left on the sideline. Why is that??? It was because it was the last day of Simon on the American Idol!!! Will he be missed??? Yes, his British accent that graced the American Idol will be missed. Simon should be very thankful to this show because it started his rapid ascent in the entertainment world, thus becoming one of the highest paid judge!!! He is stepping down so that he can launch his new show! Isn't that nice to just quit and start a new show and get more money??? How is the saying goes," Money makes more money!" Isn't that the truth??? Good for Simon! Good luck to his new endeavor!!!
Who won after the counting of the votes??? Was it Lee DeWyze, a paint salesman from Mt. Prospect, Illinois, or Crystal Bowersox, a single mom from Toledo, Ohio??? It was fascinating to see the turnout of people on each of the hometown rooting for their favorite singer!!! These two talents each have a different approach to their singing, Lee is more on the slow,quiet singing; Crystal more on the country/ rock. Lee was the favorite to win ever since it started. Although he did not nail his songs on the final, his shy demeanor and good looks probably gave him more votes from the girls!!!! Oh, boy! Ha! Ha! Ha! You think that he won because of his good looks??? You bet, that helped a lot!!!! Think! W ho do you think usually cast more votes.... girls or boys??? Girls!!! Who are on concerts that shrieks, cries, and shouts the most..... girls or boys??? Girls!!!! Lol. I rest my case!!!!
The show was a little over 2 hours, and I believe Simon Cowell stole the limelight from the idol winner. Well,it was Simon's last day, so naturally they have to have a farewell show for him!!! After all, he made the show successful!!! Do you think it was him that made it sooo successful? I think it was a combination of him and the talented men and women on the show!!! What do you guys think???
And the winner is..... Lee DeWyze!!!! Woo... hoo!!! Wait, he started crying even though his name was not even announced!!! What a baby!!! Look at Crystal, she was sooo composed! Lee probably knew that he was going to win, and so his emotions were running at an all time high! Simon predicted for him to win, and by, golly! Simon was right!!! Lee was probably also thinking that no more paints for him, and here comes the billboard charts!!!! Can you blame him for shedding tears of joy, to be the American Idol.... to live his dream of becoming big in the entertainment world??? Of course not, that is why there are many wannabes that go to auditions every year! Can you blame them? No, because once they get signed by a recording company, it opens all the doors to them to be successful and earn quite a bit of money!!! Wait a minute, there are some idol winners that did not make it big! Well, maybe they have the wrong agent or the wrong song! Or do you need a lot of luck to become #1 in the industry?? What do you guys think????
Posted by vs at 5/27/2010 8:59 AM Add Comment

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Dancing with the Stars Finale

Wow!!!! Last night's Dancing with the Stars finale was the most intense! The celebrities performed two more dances, and all three of them, Erin, Evan and Nicole chose the Argentine Tango! After the three performed, there was a clear winner on the minds of the audience and viewers. I was thinking ," Why did Erin and Evan chose Argentine Tango?" For sure the comparison with the three with that dance will be easy, but the judges said otherwise!!! I think the judges already knew in their mind who was going to win, but they just tried to keep the suspense a little longer!! One thing I did not like, though, they started with the previous night's segment! Why? In case there were people who missed the show and wanted to see it! What else do you think it was for??? For the adverstisers to pay more, since it showed for two days??? I do not think so! It was already shown and it was just an encore. I might be wrong! Who knows??? Does anyone have any thoughts?
For sure, these three celebrities deserved to be in the finals! The other celebrities that were booted out performed also. I was laughing when it was Buzz Aldrin's time to dance! Ha! Ha! Ha! He still cannot move! Sorry, Buzz, I could not help it! What is wrong with you? At least he has the audacity to try to dance on national television!! After all, he is 80 years old!!! Let us see when you are 80 what you can do!!! Well, I still thought he looked ridiculous, just standing there while his partner did all the moves!!! Come to think of it, it looks like you dancing!!! Oh, oh, you got me!!! Oh, well. Sigh...
Pamela's performance was s.e.x.y!!! I could just imagine Len's eyes popping out! Too bad he was not focused on the camera during Pamela's performance! Niecy, as always, is being Niecy, with lots of jiggling parts!
I could not believe my eyes when Vienna and Jake were dancing! How on earth did Vienna came to dance on the show???? She was never a contestant!!!! Okay, Jake, how much did you bribe the producers and judges to get Vienna to dance???
Then comes the elimination of the third place finisher.... Erin! Erin has grown sooo much in her dancing. She should be proud of her accomplishment!!! I still think that she and Maksim look good together! And I believe that they had the most fight, like a married couple on the show!!!! Is there a romance going on?? Hmmmmm....
Then comes the final dance between Nicole and Evan. That is too bad that Evan became a contestant with Nicole. He is the only Olympian gold medalist that did not get the trophy in Dancing with the Stars!!! Tsk.. tsk.. tsk... Sorry, Evan, better luck next time!!! There is no next time with Dancing with the Stars!!! Oh, well.
There is no denying that Nicole was excellent! She was sooo good that you think she is a professional dancer! Well, she is a Pussycat Doll! What do you expect?? Of course, she is a good dancer!!!
I wonder if the past champions can have a dance off to see who is the champion of champions on Dancing with the Stars??? Wouldn't that be nice??? Everyone agree? How about that... then we will see really good dancing!!
Congratulations, Nicole!!! You deserved the trophy more than anyone in the history of Dancing with the Stars!!!!!!
Posted by vs at 5/26/2010 8:16 AM Add Comment

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


The new Bachelorette season just started last night! Who was the new bachelorette? None other than Ali Fedotowsky, who chose her career over Jake Pavelka of the last season's Bachelor show!I was amazed to see her as the new bachelorette. Why?? Because on the Bachelor show, she had to choose between work and love! She chose her work because if she did not, she will not have a job! Then, did she quit her job? She announced on the start of the show that she quit her job, and gave up her apartment! Wow!!! She must be really hungry for love!!! LOL.
What will she do for day to day existence???? Hmmmmm.... Do not worry about her! Do you not think??? She exchanged her meager job to be on the television show!!!! Besides probably being offered a lot of money, she can go on numerous dates worlwide, kiss a lot and make out with a lot of men!! Phewie!!!! Isn't that enough incentives to quit her job? How about the numerous appearances on the other shows? I just hope that Ali uses some kind of protection! She would not want to come down with a venereal disease!!! You are gross!!! Well, they can do a lot of things inside the house because there are some rooms that does not have a television camera!!! Do not forget the saying, " An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!" Please stop!! You are soo silly!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! You are just jealous because she will be kissing a lot, and you are not!!! I hope she does not end up with monkey lips or infectious mononucleosis!!!! Wowie! That is a big word! And you nailed it!!!! You are sooo stupid!!!! Enough of this nonsense!!!
I am sure that what Ali will make in 10 years on her old job is only a year on the television show!!! Do you guys agree with me??? Of course!!! Ali keeps saying that she gave up a lot to be on the show!!! Boo Hooo!!! Give her plenty of tissues to wipe her tears!!! Ya, right!!! At the same time that Ali is saying that, on her way to the bank, she is probably laughing and is saying," Wait till you see how much I am making for this show. Suckers!!! Ha! Ha! Ha." Hence, I will watch her but I do not pity her one iota!!! Am I cold? Not really, I am just telling the truth!!!!
I will not deny that she is pretty, and all 25 men went crazy for her! Some men even did some crazy acrobatic backflip from the top of the limousine to grab her attention! Show off!!! It is a good thing that he did not break his neck or something!!! Did it work for that guy? Maybe, I forgot who that was. Did anybody see the show last night? Did the backflip guy get a rose? He should have received a rose last night with such a crazy, stupid, dangerous stunt he did!!!
Ali was on seventh heaven last night. She was all gigly and very happy! Who would not be, with 25 men vying for her affection and she is the center of it all!!! It seems though that she is not comfortable. Wait for a few more episodes and after the 2 or 3 kissing scenes and Voila! She will emerge from her coccoon!!!! Any bets??? As soon as she entered the room, the men started to compete with her attention, a guy singing and playing the ukelele, and someone dancing the Salsa with her!!! Anything to stand out and be recognized! Right, guys???
Who received the first impression rose? Roberto, an insurance agent from Charleston, South Carolina. He was the one who danced the Salsa with Ali! I think Ali was immediately drawn to Roberto ever since he stepped out of the limousine? Why? Because he looked exotic, different than the other guys!!! Looks can be deceiving?? It remains to be seen! Tune in on the next episode of the.... Bachelorette!!!!!
How about the guy that got the most votes from the men for elimination? Many of the men did not think he was on the show for the right reason! Justin, an entertainment wrestler from Toronto, was saved by none other than Ali! Justin alienated many men because of the answers he gave defending his job!!! He came to the show with a broken foot!!! What does that have to do with that? Nothing, but maybe Ali pitied him so was given a rose and thus, saved from elimination!!!! I would have love to see Craig, the guy with a lot of hair go!!! He seems to be too smug!!! By the way, is the hair real, or just a toupee??? Anyone???? You are crazy!! Just because someone has lots of hair does not mean that it is not real. Well, just see for yourself, then you will say that I am right!!!!
What is it with Canadians? There were a lot of them that joined the show. Is there a shortage of beautiful women in Canada??? Oh, oh, Canadians, I like you, please do not get mad with me. It is just that there were quite a bit of men from Canada last night!!! You know what, there must be some pretty women there, Jillian, the last bachelorette was from Canada! How come she did not meet any nice looking, eligible bachelors from there? She had to go to good ole USA to meet her men of her dreams??? Hmmmmm..... Any Canadians care to answer? Just wondering.......
Posted by vs at 5/25/2010 8:57 AM Add Comment

Monday, May 24, 2010

Celebrity Apprentice, Finale

Who won the Celebrity Apprentice?
Who was hired? Who was fired? Let us go back first to the last episode on May 16, 2010. On May 16, there were only 5 celebrities left: Maria, Sharon, Curtis, Holly, and Brett. Donald Trump fired Maria right there and there because she was the weakest of the five!!! I agree with Donald this time! Bye, beautiful Maria! Then Bill Rancic and Joan Rivers started interviewing the remaining four to help the Donald. Who got fired as a result of the interviews? Curtis, the pretty boy! Both Joan and Bill thought that he was the weakest player of the 4!!!! Then Sharon got fired!!! I did not know that Sharon is very emotional. She cried in the boardroom! Sharon, Sharon, in the business world, you have to be tough. Your emotions should be controlled!!! You should know that!!! I guess it gave her back memories when she was diagnosed with colon cancer. Sharon wants to give back something, and as a result, emotions got the best of her. With Trump, you have to be tough! No mercy!!!! Adios, Sharon! So, that left Brett and Holly to compete for the title!
What was their task? They have to create a new flavor for Snapple, get the new flavor tested in public, bottle the flavor, and incorporate their charity on the label of the celebri-tea. They also have to create a 30 minute commercial. Sounds like a humongous task with very limited time!!! You are right! That is a very tall order! Holly was given 2 fired contestants, Curtis and Maria; Brett had Darryl and Summer! Holly's team was better organized than Brett, her commercial was in a laboratory setting where she hired funny actors and actresses. Brett's team, on the other hand, hired the Snapple funny man, and of course, Brett, being Brett, has to have attarctive girls!
During the live presentation, Holly had a decent presentation. Brett's presentation was better, I thought, it was livelier and from the looks of it, Brett was the clear winner! Holly's label on her Compassion Berry Tea was better than Brett's Trop A Rocka Tea. Holly's brochure cover was better but the inside was better on Brett's brochure. That is one thing with Brett, he always use his celebrity status, whereas, Holly does not! Why, Holly??? That was also Donald's question in the boardroom!It must have been an agonizing decision for Trump, since both Brett and Holly are really good!!! Holly raised the most money for charity, $347,000, although she lost two of her projects. Brett had never lost, and wow! He has a very creative mind! I guess to appease the person who will be fired, Snapple gave each a whopping $250,000 for their charity! Don't you think this the reason why Snapple gave each of them the money???
Darryl Stawberry received $25,000 for his charity from Trump since he left before he can be a project manager! Darryl announced that because of the Celebrity Apprentice that he will be opening a restaurant! The finale was graced by Cyndi Lauper's singing of her new song that will be released soon. How about that? Darryl and Cyndi have a free advertisement!!! That was nice of Donald!!!
I always wanted Brett to win. Is it a sympathy vote because of the many health problems he had experienced? Of course not!!! I thought that he was better than Holly all around!!! Plus Holly is always serious! Lighten up, Holly! Life is short!!!
Congratulations, Brett!!! Good health to you!!
Posted by vs at 5/24/2010 9:09 AM Add Comment

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Miss USA, 2010

Welcome to Miss USA, 2010!!!! Why am I blogging about the Miss USA pageant? Three reasons: I like to talk about beautiful, smart women, it is one of the interesting subjects on earth, and last, but not least, I do not have anything better to do!!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! You are sooo silly!!! When I read the third reason, I almost fell on the floor and peed on my pants!!! Oh, well, did I get your attention???? Of course, you did, you nincompoof!!!
There were 51 good looking women that competed in Planet Holywood Resort and Casino in Las Vegas. I did not say 51 gorgeous women because I thought some of them just looked like ordinary women. They might look ordinary, but probably they are very smart, don't you think so? You are probably right because they have to answer some questions really good and fast. That alone is really hard to do especially if you are in front of a live audience!!! The competition was done in Las Vegas. Do you think that is the reason why the women wore sexy costumes???? I think that is one of the reason, but the number one reason, I think, is to have controversy so more people will watch the show!!!! Ding...ding.... ding!!!! I hit the jackpot!!!! That was the one and only reason.... to get more viewers!!!! More viewers, more moolah!!!! Anything for money, right Donald?????
The women's photos were indeed racy..... women wearing fishnet stockings, high heels, sexy lingerie, with smoldering looks, sexy pauses, and plenty of bare skin. It looks like they are ready to pose for racy magazines! Ay.ya.yay!!! What were the executives of Miss USA thinking???? Oh,boy!!! It is already 2010. Wake up!!!! Times are changing, you cannot compete with the viewers unless there are some sexy things about it!!!!! Come on, sex sells!!!!! Sad, but, you are right, the world's moral has really gone downhill!!!! Even Miss USA's image has changed!!! What do you think will the other countries say about this??? Anyone??? Who cares what the other countries will say as long as the contestants did not do anything stupid! They are just pictures!!!! Who was crowned Miss USA, 2010??? They were down to 5 contestants: Miss Maine, Katherine Ashley Whittier, the tallest and the only one wearing a black gown, was the fourth runner up; followed by Miss Colorado, Jessica Hartman, the third runner up; Miss Virginia, Samantha Evelyn Casey was the second runner up; and Miss Oklahoma, Morgan Elizabeth Woolard, the first runner up. Any of these five beauties could have been the new Miss USA, but Miss Michigan won!!!!!! I believe that she had the extra ooomph! factor with her! When she walks, it is different, I do not know how to say it, but it seems like she can hypnotize and seduce people with her walking!!!! Maybe it is the gyration of her hips! I bet you she knows how to belly dance! LOL.
Who is Miss Michigan? She is Rima Fakih, 24, daughter of Lebanese immigrants. She is the first Arab- American Miss USA from Dearborn, Michigan! She is very pretty and very smart. She is a graduate of the University of Michigan with degrees in Economics and Business Management. She plans to begin law school after her one year reign. Sounds really impressive??? You bet! Hurray for Michigan!!!!!
Did you know that the Miss USA pageant is 59 years old??? It has come a long, long way for women. I noticed though that the majority of the beauty queens have breast implants! I guess they allow that now. How do you know?? Their breasts are sooo formed and not droopy. So, actually, the contestants do not really have their natural beauty! Their beauty is enhanced by plastic surgery here and there! Is that fair or not??? Then, if that is the case the women that have won the title from yesteryears were really beautiful....they do not have anything artificial on them!!! Right???? Maybe the competition is stiffer and more intense than before, from swim suits to evening gowns, that is why the contestants get under the knife to enhance their overall appearance??? I wonder about the talent, it used to be big and televised. Do they still do it, and is just not aired due to time constraints??? Does anyone know??? Do they also have interviews in the earlier years of the pageant??? Who knows and who cares??
I guess we are sooo obsessed about outward beauty that women resort to everything arificial in them! Are we ever going to see a nude beauty as our Miss USA, untouched by a knife or plastic surgery??? Hmmmm... I think that is a very tall order! I think you will be waiting forever to see a real beauty. Forget what you would like to see, just watch and admire the bevy of beauties, real body parts or not, parading before your eyes every year!!!
Posted by vs at 5/23/2010 10:55 AM Add Comment

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Survivor, Finale

At last, our long awaited finale of the Survivor came! Were you surprised who won the one million prize???? I was a little bit. For one thing, she did not really do a lot... she was riding on coattails of the other contestants, she was weak, stayed out of trouble, and did not rattle any feathers except almost at the end with Russell!!! Which reminded me of Colby. His strategy seems to be different from his first appearance. He stayed mostly on the sidelines, which probably was his strategy. He was trying Sandra's strategy which did not work for him! Well, at least he stayed longer than Boston Rob!!! Look at Boston Rob... he played aggresively which contributed to his early demise! Right?
Were you guys surprised that Russell won the $100,000 fan favorite prize?? There were only 2,000 votes separating Russell and Rupert! Never in a million years would I have given the prize money to Russell. Maybe I am prejudice towards him, but I find him very conceited, arrogant, selfish and domineering!!!! How about that Russell Hantz, you were beaten not once, but twice by a weak woman! Nenenenenene!!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! And you are also a liar! You said you did not join the Survivor cast to win? Come on. Why were you so hyper and scrambling to answer the jury on the finale??? You are a crazy, neurotic, egoistic devil!!!! Do you really have millions like you claim you have? If you do, why are trying to fight to get the million dollar prize??? To show off that he is the ultimate survivor!!! I am soooo glad and happy that he did not win! Otherwise, his ego will be tenfold and he will have a bigger head! I cannot believe that he has a lot of fans based on his winning the Sprint player of the game fan based prize! Oh, well.
How come Parvati did not win? She should have won! Boo hoo. I am quite surprised that she did not win!!! I thought she really played tremendously in the Samoan jungle, and even had Russell wrapped around her pinkie!!! Parvati played a very gutsy game with the double idol play. She did not win because of her alliance with Russell!! That is what you get for conniving with the devil!!!! Next time, choose your alliances carefully!!! See, it costs you the million dollars! You alienated the jury against you. So which would the jury pick? It was only a choice between Russell,Parvati and Sandra!! Of course the jury will choose Sandra because she did not have any enemies even though she was the weaker player among the three!!!! She kept her mouth shut and was wishy washy with her alliances!!! Look at where it took her!!!
Sandra, the winner of Survivor Samoa, Heroes vs Villains, will go down in Survivor history as the only person to date to win twice the million dollars! How about that, ladies and gentleman.... the two time Survivor is a weak woman!!!!! So, after 13 weeksof television and 20 people, it finally came down to three, then the ultimate survivor! Congratulations, Sandra, your strategy worked not only once, but two times! Hep, hep, hurray!!!!!
What is next for Survivor? The next location will be in Nicaragua, and Jeff Probst will be back for just 2 more seasons. So, everybody, would you care to join Jeff on the next episode of the Survivor??? You just have to be cunning, manipulative, a mind boggler, domineering, and should be able to outwit, and outlast the other contestants!!! Do you have what it takes to be in the Survivor with ultimate goal of winning a million dollars????
Posted by vs at 5/22/2010 8:36 AM Add Comment

Friday, May 21, 2010

Back to Blogging

Hi.... I am back! Did anyone miss me???? Boo... hooo!!! I am sooo touched!!! Thank you very much!!!
I tell you, it was a very tiring trip, 10 to almost 12 hours one way! I ended up with bloated fingers, feet and everything, because of sitting too long! Ay..ya..yay!!! What do you mean that you were bloated because of sitting??? You are always bloated, sitting for a long time or not!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! You got it babe, I thought nobody will remind me of that! I thought it was an excellent excuse so I can pig out more!! Oh, well.
It was a very nice trip though, we saw relatives who were always fun to be with! Don't you all agree that it is always fun to see relatives??? Not really??? Why??? Never mind, do not answer!!!! Just kidding!!! Also we managed to have a little fun in Atlantic City! Just a little?? You guys were up until three am!!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! Shhhh!!!!!
The road trip during this time of the year is hindered by a lot of orange barrels, due to construction! What do you mean orange barrels, there are no orange barrels in New Jersey... only a white skinny "thingie" with black strips around it!!! I do not know what it is called, so I am calling it the " thingie." Do you have a problem with that???? Is there anyone who know what it is called? Nope, and I do not care what you call it! But, you are right, the construction is everywhere. I guess it is nice to see that your tax dollars is being put to good use!!!
New Jersey is a beautiful state, the Garden state name is very appropriate!!! Once you enter the state, it is different than Michigan, Ohio, Chicago and others. But make sure you have money or change when you enter the Garden State Parkway because there is a toll of ten cents or a quarter on every mile! Ha! Ha! Ha! I am just kidding, it is not every mile, it is every half mile. LOL. Just kidding, but it seems like it is!!!
Then you go to Atlantic City. Atlantic City seems to be on its own world, complete with fun, gambling and glitter, like a mini Las Vegas..... only with miles and miles of boardwalk and a beach! On a Sunday afternoon, you can just stroll or rest in the boardwalk or go shopping. If you have the urge to gamble, there are many casinos in the area! The casinos lure the players by giving them a very good accommodation, like a suite, that is free! Once in your room, you can see from your windows the beach and the exciting neon lights of the adjacent casinos!!! Oh, ya, baby, if you love the life of luxury, go to Atlantic City!!!!
Then there is Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is a very pretty, mountainous state. I think we went through at least six or seven tunnels!!! Needless to say, there are plenty of winding roads, which you have to share with a lot of truckers!!! That is right, there are plenty of truckers that you see on the roads! And some of them, can really drive fast!!!! Sorry, truckers, but I saw some that have been really driving fast! There are plenty of signs on the Pennsylvania turnpike that says, " Drive slowly, save a life." It is a good reminder to people to take it slowly, the life you save may be yours!!!!!
The Pennsylvania turnpike that you merge to from Atlantic City is nice, there are no orange barrels nor traffic! But, it is very expensive to travel via the Pennsylvania turnpike, it will cost us an arm and a leg, around twenty bucks!!! Why did you say that it will cost you twenty dollars??? Did you not pay it as you exited? No! Why? On the Philadelphia exit, I thought the very left side is the thru traffic! We were going to back up to the toll booths, but there were so much traffic, that it will not be a good option, so we just kept on going! I guess the Philadelphia exit is the last exit to pay the toll! How would we know, there is no sign, that I saw!!! Oopsie, double oops!!! What will happen to your ticket??? Well, the Pennsylvania turnpike ends in the Ohio turnpike, which is again a toll road. We asked the Ohio toll booth lady who told us to keep the ticket. They will collect it through the mail. They take a picture of the license plates of every car who passes through the toll road! I just hope and pray that they do not add a fee!!! Twenty dollars is stiff enough!!! So, travel though Atlantic City, Pennsylvania turnpike, and Ohio turnpike is very expensive!!!! It was almost fifty bucks we spent on the toll roads!!!! Be sure to have plenty of moolah when you are traveling to this part of good ole USA!!!!!
How about gas? It was around $2.61 to $2. 75 in New Jersey and around $2.83 in Pennsylvania! The internet made a guess of around $80.00 that will be spent on the trip considering our car and miles per gallon. It was close, the trip to New Jersey was around $90.00 ( 10 hours), and back home (11 1/2 hours) was around $100.00! Is it cheaper to travel then by plane, since the wear and tear of your body and car will not be as much??? I do not think so, since there were two of us!. I do not know how much is the plane fare, but I think it depends on the person. If you like to be on your destination with just a blink of an eye, and you have the money to pay and you do not mind the hassle in the airport, go for it! If you want to see the sights of the place you are going to, and do not mind driving, then long driving is for you!!!! I agree that it is a personal choice.... You know yourself. You, and only you can make that decision!!!! After all, it is your body!!!!!
It is very nice to travel though, to see our beautiful country! Oh, oh, should I cry now??? You are sooo dumb and stupid!!! Do you not want to travel and see the whole USA??? Okay, everyone, get your suitcases ready and let us go driving! Get set.... go! Have a nice and safe trip!! Life is short!! Enjoy every minute of it!!!!!!
Posted by vs at 5/21/2010 9:50 AM Add Comment

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Off for a Few Days

Hi, everybody

I will be gone for a few days for the funeral of my brother in law.

Eternal rest grant unto him , O Lord, and let perpetual light shine unto him.
May he rest in peace. Amen!

Take care everybody, and may God bless each and everyone of you!!!!!!
Posted by vs at 5/16/2010 4:07 PM Add Comment

Saturday, May 15, 2010


What is a houseplant? A plant that is grown indoors, in residences and offices! Why do we have houseplants in our homes? It is mainly for decorative purposes and health reasons, for indoor air purification.Why are there people that can grow plants just like that, and others that cannot grow anything?? Is it because the latter does not have a green thumb??? If that is the case, I will just dye my thumb green, then, perhaps, the plants will thrive, not die on me!!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! You are soooo stupid!!!! A person who has a green thumb is someone who seems to be able to grow plants well just by being around, talking to the plants or even playing music to the plants! In this busy world, who has time to do all those things??? If you really like your plant, you will take time to nurture them, giving them a TLC just like your loved ones!!!! What is TLC? Tender, loving, care! I know, I am just fooling around with you. LOL.
Growing plants need a lot of other things, also, like light, moisture, fertilizer and other things they need for their growth. You cannot just leave them and tend for themselves!! You also cannot water them everyday! The real plant is so hard to take care of, that is why I have more artificial plants! Artificial plants are in homes and offices, all you need to do is dust them once in a while!!! That is true, but real plants are better!
All I have now are two houseplants! One is the Jade plant I have for sooo many years. It is now very old and starting to die. I hope it stays with us for still a very long time! Did you know that the Jade plant produces small, pretty pink flowers? It bloomed in 2000 and 2001. When I first saw the flowers, I cannot believe it! After so many years, I saw the flowers for 2 years in a row!!! My sister's Jade plant bloomed also for one year, and then it died!The other plant that I have for 2 years now is the struggling Poinsettia. Ha! Ha! Ha! A struggling Poinsettia! Oh, Oh! It is a good thing the people around you are self- sufficient, otherwise, they will be struggling, too!!!! You dingbat!!! Plants are very different from people, you cannot compare the two!!! And that is the end of the story!!! My, my,,, you are sooo feisty!!! Okay, I will zip my mouth!!! Sorry!!! Now, let us go back to the Poinsettia. I should probably re-pot it to a bigger pot but I cannot for fear of the lives of our dear cats. So, the Poinsettia plant is just on our kitchen windowsill! You see, there are some plants that are poisonous to animals. Yup! That is it!!! It is not because I do not have a green thumb, but it is because of our dear beloved cats!!! Bravo!!!! You found a very good excuse for not having houseplants!!! Is this for real??? Of course, it is. Ask the veterinarians!
How about herbs? That is easy to grow and you can use it too for your cooking! Forget the herbs. I bought a few last summer, place it on our kitchen windowsill, and bam! After a few weeks, it died on me! So there, I will just stick to buying the herbs when I need it!!! It is less hassle!
What do you guys think???? I always admire the people's houses that have many houseplants. Some of the plants are almost to the ceiling already! Wow!!! That is what I call really having a green thumb!!! It is really amazing to see a house full of real plants. It is not only soothing to your eyes, but it is also good for the air in the house! Not everyone has a green thumb, so to the non-green thumbers ( is there such a word? I do not know, but it seems appropriate!), we will just settle with our artificial greens! To the green thumbers, hurray and more power to you!!! Keep up contributing to the greening of the environment!!!!
Posted by vs at 5/15/2010 8:40 AM Add Comment

Friday, May 14, 2010

Survivor, 05132010

The last episode of Survivor seems to be the survival of the sex: the women, led by Parvati, and the guys led by Russell. Who was more dominant in the whole show??? First, let us see what happened on the show! The show started with a challenge involving their loved ones that were flown in. The final 6 castaways were being given time with their loved ones in a reward challenge. The castaways had to get a pail of water, and throw the water in their partner's pail. The partner will then place the water in a concoction that ultimately will fill a bucket. The first team to fill the bucket up will win the challenge!! When I saw the contestants pairing, I thought for sure that Colby and his brother will win! Why? Because they are both men? My, oh, my!!! You never learn!! Women are fierce competitors!!!! The challenge was so intense and fierce, and was between Russell and wife, Jerri and sister! Unbelievable!!! Jerri is again a contender for the challenge?? Who won then? Do not prolong the suspense! Okay.... Jerri and sister won!!! Jeff then asked Jerri to pick someone to go with them. Who did Jerri picked? Parvati and father! You can see at this point that Russell was upset that Jerri did not pick him and his wife! Jerri then asked Jeff if she can bring another pair with them? Who did she choose? Sandra and uncle! Good for you, Jerri!!! That is what I call girl power!!! Hurray to you three!!!! By this time, Russell was really fuming that Jerri did not pick him for the excursion!!! I can see the word" revenge" written all over his eyes!!! Nenenenenene..... Russell! Who do you think you are???? By the way Russell, if you really make millions of dollars in your oil business, you do not need a hand out to go somewhere! You can use your own money!!! I also noticed how passionate Rupert and his wife were upon seeing each other! How about Russell and his pretty wife? Just a hug, no kissing!!! Russell, are you that cold? Were you not happy to see your wife???? Hmmmm.....
Back to camp, the three men, Russell, Colby and Rupert made an alliance and vowed to get rid of Parvati! Will they succeed? On the immunity challenge, the girl power ruled again!!! It was down to Rupert and Parvati! Then the post came tumbling down......... Hurray!!! Parvati won just by a hair!!! I was sooo glad she won! Ha! Ha! Ha! Russelll, there goes your plan... down the drain!!! What are you going to do about it??? What is your plan B???
During the night at the camp, it must have been a sleepless night for Rupert. Everybody was trying to sleep, and what did Rupert do??? Make a lot of noises breaking wood for the fire! Jerri thought he was very inconsiderate. Have you lost your mind, Rupert? You will really be a prime target this time! You should just have kept quiet like Colby! Will Rupert be spared??? I do not know, but Rupert is sooooo dumb! In the morning, Sandra approached Rupert and told him that she hates Russell, that they should get rid of him. What did dumb Rupert do? Tell Russell what Sandra said. There was a confrontation that ensues between Sandra and Russell. Sandra was very feisty towards Russell!!! Atta girl, Sandra, give Russell a taste of his own venom!!!! I was soooo proud of Sandra! For once, someone had the nerve to stand up against the devil! Parvati, who was ear to ear in her smile beside Sandra was having a ball with the confrontation between the two! That was really something! So what did Russell try next? Get rid of Sandra with the help of his 2 Heroes!!! Did Russell succeed?
On the tribal council, Sandra's hidden immunity came into play! Russell's jaw must have dropped down on the floor! Another big surprise to you, Russell??? Well, to make the story short, Russell's boy, Rupert, said bye... bye... You should have seen Rupert's eyes when he left!!! If looks can kill a person, that would be the look! I was not sure though to whom that look was intended for! Is it for Russell, because they made a pact? Rupert, Rupert..... Russell is one devious, conniving guy that cannot be trusted! Too bad for you, it cost you the chance to win the millions!!!!
I was soooo surprised to see Danielle on the tribal jury bench! She seems to be a real knockout!!! She really looked beautiful and fantastic!!!! Wow!!!! Dannielle, you are so pretty to look at that the camera kept focusing you!!! Okay, I did not even think or noticed your upper lip! Who cares now about your lip? You made a statement tonight. You really look fantastic! I guess that is what the castaways look once they are booted off! They look normal and wonderful again!
Posted by vs at 5/14/2010 8:14 AM Add Comment

Thursday, May 13, 2010

American Idol, 05122010

American Idol finalists are down to three!!! Who among the three will be crowned the next American Idol? Will it be Casey James, aka pretty boy with the long hair; Lee De Wyze, the favorite; or Crystal Bowersox, the only girl standing? It seems the most popular vote getter is Lee, but who knows, it is all about the fan base which can be unpredictable! When the judges say something derogatory with the contestant, the contestant dodges elimination!!! Go, figure! It seems the fans do not vote because the singer is worthy to stay another week, but they vote because the judges pisses them off with the remarks to the singers! I don't get it! Is this the fan's way to show their retaliation when they do not approve of the judges remarks??? I agree that sometimes the words can sting like a bee, but it should just be taken as a constructive criticism! That is easier said than done! You are not the contestant in front of millions of people!!! It can also be the contestants fault, because they choose the wrong songs!!!! Even though I cannot carry a tune, I know when the singer is out of tune or not!! So, now, you are an expert in singing? I did not say that! Can you not tell if a person is good with their singing or not??? I rest my case!!! Ha! Ha! Ha!
The show started with Fantasia, the season 3 winner, who is releasing an album this summer. I did not really like her song nor her performance, but who am I to say if it is good or not? The next performer was Chris Daughtry, who is a multi-platinum recording artist with his single September. He is one idol cast off that is making it big in the recording industry! He is also proving that you do not have to be an American Idol winner to fulfill and live your dream. There are other cast offs that are making a name also in the industry. So, the idol cast offs should not lose hope, keep trying!!!! You never know in the business you are in!!!Who was eliminated? Michael Lynche, or Big Mike was sent home packing his bags! He was given a second chance 5 weeks ago when the judges used their one and only save of the season, to stay another week! It is not bad being the 4th runner up!!! After all, he is already included in the cross country tour of the American Idol! Look at all the additional exposure they are going to get!!!!
About the judges....Randy, the yo man. Why is he always saying yo? Yo..yo...Where did the word come from? Did he used it since the start of the American Idol? You are crazy!!! That is just a nothing word! Who cares what word he use, at least it is not a curse word!!! I still want to know how Randy started to use that word! Anyone??? How about Ellen? She seems to be out of her element in this show, kind of uptight!!! Seems like she is trying sooo hard to be on an even keel with the rest of the judges! Ellen, you will never be even with them! So, leave it at that, enjoy, have fun, and be yourself... the funny one that we know. Sure, you crack a joke here and there but it is not the same!!! Loosen up!!!! What is it with Kara and Simon? It seems they are sooo flirty with each other! Kara, you just got married!!! Is this because Simon will miss American Idol since he is leaving, or he just like Kara??? After all, Kara is beautiful, sexy, and it seems she really knows everything there is to know about music!!!! How about Ryan Seacrest? He is just an emcee! An emcee that is making tons of moolah!!! What is it about him? He is also very dramatic in his role. He need to do that to give flavor to the show! That is also why they are paying him big bucks!!!! Don't you think it is adding an ooomph! factor when he calls the contestants, line them up in two groups, and he asks the lights to be dimmed???? That is a good part just like you are watching a movie!!! Wasn't the suspense killing you???? You are soooo stupid!!! You really have a good imagination! Why don't you make a screenplay? Me?? Oh, no!! See, I got you scared! Ha! Ha! ha! Keep quiet , then! Back to American Idol...
Who do you think will be crowned the next American Idol? Casey, Lee or Crystal? It really does not matter to me. Any of those three have equal chances, plus the winner, sometimes, does not always become the most successful artist! It depends on their lucky stars, I guess, or maybe their agent? Or is the path already predetermined for each of them??? What do you all think???
Posted by vs at 5/13/2010 9:25 AM Add Comment

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Have you ever been on a cruise? It is fun with no worries about food! There are many activities that you can do, such as, physical fitness, sunbathing, and swimming in the morning! At night, one can go dancing in a variety of music, slow, country or rock; stroll under the stars and eat at the midnight buffet!
Once the ship docks, one can gamble on the ship, or venture on the country where the ship docks. There, one can go shopping or go to the excursion offered in the island! A word of advice on shopping: make sure you know your prices, be it perfume or jewelry!!! I went crazy with perfumes because I thought I was getting the bargain of my life! When I arrived home, I found out that it is the same price as it is on the island! I never bought jewelry because I did not think it is a good buy. The souvenirs are plentiful and cheap!
The beaches are really nice, clean with blue water. You can go snorkeling, swimming or lay on the hammock. They also give you food on the island, which is good. You do not have to look for a restaurant to eat lunch. We ventured on one of the islands by ourselves and we were kind of apprehensive with the surroundings we saw. As a result, we did not go very far from our ship! I was thinking that if something happened to us, nobody will know where we were. I was sooo thankful when we reached the ship safely! I do not think we will do that again! It is best to do it in groups or come to think of it, just do it with a tour guide! It is better to be safe than sorry!
The cabin is not too bad. It is clean, comfortable and every day when we come back to the cabin, our bed is made up with the linens shaped into animals. We were lucky that our cabin is an outside one, so we can see the sights wherever we stop. There is also room service available, which, to tell you the truth, I did not even know if it was included or placed on our tab. Who cares? The service is fantastic! Once the waiters learn to know you, you will be greeted by your name wherever they meet you. Is it embarrassing or what? People might think you are a big spender, or you just ask for too many drinks????? Ha! Ha! Ha!
The food is something else! Yum... Yummm.... They are mostly gourmet items and when they serve it, there is a slew of dancing waiters! If you have kids with you, the waiters entertains! Where else can you find such an accommodating people with a superb service? During dinner, you are seated with other people, unless you are lucky to get a table with your company! I guess we were one of the few lucky ones to seat by ourselves. The waiter kept the food going and kept us really entertained! For sure, his service warranted a very good tip! I remembered reading that the service people in the ship are overworked and underpaid, and they are just relying on their tips to compensate for the low pay they get! I am not sure how true this is. Does anybody know????
There is also entertainment aboard the ship, which is like the ones you see in Vegas, dancers kicking their heels high, or a magician doing his thing! There are also other activities like a ping pong game and shuffleboard, just to name a few. To me, a cruise is worth every penny that you paid for because you have your hotel room, entertainment, and unlimited supply of food! You can easily add a few pounds when you go to a cruise, if you do not have self control with the food! And my gosh! Their ice carvings are very, very artistic!!!
Did you get seasick at all? No, I was pleasantly surprised! It was smooth sailing throughout our seven day journey. The medicine for motion sickness that I brought with me were not used at all! We were soooo lucky that our trip was very successful and the weather cooperated with us! Overall, our experience with our cruise was excellent! I would go again if I get the chance. For one thing, it was very nice to be pampered continuously and live like kings or queens, even if it is only for a short time!!!!!
Posted by vs at 5/12/2010 8:25 AM Add Comment

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Celebrity Apprentice, 05092010

The previous episode of Celebrity Apprentice started at Donald Trump's Apartment at Trump Tower. The apartment was gaudy, but I admit that it is magnificent...... with gold, statues, chandeliers and very expensive furniture! The other celebrities cannot help but admire the opulence of the apartment! His apartment reminded me of the movies in the Roman Empire where everything you see is gold. I guess Donald Trump likes to live in splendor and be boisterous with his living environment. His motto probably is," Flaunt it if you have it!" Who can blame him if he can afford it? He is one of the rich guys that wants to live in a grand luxurious style!
Donald re-shuffled the teams again. Since Sharon and Maria did not like Curtis, he made them into a team. The two women did not like it a bit, but Curtis vowed that they will like him at the end of the challenge!!!! Tenacity, on the other hand, has Holly, Cyndi and Brett. The project manger was Sharon for Rock Solid, and Holly, for Tenacity! Holly did not really want to be the project manager, but Cyndi would not budge. What was their mission? To renovate overnite a two room corporate suite for visiting executives! When the senior Trump asked the junior Trump who will be the judge, Donald Junior stuttered, which made Donald Sr. laughed! This is a very rare sight for Donald Sr. He seldom smile nor laugh! All you can see is a lot of smirking from him!!! Oh, well, he made his millions like that.... with very little sense of humor!!! Don't you guys agree?? Watch him and you be the judge!!!!
The Zen theme is what Holly decided for the two rooms, leaving the celebrity room to Cyndi. Cyndi got crazy during the shopping spree for the apartment! She was like a bird that just flew out of a cage for the very first time!!! You can see that it seems she was in seventh heaven... shopping!!! Wow!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! She was really having a ball picking everything up for the celebrity room! Holly let her do her thing. Unfortunately, Brett had to go to do a concert for several hours, which left only Cyndi and Holly. Even though they were short of one person, it seemed to me that this team was well organized, with only two professional painters with them. Between Holly and Cyndi, if it is the real business world, I will hire Cyndi over Holly! Cyndi will do whatever it takes to finish the task!! She is a real worker, carrying heavy items, painting and what have you! I am soo impressed with Cyndi!!! How about Holly? I did not really see her lifting heavy objects, or do anything except to give orders! Unless, I fell asleep! How about Brett? Brett had to climb down and up eigtheen flight of steps to retrieve his New York skyline photograghs! Those Photos were very impressive!!! I guess that will be Brett's future job or what he will do in his spare time! What spare time? Can you see that he is a very busy guy??? How about Rock Solid? Maria and Sharon instructed Curtis to do measurements! Later on, Curtis and Sharon went out to get all the furniture and furnishings for the apartment. Curtis was soo impressed with Sharon, when she walked in a furniture store! All Sharon did was to point what she wants, and presto! they will deliver the items! No ifs, buts, or haggling!!! Seems like Sharon is a well known celebrity in New York, and a very powerful one! What happened to Maria? She was left in the apartment painting, which she did not like! It seems pretty boy Curtis snatch Sharon out from Maria! Oh, oh... Will there be a confrontation??? Not really, because they did not have time for that! They need to finish painting the rooms! The three of them called their friends to help them paint, and they got a good response! Why did they not hire professional painters? Who knows?
What happened in the boardroom? The executives liked the fact that as soon as you open the door, there is a good sense of splendor in the room, with the expensive furniture in place! Curtis decorated the kitchen, making it really inviting, complete with muffins on the table, a real chef's kitchen! The celebrity room fell short on the eyes of the executives, though. It seems just an ordinary room. I thought the Rock Solid group would surely lose, since the executives went gaga over the red celebrity room, which was Cyndi's brainchild! It was bright, funky and a real Rock n Roll room! Cyndi truly has a remarkable creative talent!!! The Zen theme did not score big with the executives, especially the green bedroom! Sorry, Holly, your creative mind is not as good as Cyndi's! Also, with a lot of furniture, the executives thought that Tenacity's apartment looked smaller! The judges overwhelmingly picked Rock Solid as the winner of the challenge! Curtis got his wish.... Sharon and Maria changed their minds about him!!!!
Who got fired? Cyndi, after saying that the red paint is Holly's idea!!!! Both Donalds criticized Cyndi for telling the truth that the red room was Holly's idea!!!! True, the red paint was Holly's idea, but who thought of the creative aspect of it? It was all Cyndi's!!!!! Cyndi, why did you not fight that it was only the paint that Holly should be rewarded, but the overall creativity of the room was all yours? I would rather have seen Holly got fired than Cyndi! Even though Cyndi's mind is sometimes in another world, she can be amusing. Holly, on the other hand, is another person that seems to be on edge all the time! She seldom smile also! Lighten up Holly! Life is too short to be melodramatic!!!! I think, Donald Trump, you made a mistake firing Cyndi! On the other hand, Holly seldom smile also like Trump! Birds of the same feathers flock together?????
Posted by vs at 5/11/2010 8:25 AM Add Comment

Monday, May 10, 2010

Amazing Race12

Has anybody been following the Amazing Race? I have not been religiously following it but I watched the final episode last night. Do you guys know who won? They were all over the television shows this morning! To those who have not seen this reality show, it is a six time Emmy award winning adventure reality series hosted by Emmy nominated Phil Keoghan. The series starts with 12 teams, each team with two members. They travel around the world, where they compete in challenges in each destination. The challenges are mostly physical, and some mental. Once they complete their task, they can proceed to their next location. The first team to arrive in the Pit stop is awarded a prize, mostly trips to well known destinations like Hawaii, Carribean or Mexico. That itself is an amazing prize already, if you keep wiinning each leg of the race! The last team to arrive is eliminated unless it is a non- elimination leg of the race which is only once during the season. If you are spared of elimination, your team has to undergo a speed bump which will delay the team for the next challenge.
Why do people go for this series? It is a very competitive reality series, and it takes you all over the world. You will see the different parts of the globe, like Italy, China, Croatia, France, India, Singapore and other countries. Do they have fun? Maybe, maybe not. They see their custom and traditions, and they get to see some of the main attractions of the country they are in! The teams get frustrated though when they encounter people that does not understand and speak English! They lose their way, which can be disastrous on the outcome of the race!! Some of the challenges can be very frustrating and hard, example, learning how to play the drums and be a part of the ensemble. Sometimes it takes a few tries before the teams get proficient, which can be aggravating, because in this challenges, time is very precious. Or you might have to make pasta, twirling, cutting, adding to the right consistency and weight. Or the teams might have to climb a wall, find a hidden object in a ton of hay. There are sooo many tears, frustrations abd fights during the challenges. It seems you have to be strong physically and mentally, and the teams should have good rapport with each other. I wonder how many of the people in the teams have broken up after they finish the show? Anyone????
On the final episode, there were three teams left. The teams have to travel from China to San Francisco. The team that won jumped the line in the airport which the other team did not like. First of all, they were not in line, they were lying down on the floor. The first team that was accused of cutting in line were the first in the ticket counter. If the other teams thought they were cut off from being the first in line, why did they not say anything? Boo Hoo.... Plus, they were all together in the same flight anyway! So, what is the big deal??? The winning team made a smart move on the plane, they transferred to the first class, which gave them a little edge in getting off from the plane in San Francisco! Smart!!! They were using their brains, not their mouths!!!! On the final challenge, the teams had to ascend to Coit Tower to retrieve the next clue to go to Lucas film's Industrial Light and Magic. The teams have to work together to navigate a virtual reality maze to get the instruction for the next task, which is a memory challenge... assembling a puzzle of previously eliminated teams from around the world, in the order of their elimination. I think this is where the winning team excelled. When I saw how fast the challenge was done, I knew they have won!!!
The winners were greeted at the Candlestick Park by Phil and the rest of the eliminated teams. Needless to say, Daniel and Jordan Pious, siblings from Barrington, Rhode Island emerge victorious to claim their one million dollar prize! They were followed by the cowboy brothers, Jet and Cord McCoy, who were upset with the Pious brothers. The McCoys have won quite a bit of travel in this show. So, why the long face? They did not win the million dollars!!! Ha! Ha! The third team to arrive was dating models, Caite Upton ( former Miss Teen South Carolina) from Lexington, South Carolina, and Brent Horne from Columbia, South Carolina. The third runner up was confronted by Brandy Snow, one of the racers, who they targeted in one leg of the race. She refused to clap for them! Who cares? Grow up, Brandy, it is a race, so what do you expect??? Forgive and move on!!!! Easier said than done, especially if it is a million dollars you are talking about! You are right, but let the other team live with it! It is done! Remember, " To err is human, to forgive is divine." Go on with your life!
What makes this reality show click? It is a real competition.... no judges, no fan or competitor voting. It is based on the reality contestants stamina, strategy, endurance, and relationship. It also becomes a great adventure for the contesttants! Now, everybody knows what the Amazing Race is. Is everyone ready to audition and commit themselves to a fun filled, tear jerking, and very competitive physical and mental challenging show? After all the ultimate goal is only to win a whopping $1,000,000!!!!!!
Posted by vs at 5/10/2010 12:03 PM Add Comment

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mother's Day

Mother's Day! What is Mother's Day? It is a day set aside nationally to honor the greatest woman in our life.... our mothers!!!!!

Do you know when it started? Where and when??? I do not really care!!! Some people might say that it is a concoction of businesses to get more business in the form of candies, jewelries, flowers and dinners in restaurants! That is right! These businesses are very busy on this day! Can you blame the children for wanting to lavish their mothers with gifts, even just for one day in a given year? Of course not!!! Mothers deserve every bit of it and more! Mothers are doctors, nurses, head chef, mediator, accountant and other things combined into one! Mothers do their best on what God has given to them! Do you agree?

Mother's Day was not a concoction of businesses! It was started by Anna Marie Jarvis following the death of her mother, Ann Jarvis on May 9,1905, but the first official celebration was not until May 10, 1908. On May 8, 1914, the US Congress passed a law designating the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day. The proclamation was issued on May 9,1914 by President Woodrow Wilson, declaring the first national Mother's Day as a day for American citizens to honor the mothers whose sons died in the war. Why are you telling me the history of Mother's Day? Who cares??? We just want to celebrate it!!! Does everyone agree with me, or you guys want to know everything there is to know about Mother's Day??? Nope! Leave it at that. Okay, I guess there is no history buffs here. Are you sure you do not want to know where the International Mother's Day Shrine is? I will tell you anyway. Oh, no! This is crazy. Oh, well. Where is it? It is in Andrews Methodist Episcopal Church in Grafton, West Virginia where the first Mother's Day celebration was held! It is now a National Historic Landmark!!! See, now you know. Next time you visit West Virginia, do not forget to go and see the landmark! We learn something new everyday, is it not??? Life is always about learning something everyday!!!!

Did you know the flowers that represent Mother's Day? Roses? Lilies? No! Carnations. Since it is the favorite flower of her mother, Anne Jarvis delivered 500 carnations on the first celebration of Mother's Day in 1908. Since then, red carnations are designated for living mothers, and white, for deceased mothers. Did you know that??? No, I thought a carnation is a carnation! How about the other colors? I do not know and I do not care. They are very pretty and I will take or buy any colors I liked!!! Wow!!! That is quite an attitude you have there, missy! Why??? It is because you are shoving to us the past history! Who cares to hear about all of this??? Everybody agrees or what? I just thought it might be interesting to know a little background of Mother's Day! Okay, now we know! Yippeee!!!! Thank you very much for enlightening us!

Is Mother's Day celebrated in other parts of the world? Yes, they do but not in the same way we do! Also, the dates are different from ours! Do you think our Mother's Day celebration is more commercialized? Perhaps. We, as a society,were brought up to the material aspect, so we show our appreciation to our mothers with lavish gifts! How about now, with economy down, do children still spend a lot for their mothers? That is a good question! I am assuming that the business is probably down quite a bit. Anyone care to answer that? How do we celebrate Mother's Day in our family? Some take their mom to a delicious dinner, and others give their moms, a card, or a present. What would mothers like to receive on their special day? Probably just a hug and knowing that you are loved by your children!!! You are full of, you know what! You are sooo sentimental! Boo Hoo!!! You are going to make me cry!!! Don't you want a massage, a trip, or jewelry?? Not really.... It is the thought that counts! Phoey! That is such nonsense. Admit it, you want to receive some worldy riches also!!! Maybe, but like I said, there are some moms that will agree with me. Be simple! Just a kiss, a hug and a good deed for that day will be all that some mothers want!!! No expensive gifts! Just what is in your heart... that will last day after day after day!

Children, make sure you tell your moms how you love and appreciate her for everything she has done for you! Do not wait until it is too late!! The time is now!!! Seize the day and enjoy each other!

May God bless all mothers and a Happy Mother's Day to all!!!

Posted by vs at 5/8/2010 8:31 AM Add Comment

Friday, May 7, 2010

Survivor, 05062010

The Survivor episode last night was very juicy!!! It was a double elimination! Who do you think were voted off? Colby and Rupert, the two remaining loyal Heroes??? Stay tuned!!!First of all, let us go to the previous episode of 04292010. That one had stupid moves by Amanda and Colby! Amanda, Colby and Dannielle won the challenge so they were carted off to a nice hotel. When the three of them were in bed, Danielle found a clue to the hidden immunity idol under her pillow! What ensues was the biggest mistake of Amanda and Colby!! Danielle dropped the clue on the floor, Amanda picked it up and the two women had a fight while Colby was busy watching the movie!!! Colby finally woke up in his slumber!! He probably was in high heaven sleeping in between these two lovely women!!!! Wouldn't you if you were a man??? Anyway, he decided to be the referee. What do you think he did? Wow!!! That was very dumb!!!! He gave the clue to Danielle, and Amanda handed it to Danielle without reading it!!!! These two heroes are sooo stupid!!! They should have demanded to read it! Well, Danielle shared it with Russell, who at once decided to eliminate Amanda. Russell thinks Amanda is strong like Rob!!! To make the long story short, Amanda was voted off last time! Amanda, you are weak... you should have put your foot down during the fight with Danielle! Now, you are gone...Ha! Ha!Ha!!! Very dumb!!!!The first immunity challenge last night was won by Jerri! Unbelievable! Jerri finally won a challenge!!!! After the challenge, there was a note that Jeff gave to them where the hidden immunity idol was. Everybody scrambled to look for it! I thought for sure that Russell will find it again! No, he did not! Sandra found it and did not say a word to anyone! Sandra did not want to divulge that she has it. What did she do? Hid it where she found it!!! I think this is a dumb move. Russell might continue to hunt for it! On the other hand, Rupert sensing trouble in the Tribal Council tricked everyone by putting a stone in his pocket, so the people would think he has the idol! Did it work for him? You bet! Candice, the turncoat from Heroes said adieu!! Serves you right for going to Russell, who you thought will take you under his wings!!! Rupert was saved with his silly idea! Smart move, Rupert!!!For the second elimination, Rupert and Russell were head to head! Russell never won any challenges before, but this time he was ready to get it! He was feeling insecure. He had the audacity of double talking to Danielle and Parvati because he thought he was losing it with the two girls. He wanted complete control! He was sooo surprised that Parvati confronted Danielle and they found out that Russell was a liar! Goodness gracious, guys, you only realized that??? To break the alliance of Parvati and Danielle, he decided to get the votes of Rupert and Colby, who were more than happy to obliged! That means they will be safe again!!! He also threatened Jerri, who will be the next target if she do not vote for Danielle! Jerri can be easily intimidated! Jerri... Jerri... Jerri, why do you listen to the devil??? This is getting deep!!! By the way, Russell won the immunity challenge for the first time also! Needless to say, Danielle said bye,bye this time after shedding tears in the Tribal Council!!! Whoa! Danielle cried during Tribal Council??? Yup!!!Was she really hurt by Russell's turnaround on her, or because she is no longer a contender for the million dollar prize?? Probably, it is the latter reason! The two heroes are very much in the running! The villains alliance is slowly, but surely breaking up! What is happening, Russell, you can no longer control your girls? They finally found out that you will do no good to them... that you are a cheat, a liar, a manipulating, egoistic man???? Come on, girls, I never thought I will see you wake up! Band together and vote off Russell! Not a bad idea, unless now, Russell might go to the heroes to put them under his spell. It will be very interesting to see what will happen nextt!!! Will Russell still be the king of manipulators? Or will the women show they are as strong and tenacious as him??? Will the women get the heroes to band with them to vote Russell out? Which woman will remain loyal to Russell? Jerri, Parvati or Sandra? It remains to be seen!
Posted by vs at 5/7/2010 9:11 AM Add Comment

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Bottled Water

The bottled water industry has been booming for a long time. Why? People decided that it is healthier to drink water than soda! We carry bottled water wherever we go... to the gym, hiking, and travel. And everywhere we go, there is a bottled water, in our hotel rooms and restaurants. Did you know that bottled water is more expensive per gallon than tap water? The standards for the quality of tap water is more stringent than bottled water, and some brands of bottled water can just be tap water??? How about the barrels of oil per year that is used to manufacture the plastic water bottles? It is around 1.5 million barrels plus the expense of transporting the bottled water! That is why bottled water is not cheap! I am sure that almost everyone drinks bottled water. For one thing, it is very convenient, just go to the store, buy one and drink!!! Why don't we like tap water? It is because we can smell the chemicals in it, and it does not taste good! If you do not like the taste of tap water, there is a filter pitcher that you can buy, or install an inexpensive faucet filter to remove the trace of chemicals and bacteria! Or you can buy bottled water in large containers which are reusable! What happens to the discarded water bottles??? A majority end up in landfills, in the ocean or streets. It takes thousands of years for the plastic to decompose. That is why the environmental activists are not happy about this. What should we do about it? There is a town that recently banned the sale of bottled water. But that is only one. Why can't we do what the companies are doing with the pop cans and bottles? What is that? Charge a deposit of a nickle or dime per bottle and the company can perhaps recycle the bottles??? I do not know if this can be done. We have been paying a deposit for the pop cans... it is cumbersome to haul the empty cans to the stores to get your deposit back, but we have learned to embrace it. So, why can't the water bottling industry do the same thing? It will be beneficial to our planet, no mounds of plastic garbage on the ocean or landfills!!! Also, we can switch to tap water! Switching to tap water will be very beneficial and will give a huge impact, not only in our environment, but also to our wallets!! Talk to yourself about drinking tap water! I do not like the taste and smell of tap water!!! Then make sure that after you use your water bottle, recyle it!!!! It is easier said than done! To recycle something in our city, you have to drive somewhere. Why can't the city pick up the recyclables when they pick up the garbage? I think some countries are doing that already, is it not??? If that is the case, people will learn to recycle, and there will not be any plastics cluttered all over our planet!!!!
Posted by vs at 5/6/2010 1:33 PM Add Comment

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Dancing with the Stars, 05042010

Who was the celebrity that was eliminated last night? You can have three guesses. Niecy? Erin? Chad? I will let you know later! That is not fair! Tell us now!!! No way, Jose. Later!!! Have patience! After all, patience is a virtue! What does that have to do with who was kicked out of dancing with the stars? Plenty! You have to learn to wait! I cannot wait! Tough!!!! If you do not want to wait, then bye... adios... sayonara!!!! Okay, I will wait. Shucks! You are killing me with the suspense!!! Oh, well.

What is new on last night's episode? Nothing really, except the very, very bright tie of Len Goodman!!! If you are sleepy, you surely will wake up!!! It was sooo bright!!! Was it nice? To tell you the truth... I did not like it! It seems his grandson or granddaughter picked his tie! Ha! Ha! Ha!!! And Len is trying to be in the "in" crowd! Did it work? I do not really know, but people noticed it!!!! It became the center of conversation, which he was probably trying to achieve. Right, Tom????

Nicole was really fantastic on the dance floor. But did she get a 10? Nope!!! I think Len does not like her. Why? She is sexy, pretty, slim blah...blah...blah.... But she is not as sultry and as seductive as Pamela Anderson!!! I guess you are right! Pamela has more sex appeal than Nicole. And bigger curves!!! Right guys?????Ha! Ha! Ha!! I cannot believe you said that!

How about Niecy? I do not know how she earned those high marks from the judges! Maybe the judges were asleep during Niecy's performance, or they decided to give her a boost for her self esteem. Did it work for Niecy? Of course, it did! Now, she thinks she is a contender for the trophy!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! I almost fell on the floor laughing when she said that to Tony, her partner! Not in a million years, girl!!!! There are other stronger, nicer and better dancers than you!!!! You will need a year more of practice!!!! A year! That is a strong statement!!! Have you seen her dance? Watch her and come back and let us know that I am not joking!!!!

How about Erin? I think Erin is really having a good time with the show! She is a very pretty and a goofy girl!!! There is nothing wrong with that! She can move on the dance floor also. Too bad, she has very serious competitors. I do not think she will win!! Perhaps they can give her a trophy for the most goofy celebrity in Dancing with the Stars! Yeah! Why don't they give several trophies... like the most sultry and seductive, the most goofy, the most retard, the most stiff.... I can add many, many more categories but I think I will stop. What do you guys and gals think of my idea???? Sounds good???

Chad and Cheryl. Did you know that it was Cheryl's birthday? Brooke asked her about the pendant that Chad gave to her for her birthday! She had it around her neck, backwards!!!! It was a heart shaped pendant, that must have cost at least several thousand dollars! Do you think this romance is for keeps??? Or are they just playing each other?? It seems Chad is very lavish with his spending with Cheryl. Is this serious that will ultimately end up in a wedding??? If it does, I cannot wait to see how big Cheryl's engagement ring will be!!!! You are sooo stupid! Just because Chad gave Cheryl two pieces of expensive jewelry, you are already thinking of a wedding! He is just very appreciative of her!!! Appreciative, my butt!!! I have not seen anyone give something like that to their teacher!!! Well, maybe, Chad has sooo much money, he does not know what to do with it!!! What is $10,000 to someone like him??? It might not even put a dent on his wallet!!!! What do you guys think????

Then there is Evan. He danced the Tango to perfection last night, that he earned three 10's, the first time this season! How about that! Evan finally got Len's approval, after so much criticism last week! He is sooo good to look at because he is tall and graceful! Anna is starting to dress more provocatively, but I think Edyta is still the queen of an ensemble with very little fabric!!! LOL. That is why guys like watching her a lot!!! Right gents???

Who do you think will win? It is a toss up between Nicole and Evan! But you never know, because it is a question also of who has more fans outside that votes!!! So, Erin, Niecy, and Chad are still very much in the running, although I think they are not as good and better than Evan and Nicole!

I almost forgot. The celebrity that said goodbye was Pamela Anderson. The bottom two was Erin and Pamela. I wonder if Pamela was let go because she injured herself???? That is a very good question and a legitimate one, I think! We will never know if she really got the lowest votes or not. Hmmmm... What does everybody think???

Posted by vs at 5/5/2010 6:33 PM Add Comment

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Pack Rat

What is a pack rat? Anyone that hoards everything and does not want to part with it!!! A pack rat , also called a wood rat or a trade rat is an animal that has a fondness for material objects. Is this a disorder? Some believe it is a mental disorder... a compulsive hoarding and failure to discard a significant amount of possessions even if they are worthless, unsanitary or hazardous! Oh, oh. It is a mental disorder!!!! Can you believe that??? That is a strong and harsh word!! I do not think it is a disorder! Why? You are one of the pack rats? I am, and I detest what some people think! I collect memorabilia, which over the years has accumulated, but it is not floor to ceiling!!! How about all of you? I am sure that people over the years saved many, many things in their basements, in a cardboard box, a plastic bag or any appropriate container! Why do we save things? It is a memento of that special day, a gift that someone gave to us, or a treasure that someday might be very valuable! When? In a million years?? You will be gone by then! Ha! Ha! Ha!!! Then your family members can inherit it and hopefully can profit from all those years that it was kept!!! Wouldn't that be nice?? It was not saved in vain!!!! I cannot believe that some people hoard food also, beyond their expiration day! I think this is serious. Food cannot be kept past the expiration date or you might get sick! Does anyone know somebody that hoards food? I know some people, but that was before the year 2000. People were afraid of what 2000 will bring, so they stacked their pantries with food! Did these bring memories to everybody??? I see heads bobbing up and down!! Are people still doing that now? Maybe. It is hard though to keep food for a long time because you might forget it, and before you know it, it is past the expiration date! What did you accomplish here? Nothing!!! True, when you bought it, you were rejoicing because you saved a bundle. But now, you are throwing it away! Did you really save some money?? I would say no! It is really hard to part with some of our things, is it not? It is, and the only times that I can remember that I have to throw some away was when we had a flood in the basement. I tried to saved my precious pictures, but it did not work! I ended up throwing many, many priceless possessions! I was sooo heartbroken... gone are the hard copies of yesteryear! Oh well, it will still be in your memories, is it not??? It is, unless your mind becomes dull and you no longer comprehend what is going on around you!!! Then maybe, those picture albums will keep you company! Stop talking nonsense! You are becoming melodramatic! Boo hoo. Did you know you could have gone to a proffesional restoration place for your pictures? Yes, I do, but the pictures were all ruined by the water that it is impossible to do anything with it!!! Oh, well. Better luck next time! Or better yet, store your priceless possessions in a higher elevation so water will be out of the question!How about paychecks and receipts from a million years ago?? I cannot believe you still have those. It is slowly being disposed. I tell you that you keep putting it somewhere and before you know it, it has piled up!!!! My, oh, my, you are really a rat pack!!! Am I the only one that keeps old paychecks? Please let me know that I am not the only one that is obsessed with this collection!!!! How about clothes? I am also a little bit guilty about that? Just a little??? You probably have clothes since the 80's! Why don't you get rid of it??? I thought that the fashion from the 80's is coming back! You are right, fashion just keeps on rotating, but I have a question... Does the clothes you are saving still fits you??? That is a big problem!!! I cannot hardly zip it! My gosh! Did I really grew that much all over? Better yet, did the clothes shrink??? I like the last reason the best! Blame it on your dryer that shrinks clothes!!! LOL. So, now, are you getting rid of your old clothes? I will think about it! I already got rid of some of my precious shoes! You should have seen the agony in my face when I did it!!! Phew!!! It was very hard!Can you blame people for being a pack rat? Not really! What do you think is the percentage of people hoarding? How about the age group? These are very good questions!!! Can anybody give us the statistics? So, you see, it is very hard to get rid of your memorabilia that you have collected all your lifetime. But when you are gone, what will happen to it?? I do not know, but at least it is there for yor loved ones to see.... then they can decide what to do with it!!! I do not care by then, because it is out of my hands!!!!!
Posted by vs at 5/4/2010 8:28 AM Add Comment

Monday, May 3, 2010

Celebrity Apprentice, Episode 05022010

Here we are again.... talking about Celebrity Apprentice! It is one show that we keep coming back to, week after week after week! Have you noticed something different in this episode? Did you see who is on board the show for the first time??? Eric, the third child of Donald Trump, whom I was wondering for a long time how he looks now!!!! They do not give him too much exposure like Ivanka and Donald Jr. Why is that???? Eric, I thought, is better looking far. During closeup you can see his imperfections! He is undoubtedly one of the Trumps! Boy, he is tall! Is he taller than the Junior Trump? Anyone??? All of them are tall anyway!!! I thought Eric looked different before. Did he have a facial surgery of some sort?? Maybe he was younger then. People change their looks as they grow older, is it not??? That is true! Who cares anyway, if he had a facial surgery? It is none of your beeswax!!!! Ha! Ha! Ha!What is the group's challenge this time? To create a three, 30 second radio commercials for three different areas of a home repair company, which are plumbing, heating, airconditioning and heating. Brett was the choice for the project manager for Rock Solid; the members of which are Sharon and Maria! Tenacity chose Summer as project manager, the members of which are Holly, Cyndi and Curtis!!! Rock Solid group are really mischievous. You can see that they are enjoying themselves during the brainstorming sessions. When they had a meeting with the executives of the company, they were warned not to say any jokes about the plumbers! The executives were sooo uptight!! Get a life! It is already 2010! Did you think Brett will heed their request? Being Brett, of course not, even if Sharon did not want him to push ahead of his idea! Brett said that if they lose, he will take complete responsibility!!! Good for you, Brett!!! He is one hard dude!!! Did I say dude? Oh, oh, what is the world coming to??? LOL. I usually do not say that word!! Influence of television shows!!!! Oh, well, at least it is not a bad word!!! Let us get back to where I was..... Ivanka warned Brett also that the executives are strict and proper! Brett, considered yourself warned, not only once, but three times!!!! So, what did the group do?? Brett decided to live on edge and proceed with his jingle. It is right in his alley, very daring... fearless!! Is that a good sign of a good project manager??? You bet!!!! How about Tenacity??? Summer seems to be a laid back project manager, delegating everything. I know someone like that in the real world. Where is he now?? Gone!! You mean that Summer might have the same fate?? Just keep reading....Summer and Holly is at it again!!! They started to gang up on Cyndi again!! Very controlling, like mother hens! Curtis saw these and said that they are good with their creative ideas but they can be a big B sometimes! They only allowed Cyndi to do one thing! They tried to tie her around their little pinkies, which Curtis thought was not good! I also thought that they should have used Cyndi's voice more or her creative mind, which she has tons of!!! Their gathering of ideas were not as fun as the other group! This group was sooo uptight.... very serious, not as delusional as Rock Solid! If you were given a task to do, do it.... but have fun also!!! You get more from people having humor than being too uptight!!! I can see that Cyndi is very creative, very funny, but sometimes her desire to learn everything is being taken by her group differently! What can Cyndi do? Nothing. Just follow what she is told! I was soo surprised also, when Maria tried to sneak out a piece of pizza for Brett from Tenacity. Curtis saw her and was soo furious! Why didn't Maria say anything to Curtis and vice versa? They are acting like children!!! Oh,well!Who won the challenge? Brett's group did! The executives thought that their commercials were better. I thought they did not like plumber jokes?? The executives finally woke up!!! Alleluia!!!!! Rock Solid's commercials were clear, concise and original, unlike Tenacity's commercials which were so wordy! Good job, Brett and company!!! That is more money for Brett's diabetes charity! The boardroom was not a pretty sight, with Sharon and Maria attacking Curtis!!! Curtis did not even reply! When asked by Trump, he said they are women!!! Goodness gracious, Curtis, you are being attacked! Wake up!!!! No dice, he is asleep... he is immune or nonchalant with their attacks!!! I wonder what can get Curtis mad??? I think he is one of those few people that does not get mad or rattled by anybody!!! Hats off to you, Curtis!!!! You are one of a kind!!!!Summer brought with her to the boardroom, Curtis and Cyndi for obvious reasons. Of course, she will not bring back Holly, her partner in crime! Curtis fought off in the boardroom with Summer, but he is still with the same quiet demeanor! Who do you think got fired???? Sharon and Maria would have liked to have Curtis go. Did Trump heed their request? No! It was Summer who got fired, because she did not defend herself! She was only going to defend herself when Ivanka said something to her. Summer's reply was," Can I defend myself now?" Ha! Ha! Ha! She is crazy!!! Too late missy, you should have done that before Ivanka said something to you! You are hopeless, go back to what you were doing before!!!! Another one bites the dust!!!!
Posted by vs at 5/3/2010 10:18 AM Add Comment