Thursday, May 27, 2010

American Idol Finale

The ninth American Idol was just proclaimed last night!!! Will the winner be as successful as Carrie Underwood, or will the winner be just a mediocre winner just like the others??? This remains to be seen.
What was different on the Idol show last night from the other Idol shows??? Last night was a star studded gala, complete with well known singers like Janet Jackson, Cristina Aguilera, Brett Michaels, and a host of singers from yesteryears, like Chicago and others!!! Almost all of the previous American Idol winners were present to pay tribute to Simon Cowell which included Kelly Clarkston and Carrie Underwood! Paula Abdul showed up pretty in pink!!! I was dissapointed that she did not perform!!! It would have been nice!!! Oh, well.
They might as well have called last night's show a Farewell show for Simon Cowell!!! It seems like last night the crowning of the American Idol was left on the sideline. Why is that??? It was because it was the last day of Simon on the American Idol!!! Will he be missed??? Yes, his British accent that graced the American Idol will be missed. Simon should be very thankful to this show because it started his rapid ascent in the entertainment world, thus becoming one of the highest paid judge!!! He is stepping down so that he can launch his new show! Isn't that nice to just quit and start a new show and get more money??? How is the saying goes," Money makes more money!" Isn't that the truth??? Good for Simon! Good luck to his new endeavor!!!
Who won after the counting of the votes??? Was it Lee DeWyze, a paint salesman from Mt. Prospect, Illinois, or Crystal Bowersox, a single mom from Toledo, Ohio??? It was fascinating to see the turnout of people on each of the hometown rooting for their favorite singer!!! These two talents each have a different approach to their singing, Lee is more on the slow,quiet singing; Crystal more on the country/ rock. Lee was the favorite to win ever since it started. Although he did not nail his songs on the final, his shy demeanor and good looks probably gave him more votes from the girls!!!! Oh, boy! Ha! Ha! Ha! You think that he won because of his good looks??? You bet, that helped a lot!!!! Think! W ho do you think usually cast more votes.... girls or boys??? Girls!!! Who are on concerts that shrieks, cries, and shouts the most..... girls or boys??? Girls!!!! Lol. I rest my case!!!!
The show was a little over 2 hours, and I believe Simon Cowell stole the limelight from the idol winner. Well,it was Simon's last day, so naturally they have to have a farewell show for him!!! After all, he made the show successful!!! Do you think it was him that made it sooo successful? I think it was a combination of him and the talented men and women on the show!!! What do you guys think???
And the winner is..... Lee DeWyze!!!! Woo... hoo!!! Wait, he started crying even though his name was not even announced!!! What a baby!!! Look at Crystal, she was sooo composed! Lee probably knew that he was going to win, and so his emotions were running at an all time high! Simon predicted for him to win, and by, golly! Simon was right!!! Lee was probably also thinking that no more paints for him, and here comes the billboard charts!!!! Can you blame him for shedding tears of joy, to be the American Idol.... to live his dream of becoming big in the entertainment world??? Of course not, that is why there are many wannabes that go to auditions every year! Can you blame them? No, because once they get signed by a recording company, it opens all the doors to them to be successful and earn quite a bit of money!!! Wait a minute, there are some idol winners that did not make it big! Well, maybe they have the wrong agent or the wrong song! Or do you need a lot of luck to become #1 in the industry?? What do you guys think????
Posted by vs at 5/27/2010 8:59 AM Add Comment

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