Friday, May 14, 2010

Survivor, 05132010

The last episode of Survivor seems to be the survival of the sex: the women, led by Parvati, and the guys led by Russell. Who was more dominant in the whole show??? First, let us see what happened on the show! The show started with a challenge involving their loved ones that were flown in. The final 6 castaways were being given time with their loved ones in a reward challenge. The castaways had to get a pail of water, and throw the water in their partner's pail. The partner will then place the water in a concoction that ultimately will fill a bucket. The first team to fill the bucket up will win the challenge!! When I saw the contestants pairing, I thought for sure that Colby and his brother will win! Why? Because they are both men? My, oh, my!!! You never learn!! Women are fierce competitors!!!! The challenge was so intense and fierce, and was between Russell and wife, Jerri and sister! Unbelievable!!! Jerri is again a contender for the challenge?? Who won then? Do not prolong the suspense! Okay.... Jerri and sister won!!! Jeff then asked Jerri to pick someone to go with them. Who did Jerri picked? Parvati and father! You can see at this point that Russell was upset that Jerri did not pick him and his wife! Jerri then asked Jeff if she can bring another pair with them? Who did she choose? Sandra and uncle! Good for you, Jerri!!! That is what I call girl power!!! Hurray to you three!!!! By this time, Russell was really fuming that Jerri did not pick him for the excursion!!! I can see the word" revenge" written all over his eyes!!! Nenenenenene..... Russell! Who do you think you are???? By the way Russell, if you really make millions of dollars in your oil business, you do not need a hand out to go somewhere! You can use your own money!!! I also noticed how passionate Rupert and his wife were upon seeing each other! How about Russell and his pretty wife? Just a hug, no kissing!!! Russell, are you that cold? Were you not happy to see your wife???? Hmmmm.....
Back to camp, the three men, Russell, Colby and Rupert made an alliance and vowed to get rid of Parvati! Will they succeed? On the immunity challenge, the girl power ruled again!!! It was down to Rupert and Parvati! Then the post came tumbling down......... Hurray!!! Parvati won just by a hair!!! I was sooo glad she won! Ha! Ha! Ha! Russelll, there goes your plan... down the drain!!! What are you going to do about it??? What is your plan B???
During the night at the camp, it must have been a sleepless night for Rupert. Everybody was trying to sleep, and what did Rupert do??? Make a lot of noises breaking wood for the fire! Jerri thought he was very inconsiderate. Have you lost your mind, Rupert? You will really be a prime target this time! You should just have kept quiet like Colby! Will Rupert be spared??? I do not know, but Rupert is sooooo dumb! In the morning, Sandra approached Rupert and told him that she hates Russell, that they should get rid of him. What did dumb Rupert do? Tell Russell what Sandra said. There was a confrontation that ensues between Sandra and Russell. Sandra was very feisty towards Russell!!! Atta girl, Sandra, give Russell a taste of his own venom!!!! I was soooo proud of Sandra! For once, someone had the nerve to stand up against the devil! Parvati, who was ear to ear in her smile beside Sandra was having a ball with the confrontation between the two! That was really something! So what did Russell try next? Get rid of Sandra with the help of his 2 Heroes!!! Did Russell succeed?
On the tribal council, Sandra's hidden immunity came into play! Russell's jaw must have dropped down on the floor! Another big surprise to you, Russell??? Well, to make the story short, Russell's boy, Rupert, said bye... bye... You should have seen Rupert's eyes when he left!!! If looks can kill a person, that would be the look! I was not sure though to whom that look was intended for! Is it for Russell, because they made a pact? Rupert, Rupert..... Russell is one devious, conniving guy that cannot be trusted! Too bad for you, it cost you the chance to win the millions!!!!
I was soooo surprised to see Danielle on the tribal jury bench! She seems to be a real knockout!!! She really looked beautiful and fantastic!!!! Wow!!!! Dannielle, you are so pretty to look at that the camera kept focusing you!!! Okay, I did not even think or noticed your upper lip! Who cares now about your lip? You made a statement tonight. You really look fantastic! I guess that is what the castaways look once they are booted off! They look normal and wonderful again!
Posted by vs at 5/14/2010 8:14 AM Add Comment

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