Saturday, May 29, 2010

So You Think You Can Dance

You Think You Can Dance started the other night, with the auditions of dancers from New York City and Miami. This show lacks the glamour of Dancing with the Stars show. Of course, it will not be a glamorous show because the contestants are just regular people unlike Dancing with the Stars that the contestants are celebrities!!! There is no comparison!! It is like you are comparing apples to oranges!!!! Oops..... You are right!!!
There were some contestants that were really good and talented, and some that were not fit to audition!!! What does these people think they are.... auditioning, and they cannot even move!!! Come on, people, don't you know if you can move or not???? Look at the mirror when you dance!!! Are you guys on a state of denial and delusion? What does your relatives or friends say??? Oh, oh, I forgot. Families and friends are sometimes not good critics because they will not tell the truth for fear that your feelings will be hurt!!! Unless, you are my relatives!!! Yup!! My relatives are usually too honest, that the words can bite you!!! But that is good, though, you just make a fool of yourself with relatives, and you save yourself from the ridicule of the outside world!!! And for that, I am sooo thankful for my honest to goodness relatives!!!! Oh, ya, baby, thanks for my dear relatives who oftentimes, have saved my face and humiliation from others!!!! Back to the show.
There were some weird performers on the audition, one of them is a father daughter team. They were doing a sexy dance routine that was sooo hot. It was not appropriate for a father daughter ensemble!! What were they thinking?? Can she not find someone to help her dance??? I am sure that there would have been a lot of young guys who would have love to do sexy moves with her!!! But to do an erotic dance with your father??? It gives me the creeps!!! I was soo glad that the judges told them to stop dancing!!! It sure was really something to watch!!! I do not see anything wrong with a daughter dancing with her father! Yes, a daughter can dance with her father, but not an erotic dance!!!! No, sir!!! Phewie!!! Gross!!!
Then there was this guy with fruits on his head, and a pair of broccoli over his nipples!! Ay...ya...yay.... What in the heck was that??? Well, for sure, he got the attention of the judges!!! This was also soooo weird!!!!! This guy is a weirdo, big time!!!!! I cannot wait to see more of who will audition from the other parts of the country.
It is weird, interesting, nice and it seems like it might be worth my time to watch. Besides, what else is there to watch on the big tube?? Ha! Ha! Ha! Just kidding!!! I think it is a very nice show!!!
I just remembered something, why were the judges crying after some performances??? It looks like, they were really moved by the dance! Am I just not into the depths and art of dancing???? I don't get it!!! Can someone please explain to me why the tears on the judges????
Posted by vs at 5/29/2010 10:49 AM Add Comment

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