Friday, May 21, 2010

Back to Blogging

Hi.... I am back! Did anyone miss me???? Boo... hooo!!! I am sooo touched!!! Thank you very much!!!
I tell you, it was a very tiring trip, 10 to almost 12 hours one way! I ended up with bloated fingers, feet and everything, because of sitting too long! Ay..ya..yay!!! What do you mean that you were bloated because of sitting??? You are always bloated, sitting for a long time or not!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! You got it babe, I thought nobody will remind me of that! I thought it was an excellent excuse so I can pig out more!! Oh, well.
It was a very nice trip though, we saw relatives who were always fun to be with! Don't you all agree that it is always fun to see relatives??? Not really??? Why??? Never mind, do not answer!!!! Just kidding!!! Also we managed to have a little fun in Atlantic City! Just a little?? You guys were up until three am!!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! Shhhh!!!!!
The road trip during this time of the year is hindered by a lot of orange barrels, due to construction! What do you mean orange barrels, there are no orange barrels in New Jersey... only a white skinny "thingie" with black strips around it!!! I do not know what it is called, so I am calling it the " thingie." Do you have a problem with that???? Is there anyone who know what it is called? Nope, and I do not care what you call it! But, you are right, the construction is everywhere. I guess it is nice to see that your tax dollars is being put to good use!!!
New Jersey is a beautiful state, the Garden state name is very appropriate!!! Once you enter the state, it is different than Michigan, Ohio, Chicago and others. But make sure you have money or change when you enter the Garden State Parkway because there is a toll of ten cents or a quarter on every mile! Ha! Ha! Ha! I am just kidding, it is not every mile, it is every half mile. LOL. Just kidding, but it seems like it is!!!
Then you go to Atlantic City. Atlantic City seems to be on its own world, complete with fun, gambling and glitter, like a mini Las Vegas..... only with miles and miles of boardwalk and a beach! On a Sunday afternoon, you can just stroll or rest in the boardwalk or go shopping. If you have the urge to gamble, there are many casinos in the area! The casinos lure the players by giving them a very good accommodation, like a suite, that is free! Once in your room, you can see from your windows the beach and the exciting neon lights of the adjacent casinos!!! Oh, ya, baby, if you love the life of luxury, go to Atlantic City!!!!
Then there is Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is a very pretty, mountainous state. I think we went through at least six or seven tunnels!!! Needless to say, there are plenty of winding roads, which you have to share with a lot of truckers!!! That is right, there are plenty of truckers that you see on the roads! And some of them, can really drive fast!!!! Sorry, truckers, but I saw some that have been really driving fast! There are plenty of signs on the Pennsylvania turnpike that says, " Drive slowly, save a life." It is a good reminder to people to take it slowly, the life you save may be yours!!!!!
The Pennsylvania turnpike that you merge to from Atlantic City is nice, there are no orange barrels nor traffic! But, it is very expensive to travel via the Pennsylvania turnpike, it will cost us an arm and a leg, around twenty bucks!!! Why did you say that it will cost you twenty dollars??? Did you not pay it as you exited? No! Why? On the Philadelphia exit, I thought the very left side is the thru traffic! We were going to back up to the toll booths, but there were so much traffic, that it will not be a good option, so we just kept on going! I guess the Philadelphia exit is the last exit to pay the toll! How would we know, there is no sign, that I saw!!! Oopsie, double oops!!! What will happen to your ticket??? Well, the Pennsylvania turnpike ends in the Ohio turnpike, which is again a toll road. We asked the Ohio toll booth lady who told us to keep the ticket. They will collect it through the mail. They take a picture of the license plates of every car who passes through the toll road! I just hope and pray that they do not add a fee!!! Twenty dollars is stiff enough!!! So, travel though Atlantic City, Pennsylvania turnpike, and Ohio turnpike is very expensive!!!! It was almost fifty bucks we spent on the toll roads!!!! Be sure to have plenty of moolah when you are traveling to this part of good ole USA!!!!!
How about gas? It was around $2.61 to $2. 75 in New Jersey and around $2.83 in Pennsylvania! The internet made a guess of around $80.00 that will be spent on the trip considering our car and miles per gallon. It was close, the trip to New Jersey was around $90.00 ( 10 hours), and back home (11 1/2 hours) was around $100.00! Is it cheaper to travel then by plane, since the wear and tear of your body and car will not be as much??? I do not think so, since there were two of us!. I do not know how much is the plane fare, but I think it depends on the person. If you like to be on your destination with just a blink of an eye, and you have the money to pay and you do not mind the hassle in the airport, go for it! If you want to see the sights of the place you are going to, and do not mind driving, then long driving is for you!!!! I agree that it is a personal choice.... You know yourself. You, and only you can make that decision!!!! After all, it is your body!!!!!
It is very nice to travel though, to see our beautiful country! Oh, oh, should I cry now??? You are sooo dumb and stupid!!! Do you not want to travel and see the whole USA??? Okay, everyone, get your suitcases ready and let us go driving! Get set.... go! Have a nice and safe trip!! Life is short!! Enjoy every minute of it!!!!!!
Posted by vs at 5/21/2010 9:50 AM Add Comment

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