Saturday, May 22, 2010

Survivor, Finale

At last, our long awaited finale of the Survivor came! Were you surprised who won the one million prize???? I was a little bit. For one thing, she did not really do a lot... she was riding on coattails of the other contestants, she was weak, stayed out of trouble, and did not rattle any feathers except almost at the end with Russell!!! Which reminded me of Colby. His strategy seems to be different from his first appearance. He stayed mostly on the sidelines, which probably was his strategy. He was trying Sandra's strategy which did not work for him! Well, at least he stayed longer than Boston Rob!!! Look at Boston Rob... he played aggresively which contributed to his early demise! Right?
Were you guys surprised that Russell won the $100,000 fan favorite prize?? There were only 2,000 votes separating Russell and Rupert! Never in a million years would I have given the prize money to Russell. Maybe I am prejudice towards him, but I find him very conceited, arrogant, selfish and domineering!!!! How about that Russell Hantz, you were beaten not once, but twice by a weak woman! Nenenenenene!!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! And you are also a liar! You said you did not join the Survivor cast to win? Come on. Why were you so hyper and scrambling to answer the jury on the finale??? You are a crazy, neurotic, egoistic devil!!!! Do you really have millions like you claim you have? If you do, why are trying to fight to get the million dollar prize??? To show off that he is the ultimate survivor!!! I am soooo glad and happy that he did not win! Otherwise, his ego will be tenfold and he will have a bigger head! I cannot believe that he has a lot of fans based on his winning the Sprint player of the game fan based prize! Oh, well.
How come Parvati did not win? She should have won! Boo hoo. I am quite surprised that she did not win!!! I thought she really played tremendously in the Samoan jungle, and even had Russell wrapped around her pinkie!!! Parvati played a very gutsy game with the double idol play. She did not win because of her alliance with Russell!! That is what you get for conniving with the devil!!!! Next time, choose your alliances carefully!!! See, it costs you the million dollars! You alienated the jury against you. So which would the jury pick? It was only a choice between Russell,Parvati and Sandra!! Of course the jury will choose Sandra because she did not have any enemies even though she was the weaker player among the three!!!! She kept her mouth shut and was wishy washy with her alliances!!! Look at where it took her!!!
Sandra, the winner of Survivor Samoa, Heroes vs Villains, will go down in Survivor history as the only person to date to win twice the million dollars! How about that, ladies and gentleman.... the two time Survivor is a weak woman!!!!! So, after 13 weeksof television and 20 people, it finally came down to three, then the ultimate survivor! Congratulations, Sandra, your strategy worked not only once, but two times! Hep, hep, hurray!!!!!
What is next for Survivor? The next location will be in Nicaragua, and Jeff Probst will be back for just 2 more seasons. So, everybody, would you care to join Jeff on the next episode of the Survivor??? You just have to be cunning, manipulative, a mind boggler, domineering, and should be able to outwit, and outlast the other contestants!!! Do you have what it takes to be in the Survivor with ultimate goal of winning a million dollars????
Posted by vs at 5/22/2010 8:36 AM Add Comment

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