Sunday, May 2, 2010

Married Names for Women

To drop or not to drop your maiden name, that is the big question! This is a million dollar question for some women. I am not sure what the statistics are for women keeping their maiden names. Does anyone know??? I do not know but I am assuming that in the olden ( here we go again, is there such a word? I do not know and I do not care! I like the word!! Ha! Ha! Ha!) days, it used to be that there is no question that as soon as a woman marry, she automatically relinquish her maiden name and uses her husband's name. Do not assume anything!!! Well, I do not know of any of my mother's generation that kept their maidenname! Do you??? I know in my generation that women started to use their last name or they hyphenate their maiden name with their husband's name!! Why is that??? They do not want to lose their individuality! They are egoistic!!! Lol. I am just kidding! I do not think that is the main reason. That is a very lame answer!!! If that is the reason, then the women should not have gotten married, because they are soooo much in love with themselves!!! Ha! Ha! Ha!! You are sooo stupid and crazy!!!! Then why are there so many women now with hyphenated last names? Is it because they are already well known in the business and professional world with their maiden names?? What will be the advantage of dropping their maiden names? I cannot think of anything unless they are madly in love with their husbands!! Are you serious? Yup! I think that is a very good and legitimate reason..... ask some women!!! If you are saying this, then that means the women that are keeping their last names or hyphenating it does not love their husbands??? You are so out of it! Wait until these women read this and you are in big trouble, missy!!! They will say that is nonsense! Love does not have anything to do with it!!! It is just purely proffesional! Yes, it is all in the name of business!!! Got it? Plus think of a lot of things the women have to do to change their last names.... it is easier just to let it stay as it was! I am sure that the husbands would not mind especially if the wife is earning a lot of moolah!!! Right????Some women is also saying that they should keep their maiden names, so as not to lose their identity, and also in case they get divorced!!! But how many people get divorced??? One of nine marriages, One out of six, or one out of three? Also, you do not know if your marriage is going to end up in divorce or not? You might end up married to the same man for 100 years, 6 months or 3 years! You can never predict anything in life! Anyway, there should not be a big deal of whether you should drop your maiden name or not, hyphenate your name or not, or take your husband's name. You and your partner should have a decision that both can live with!! You know what is beneficial to both of you. Nothing should dictate what you should do. After all, it is you that will be with that name... sooo you better give it a good thought. Once you decide, there is no turning back!!!
Posted by vs at 5/2/2010 1:18 PM Add Comment

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