Friday, May 28, 2010

Drapes, Curtains, or Blinds

Drapes, Curtains, or Blinds??? Sounds like you are offering a drink!!! That will not be bad..... naming some drinks drapes, curtains, or blinds!! What will be on it?? Alcohol, of course, and some exotic fruits with a little hint of some spices like cinnamon, basil or ginger!!! Wow!!! You are sooo crazy!!! Now you think you are a connoisseur of mixed drinks!!! Oh, my gosh! That is a big word for you and you spelled it right!!! I am sooo impressed! I tell you, I was not sure how to spell it so I have to look it up!!! That was amazing!!! I can still spell!!! My English teacher will be very proud of me!!!! Hep! Hep! Hurray!!!! Nenenenenene.... I can still spell!!! Good grief. Enough!!! You are again deviating from your subject!!!! Anyway, any takers for new drinks called drapes, curtains, or blinds??? You can even do a jingle: drapes, curtains, or blinds..... drapes, curtains, or blinds, ya ya ya!!!! Shish kabob!!! Never mind your mixed drinks or jingle! You are hopeless! Stick to your blogging!!!!
Which would you prefer on your windows, drapes, curtains, or blinds? In my opinion, it really depends on the person's choice or the room you want to furnish!! If it is the bedroom, my choice are drapes that you can close at night. How about blinds? That is also good. Once you close it, you will not be disturbed by the early morning sun, especially if you want to sleep in late!! That is true, blinds will be better for that reason, especially if you have a hangover!!!! Oh, my, my!!! Now, you are going to go back to your drinks!!!!
I believe the drapes is a better choice for the family room. It adds elegance to any room!! It depends though on what you choose!!! If you just choose a cheap looking fabric, then forget elegance!!!! Am I right or not??? How about vertical blinds on the family room?? That is good, especially if you have a patio door leading to the outside. Then you can just draw the blinds to either the left or right! With drapes, it is on your way if you have to go back and forth outside through your patio door!!! What do you guys think????
How about curtains?? They are good for the kitchen, although I prefer the blinds, also, because you have more privacy!!! And blinds come in different forms, and sizes! There are so many different kinds of blinds: faux wood, bamboo, mini blinds, and cellular or honeycomb, to name a few. Wow! Sooo many to choose from! What is cellular or honeycomb? It is a shade made of fabric that stacks like an accordion! That is sooo impressive! What is good with the honeycomb, if you do not have anything to do, just start using your blinds as an accordion and start singing!!! See, there' s a dual purpose for your blinds!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! You are sooo silly!! I do not know what I will do with you!!! I have heard that a lot!!! LOL..
Why are you even blogging about the window furnishings?? You are not an expert, nor an interior designer. Sigh... you are right! Although at one time, I enrolled in interior design, but I never finish it. Why??? Because it was taking a long time, plus you have to draw a 3D of your rooms and furniture!!! What do I know about drawing, let alone a 3-dimensional!!! So, you are a dropout!!! My,my my...Yup, I am a dropout, do you have a problem with that??? Oh, oh, now she is testy! Tsk..tsk...tsk... calm down!!! Interior designing is just not for you, so give it a rest! Okay.
Now, why are you really blogging about drapes, curtains or blinds, since obviously, you are still hopeless with decorating?? Do you really want to know the truth??? I do not have anything better to do than blog about these three things!!! There you go! Ha! Ha! Ha!!! I got you! You thought I will say something else! Ha! ha! Ha! Stop, I cannot stop laughing that I might have an accident on my pants!!! Phewie!!!! You are sooo stupid!!!! Plus I thought that this might be a good subject! Any comments?????
Posted by vs at 5/28/2010 9:03 AM Add Comment

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