Saturday, May 15, 2010


What is a houseplant? A plant that is grown indoors, in residences and offices! Why do we have houseplants in our homes? It is mainly for decorative purposes and health reasons, for indoor air purification.Why are there people that can grow plants just like that, and others that cannot grow anything?? Is it because the latter does not have a green thumb??? If that is the case, I will just dye my thumb green, then, perhaps, the plants will thrive, not die on me!!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! You are soooo stupid!!!! A person who has a green thumb is someone who seems to be able to grow plants well just by being around, talking to the plants or even playing music to the plants! In this busy world, who has time to do all those things??? If you really like your plant, you will take time to nurture them, giving them a TLC just like your loved ones!!!! What is TLC? Tender, loving, care! I know, I am just fooling around with you. LOL.
Growing plants need a lot of other things, also, like light, moisture, fertilizer and other things they need for their growth. You cannot just leave them and tend for themselves!! You also cannot water them everyday! The real plant is so hard to take care of, that is why I have more artificial plants! Artificial plants are in homes and offices, all you need to do is dust them once in a while!!! That is true, but real plants are better!
All I have now are two houseplants! One is the Jade plant I have for sooo many years. It is now very old and starting to die. I hope it stays with us for still a very long time! Did you know that the Jade plant produces small, pretty pink flowers? It bloomed in 2000 and 2001. When I first saw the flowers, I cannot believe it! After so many years, I saw the flowers for 2 years in a row!!! My sister's Jade plant bloomed also for one year, and then it died!The other plant that I have for 2 years now is the struggling Poinsettia. Ha! Ha! Ha! A struggling Poinsettia! Oh, Oh! It is a good thing the people around you are self- sufficient, otherwise, they will be struggling, too!!!! You dingbat!!! Plants are very different from people, you cannot compare the two!!! And that is the end of the story!!! My, my,,, you are sooo feisty!!! Okay, I will zip my mouth!!! Sorry!!! Now, let us go back to the Poinsettia. I should probably re-pot it to a bigger pot but I cannot for fear of the lives of our dear cats. So, the Poinsettia plant is just on our kitchen windowsill! You see, there are some plants that are poisonous to animals. Yup! That is it!!! It is not because I do not have a green thumb, but it is because of our dear beloved cats!!! Bravo!!!! You found a very good excuse for not having houseplants!!! Is this for real??? Of course, it is. Ask the veterinarians!
How about herbs? That is easy to grow and you can use it too for your cooking! Forget the herbs. I bought a few last summer, place it on our kitchen windowsill, and bam! After a few weeks, it died on me! So there, I will just stick to buying the herbs when I need it!!! It is less hassle!
What do you guys think???? I always admire the people's houses that have many houseplants. Some of the plants are almost to the ceiling already! Wow!!! That is what I call really having a green thumb!!! It is really amazing to see a house full of real plants. It is not only soothing to your eyes, but it is also good for the air in the house! Not everyone has a green thumb, so to the non-green thumbers ( is there such a word? I do not know, but it seems appropriate!), we will just settle with our artificial greens! To the green thumbers, hurray and more power to you!!! Keep up contributing to the greening of the environment!!!!
Posted by vs at 5/15/2010 8:40 AM Add Comment

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