Friday, May 7, 2010

Survivor, 05062010

The Survivor episode last night was very juicy!!! It was a double elimination! Who do you think were voted off? Colby and Rupert, the two remaining loyal Heroes??? Stay tuned!!!First of all, let us go to the previous episode of 04292010. That one had stupid moves by Amanda and Colby! Amanda, Colby and Dannielle won the challenge so they were carted off to a nice hotel. When the three of them were in bed, Danielle found a clue to the hidden immunity idol under her pillow! What ensues was the biggest mistake of Amanda and Colby!! Danielle dropped the clue on the floor, Amanda picked it up and the two women had a fight while Colby was busy watching the movie!!! Colby finally woke up in his slumber!! He probably was in high heaven sleeping in between these two lovely women!!!! Wouldn't you if you were a man??? Anyway, he decided to be the referee. What do you think he did? Wow!!! That was very dumb!!!! He gave the clue to Danielle, and Amanda handed it to Danielle without reading it!!!! These two heroes are sooo stupid!!! They should have demanded to read it! Well, Danielle shared it with Russell, who at once decided to eliminate Amanda. Russell thinks Amanda is strong like Rob!!! To make the long story short, Amanda was voted off last time! Amanda, you are weak... you should have put your foot down during the fight with Danielle! Now, you are gone...Ha! Ha!Ha!!! Very dumb!!!!The first immunity challenge last night was won by Jerri! Unbelievable! Jerri finally won a challenge!!!! After the challenge, there was a note that Jeff gave to them where the hidden immunity idol was. Everybody scrambled to look for it! I thought for sure that Russell will find it again! No, he did not! Sandra found it and did not say a word to anyone! Sandra did not want to divulge that she has it. What did she do? Hid it where she found it!!! I think this is a dumb move. Russell might continue to hunt for it! On the other hand, Rupert sensing trouble in the Tribal Council tricked everyone by putting a stone in his pocket, so the people would think he has the idol! Did it work for him? You bet! Candice, the turncoat from Heroes said adieu!! Serves you right for going to Russell, who you thought will take you under his wings!!! Rupert was saved with his silly idea! Smart move, Rupert!!!For the second elimination, Rupert and Russell were head to head! Russell never won any challenges before, but this time he was ready to get it! He was feeling insecure. He had the audacity of double talking to Danielle and Parvati because he thought he was losing it with the two girls. He wanted complete control! He was sooo surprised that Parvati confronted Danielle and they found out that Russell was a liar! Goodness gracious, guys, you only realized that??? To break the alliance of Parvati and Danielle, he decided to get the votes of Rupert and Colby, who were more than happy to obliged! That means they will be safe again!!! He also threatened Jerri, who will be the next target if she do not vote for Danielle! Jerri can be easily intimidated! Jerri... Jerri... Jerri, why do you listen to the devil??? This is getting deep!!! By the way, Russell won the immunity challenge for the first time also! Needless to say, Danielle said bye,bye this time after shedding tears in the Tribal Council!!! Whoa! Danielle cried during Tribal Council??? Yup!!!Was she really hurt by Russell's turnaround on her, or because she is no longer a contender for the million dollar prize?? Probably, it is the latter reason! The two heroes are very much in the running! The villains alliance is slowly, but surely breaking up! What is happening, Russell, you can no longer control your girls? They finally found out that you will do no good to them... that you are a cheat, a liar, a manipulating, egoistic man???? Come on, girls, I never thought I will see you wake up! Band together and vote off Russell! Not a bad idea, unless now, Russell might go to the heroes to put them under his spell. It will be very interesting to see what will happen nextt!!! Will Russell still be the king of manipulators? Or will the women show they are as strong and tenacious as him??? Will the women get the heroes to band with them to vote Russell out? Which woman will remain loyal to Russell? Jerri, Parvati or Sandra? It remains to be seen!
Posted by vs at 5/7/2010 9:11 AM Add Comment

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