Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Have you ever been on a cruise? It is fun with no worries about food! There are many activities that you can do, such as, physical fitness, sunbathing, and swimming in the morning! At night, one can go dancing in a variety of music, slow, country or rock; stroll under the stars and eat at the midnight buffet!
Once the ship docks, one can gamble on the ship, or venture on the country where the ship docks. There, one can go shopping or go to the excursion offered in the island! A word of advice on shopping: make sure you know your prices, be it perfume or jewelry!!! I went crazy with perfumes because I thought I was getting the bargain of my life! When I arrived home, I found out that it is the same price as it is on the island! I never bought jewelry because I did not think it is a good buy. The souvenirs are plentiful and cheap!
The beaches are really nice, clean with blue water. You can go snorkeling, swimming or lay on the hammock. They also give you food on the island, which is good. You do not have to look for a restaurant to eat lunch. We ventured on one of the islands by ourselves and we were kind of apprehensive with the surroundings we saw. As a result, we did not go very far from our ship! I was thinking that if something happened to us, nobody will know where we were. I was sooo thankful when we reached the ship safely! I do not think we will do that again! It is best to do it in groups or come to think of it, just do it with a tour guide! It is better to be safe than sorry!
The cabin is not too bad. It is clean, comfortable and every day when we come back to the cabin, our bed is made up with the linens shaped into animals. We were lucky that our cabin is an outside one, so we can see the sights wherever we stop. There is also room service available, which, to tell you the truth, I did not even know if it was included or placed on our tab. Who cares? The service is fantastic! Once the waiters learn to know you, you will be greeted by your name wherever they meet you. Is it embarrassing or what? People might think you are a big spender, or you just ask for too many drinks????? Ha! Ha! Ha!
The food is something else! Yum... Yummm.... They are mostly gourmet items and when they serve it, there is a slew of dancing waiters! If you have kids with you, the waiters entertains! Where else can you find such an accommodating people with a superb service? During dinner, you are seated with other people, unless you are lucky to get a table with your company! I guess we were one of the few lucky ones to seat by ourselves. The waiter kept the food going and kept us really entertained! For sure, his service warranted a very good tip! I remembered reading that the service people in the ship are overworked and underpaid, and they are just relying on their tips to compensate for the low pay they get! I am not sure how true this is. Does anybody know????
There is also entertainment aboard the ship, which is like the ones you see in Vegas, dancers kicking their heels high, or a magician doing his thing! There are also other activities like a ping pong game and shuffleboard, just to name a few. To me, a cruise is worth every penny that you paid for because you have your hotel room, entertainment, and unlimited supply of food! You can easily add a few pounds when you go to a cruise, if you do not have self control with the food! And my gosh! Their ice carvings are very, very artistic!!!
Did you get seasick at all? No, I was pleasantly surprised! It was smooth sailing throughout our seven day journey. The medicine for motion sickness that I brought with me were not used at all! We were soooo lucky that our trip was very successful and the weather cooperated with us! Overall, our experience with our cruise was excellent! I would go again if I get the chance. For one thing, it was very nice to be pampered continuously and live like kings or queens, even if it is only for a short time!!!!!
Posted by vs at 5/12/2010 8:25 AM Add Comment

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