Thursday, May 13, 2010

American Idol, 05122010

American Idol finalists are down to three!!! Who among the three will be crowned the next American Idol? Will it be Casey James, aka pretty boy with the long hair; Lee De Wyze, the favorite; or Crystal Bowersox, the only girl standing? It seems the most popular vote getter is Lee, but who knows, it is all about the fan base which can be unpredictable! When the judges say something derogatory with the contestant, the contestant dodges elimination!!! Go, figure! It seems the fans do not vote because the singer is worthy to stay another week, but they vote because the judges pisses them off with the remarks to the singers! I don't get it! Is this the fan's way to show their retaliation when they do not approve of the judges remarks??? I agree that sometimes the words can sting like a bee, but it should just be taken as a constructive criticism! That is easier said than done! You are not the contestant in front of millions of people!!! It can also be the contestants fault, because they choose the wrong songs!!!! Even though I cannot carry a tune, I know when the singer is out of tune or not!! So, now, you are an expert in singing? I did not say that! Can you not tell if a person is good with their singing or not??? I rest my case!!! Ha! Ha! Ha!
The show started with Fantasia, the season 3 winner, who is releasing an album this summer. I did not really like her song nor her performance, but who am I to say if it is good or not? The next performer was Chris Daughtry, who is a multi-platinum recording artist with his single September. He is one idol cast off that is making it big in the recording industry! He is also proving that you do not have to be an American Idol winner to fulfill and live your dream. There are other cast offs that are making a name also in the industry. So, the idol cast offs should not lose hope, keep trying!!!! You never know in the business you are in!!!Who was eliminated? Michael Lynche, or Big Mike was sent home packing his bags! He was given a second chance 5 weeks ago when the judges used their one and only save of the season, to stay another week! It is not bad being the 4th runner up!!! After all, he is already included in the cross country tour of the American Idol! Look at all the additional exposure they are going to get!!!!
About the judges....Randy, the yo man. Why is he always saying yo? Yo..yo...Where did the word come from? Did he used it since the start of the American Idol? You are crazy!!! That is just a nothing word! Who cares what word he use, at least it is not a curse word!!! I still want to know how Randy started to use that word! Anyone??? How about Ellen? She seems to be out of her element in this show, kind of uptight!!! Seems like she is trying sooo hard to be on an even keel with the rest of the judges! Ellen, you will never be even with them! So, leave it at that, enjoy, have fun, and be yourself... the funny one that we know. Sure, you crack a joke here and there but it is not the same!!! Loosen up!!!! What is it with Kara and Simon? It seems they are sooo flirty with each other! Kara, you just got married!!! Is this because Simon will miss American Idol since he is leaving, or he just like Kara??? After all, Kara is beautiful, sexy, and it seems she really knows everything there is to know about music!!!! How about Ryan Seacrest? He is just an emcee! An emcee that is making tons of moolah!!! What is it about him? He is also very dramatic in his role. He need to do that to give flavor to the show! That is also why they are paying him big bucks!!!! Don't you think it is adding an ooomph! factor when he calls the contestants, line them up in two groups, and he asks the lights to be dimmed???? That is a good part just like you are watching a movie!!! Wasn't the suspense killing you???? You are soooo stupid!!! You really have a good imagination! Why don't you make a screenplay? Me?? Oh, no!! See, I got you scared! Ha! Ha! ha! Keep quiet , then! Back to American Idol...
Who do you think will be crowned the next American Idol? Casey, Lee or Crystal? It really does not matter to me. Any of those three have equal chances, plus the winner, sometimes, does not always become the most successful artist! It depends on their lucky stars, I guess, or maybe their agent? Or is the path already predetermined for each of them??? What do you all think???
Posted by vs at 5/13/2010 9:25 AM Add Comment

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