Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Celebrity Apprentice, 05092010

The previous episode of Celebrity Apprentice started at Donald Trump's Apartment at Trump Tower. The apartment was gaudy, but I admit that it is magnificent...... with gold, statues, chandeliers and very expensive furniture! The other celebrities cannot help but admire the opulence of the apartment! His apartment reminded me of the movies in the Roman Empire where everything you see is gold. I guess Donald Trump likes to live in splendor and be boisterous with his living environment. His motto probably is," Flaunt it if you have it!" Who can blame him if he can afford it? He is one of the rich guys that wants to live in a grand luxurious style!
Donald re-shuffled the teams again. Since Sharon and Maria did not like Curtis, he made them into a team. The two women did not like it a bit, but Curtis vowed that they will like him at the end of the challenge!!!! Tenacity, on the other hand, has Holly, Cyndi and Brett. The project manger was Sharon for Rock Solid, and Holly, for Tenacity! Holly did not really want to be the project manager, but Cyndi would not budge. What was their mission? To renovate overnite a two room corporate suite for visiting executives! When the senior Trump asked the junior Trump who will be the judge, Donald Junior stuttered, which made Donald Sr. laughed! This is a very rare sight for Donald Sr. He seldom smile nor laugh! All you can see is a lot of smirking from him!!! Oh, well, he made his millions like that.... with very little sense of humor!!! Don't you guys agree?? Watch him and you be the judge!!!!
The Zen theme is what Holly decided for the two rooms, leaving the celebrity room to Cyndi. Cyndi got crazy during the shopping spree for the apartment! She was like a bird that just flew out of a cage for the very first time!!! You can see that it seems she was in seventh heaven... shopping!!! Wow!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! She was really having a ball picking everything up for the celebrity room! Holly let her do her thing. Unfortunately, Brett had to go to do a concert for several hours, which left only Cyndi and Holly. Even though they were short of one person, it seemed to me that this team was well organized, with only two professional painters with them. Between Holly and Cyndi, if it is the real business world, I will hire Cyndi over Holly! Cyndi will do whatever it takes to finish the task!! She is a real worker, carrying heavy items, painting and what have you! I am soo impressed with Cyndi!!! How about Holly? I did not really see her lifting heavy objects, or do anything except to give orders! Unless, I fell asleep! How about Brett? Brett had to climb down and up eigtheen flight of steps to retrieve his New York skyline photograghs! Those Photos were very impressive!!! I guess that will be Brett's future job or what he will do in his spare time! What spare time? Can you see that he is a very busy guy??? How about Rock Solid? Maria and Sharon instructed Curtis to do measurements! Later on, Curtis and Sharon went out to get all the furniture and furnishings for the apartment. Curtis was soo impressed with Sharon, when she walked in a furniture store! All Sharon did was to point what she wants, and presto! they will deliver the items! No ifs, buts, or haggling!!! Seems like Sharon is a well known celebrity in New York, and a very powerful one! What happened to Maria? She was left in the apartment painting, which she did not like! It seems pretty boy Curtis snatch Sharon out from Maria! Oh, oh... Will there be a confrontation??? Not really, because they did not have time for that! They need to finish painting the rooms! The three of them called their friends to help them paint, and they got a good response! Why did they not hire professional painters? Who knows?
What happened in the boardroom? The executives liked the fact that as soon as you open the door, there is a good sense of splendor in the room, with the expensive furniture in place! Curtis decorated the kitchen, making it really inviting, complete with muffins on the table, a real chef's kitchen! The celebrity room fell short on the eyes of the executives, though. It seems just an ordinary room. I thought the Rock Solid group would surely lose, since the executives went gaga over the red celebrity room, which was Cyndi's brainchild! It was bright, funky and a real Rock n Roll room! Cyndi truly has a remarkable creative talent!!! The Zen theme did not score big with the executives, especially the green bedroom! Sorry, Holly, your creative mind is not as good as Cyndi's! Also, with a lot of furniture, the executives thought that Tenacity's apartment looked smaller! The judges overwhelmingly picked Rock Solid as the winner of the challenge! Curtis got his wish.... Sharon and Maria changed their minds about him!!!!
Who got fired? Cyndi, after saying that the red paint is Holly's idea!!!! Both Donalds criticized Cyndi for telling the truth that the red room was Holly's idea!!!! True, the red paint was Holly's idea, but who thought of the creative aspect of it? It was all Cyndi's!!!!! Cyndi, why did you not fight that it was only the paint that Holly should be rewarded, but the overall creativity of the room was all yours? I would rather have seen Holly got fired than Cyndi! Even though Cyndi's mind is sometimes in another world, she can be amusing. Holly, on the other hand, is another person that seems to be on edge all the time! She seldom smile also! Lighten up Holly! Life is too short to be melodramatic!!!! I think, Donald Trump, you made a mistake firing Cyndi! On the other hand, Holly seldom smile also like Trump! Birds of the same feathers flock together?????
Posted by vs at 5/11/2010 8:25 AM Add Comment

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