Monday, May 3, 2010

Celebrity Apprentice, Episode 05022010

Here we are again.... talking about Celebrity Apprentice! It is one show that we keep coming back to, week after week after week! Have you noticed something different in this episode? Did you see who is on board the show for the first time??? Eric, the third child of Donald Trump, whom I was wondering for a long time how he looks now!!!! They do not give him too much exposure like Ivanka and Donald Jr. Why is that???? Eric, I thought, is better looking far. During closeup you can see his imperfections! He is undoubtedly one of the Trumps! Boy, he is tall! Is he taller than the Junior Trump? Anyone??? All of them are tall anyway!!! I thought Eric looked different before. Did he have a facial surgery of some sort?? Maybe he was younger then. People change their looks as they grow older, is it not??? That is true! Who cares anyway, if he had a facial surgery? It is none of your beeswax!!!! Ha! Ha! Ha!What is the group's challenge this time? To create a three, 30 second radio commercials for three different areas of a home repair company, which are plumbing, heating, airconditioning and heating. Brett was the choice for the project manager for Rock Solid; the members of which are Sharon and Maria! Tenacity chose Summer as project manager, the members of which are Holly, Cyndi and Curtis!!! Rock Solid group are really mischievous. You can see that they are enjoying themselves during the brainstorming sessions. When they had a meeting with the executives of the company, they were warned not to say any jokes about the plumbers! The executives were sooo uptight!! Get a life! It is already 2010! Did you think Brett will heed their request? Being Brett, of course not, even if Sharon did not want him to push ahead of his idea! Brett said that if they lose, he will take complete responsibility!!! Good for you, Brett!!! He is one hard dude!!! Did I say dude? Oh, oh, what is the world coming to??? LOL. I usually do not say that word!! Influence of television shows!!!! Oh, well, at least it is not a bad word!!! Let us get back to where I was..... Ivanka warned Brett also that the executives are strict and proper! Brett, considered yourself warned, not only once, but three times!!!! So, what did the group do?? Brett decided to live on edge and proceed with his jingle. It is right in his alley, very daring... fearless!! Is that a good sign of a good project manager??? You bet!!!! How about Tenacity??? Summer seems to be a laid back project manager, delegating everything. I know someone like that in the real world. Where is he now?? Gone!! You mean that Summer might have the same fate?? Just keep reading....Summer and Holly is at it again!!! They started to gang up on Cyndi again!! Very controlling, like mother hens! Curtis saw these and said that they are good with their creative ideas but they can be a big B sometimes! They only allowed Cyndi to do one thing! They tried to tie her around their little pinkies, which Curtis thought was not good! I also thought that they should have used Cyndi's voice more or her creative mind, which she has tons of!!! Their gathering of ideas were not as fun as the other group! This group was sooo uptight.... very serious, not as delusional as Rock Solid! If you were given a task to do, do it.... but have fun also!!! You get more from people having humor than being too uptight!!! I can see that Cyndi is very creative, very funny, but sometimes her desire to learn everything is being taken by her group differently! What can Cyndi do? Nothing. Just follow what she is told! I was soo surprised also, when Maria tried to sneak out a piece of pizza for Brett from Tenacity. Curtis saw her and was soo furious! Why didn't Maria say anything to Curtis and vice versa? They are acting like children!!! Oh,well!Who won the challenge? Brett's group did! The executives thought that their commercials were better. I thought they did not like plumber jokes?? The executives finally woke up!!! Alleluia!!!!! Rock Solid's commercials were clear, concise and original, unlike Tenacity's commercials which were so wordy! Good job, Brett and company!!! That is more money for Brett's diabetes charity! The boardroom was not a pretty sight, with Sharon and Maria attacking Curtis!!! Curtis did not even reply! When asked by Trump, he said they are women!!! Goodness gracious, Curtis, you are being attacked! Wake up!!!! No dice, he is asleep... he is immune or nonchalant with their attacks!!! I wonder what can get Curtis mad??? I think he is one of those few people that does not get mad or rattled by anybody!!! Hats off to you, Curtis!!!! You are one of a kind!!!!Summer brought with her to the boardroom, Curtis and Cyndi for obvious reasons. Of course, she will not bring back Holly, her partner in crime! Curtis fought off in the boardroom with Summer, but he is still with the same quiet demeanor! Who do you think got fired???? Sharon and Maria would have liked to have Curtis go. Did Trump heed their request? No! It was Summer who got fired, because she did not defend herself! She was only going to defend herself when Ivanka said something to her. Summer's reply was," Can I defend myself now?" Ha! Ha! Ha! She is crazy!!! Too late missy, you should have done that before Ivanka said something to you! You are hopeless, go back to what you were doing before!!!! Another one bites the dust!!!!
Posted by vs at 5/3/2010 10:18 AM Add Comment

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