Monday, May 10, 2010

Amazing Race12

Has anybody been following the Amazing Race? I have not been religiously following it but I watched the final episode last night. Do you guys know who won? They were all over the television shows this morning! To those who have not seen this reality show, it is a six time Emmy award winning adventure reality series hosted by Emmy nominated Phil Keoghan. The series starts with 12 teams, each team with two members. They travel around the world, where they compete in challenges in each destination. The challenges are mostly physical, and some mental. Once they complete their task, they can proceed to their next location. The first team to arrive in the Pit stop is awarded a prize, mostly trips to well known destinations like Hawaii, Carribean or Mexico. That itself is an amazing prize already, if you keep wiinning each leg of the race! The last team to arrive is eliminated unless it is a non- elimination leg of the race which is only once during the season. If you are spared of elimination, your team has to undergo a speed bump which will delay the team for the next challenge.
Why do people go for this series? It is a very competitive reality series, and it takes you all over the world. You will see the different parts of the globe, like Italy, China, Croatia, France, India, Singapore and other countries. Do they have fun? Maybe, maybe not. They see their custom and traditions, and they get to see some of the main attractions of the country they are in! The teams get frustrated though when they encounter people that does not understand and speak English! They lose their way, which can be disastrous on the outcome of the race!! Some of the challenges can be very frustrating and hard, example, learning how to play the drums and be a part of the ensemble. Sometimes it takes a few tries before the teams get proficient, which can be aggravating, because in this challenges, time is very precious. Or you might have to make pasta, twirling, cutting, adding to the right consistency and weight. Or the teams might have to climb a wall, find a hidden object in a ton of hay. There are sooo many tears, frustrations abd fights during the challenges. It seems you have to be strong physically and mentally, and the teams should have good rapport with each other. I wonder how many of the people in the teams have broken up after they finish the show? Anyone????
On the final episode, there were three teams left. The teams have to travel from China to San Francisco. The team that won jumped the line in the airport which the other team did not like. First of all, they were not in line, they were lying down on the floor. The first team that was accused of cutting in line were the first in the ticket counter. If the other teams thought they were cut off from being the first in line, why did they not say anything? Boo Hoo.... Plus, they were all together in the same flight anyway! So, what is the big deal??? The winning team made a smart move on the plane, they transferred to the first class, which gave them a little edge in getting off from the plane in San Francisco! Smart!!! They were using their brains, not their mouths!!!! On the final challenge, the teams had to ascend to Coit Tower to retrieve the next clue to go to Lucas film's Industrial Light and Magic. The teams have to work together to navigate a virtual reality maze to get the instruction for the next task, which is a memory challenge... assembling a puzzle of previously eliminated teams from around the world, in the order of their elimination. I think this is where the winning team excelled. When I saw how fast the challenge was done, I knew they have won!!!
The winners were greeted at the Candlestick Park by Phil and the rest of the eliminated teams. Needless to say, Daniel and Jordan Pious, siblings from Barrington, Rhode Island emerge victorious to claim their one million dollar prize! They were followed by the cowboy brothers, Jet and Cord McCoy, who were upset with the Pious brothers. The McCoys have won quite a bit of travel in this show. So, why the long face? They did not win the million dollars!!! Ha! Ha! The third team to arrive was dating models, Caite Upton ( former Miss Teen South Carolina) from Lexington, South Carolina, and Brent Horne from Columbia, South Carolina. The third runner up was confronted by Brandy Snow, one of the racers, who they targeted in one leg of the race. She refused to clap for them! Who cares? Grow up, Brandy, it is a race, so what do you expect??? Forgive and move on!!!! Easier said than done, especially if it is a million dollars you are talking about! You are right, but let the other team live with it! It is done! Remember, " To err is human, to forgive is divine." Go on with your life!
What makes this reality show click? It is a real competition.... no judges, no fan or competitor voting. It is based on the reality contestants stamina, strategy, endurance, and relationship. It also becomes a great adventure for the contesttants! Now, everybody knows what the Amazing Race is. Is everyone ready to audition and commit themselves to a fun filled, tear jerking, and very competitive physical and mental challenging show? After all the ultimate goal is only to win a whopping $1,000,000!!!!!!
Posted by vs at 5/10/2010 12:03 PM Add Comment

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