Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Pack Rat

What is a pack rat? Anyone that hoards everything and does not want to part with it!!! A pack rat , also called a wood rat or a trade rat is an animal that has a fondness for material objects. Is this a disorder? Some believe it is a mental disorder... a compulsive hoarding and failure to discard a significant amount of possessions even if they are worthless, unsanitary or hazardous! Oh, oh. It is a mental disorder!!!! Can you believe that??? That is a strong and harsh word!! I do not think it is a disorder! Why? You are one of the pack rats? I am, and I detest what some people think! I collect memorabilia, which over the years has accumulated, but it is not floor to ceiling!!! How about all of you? I am sure that people over the years saved many, many things in their basements, in a cardboard box, a plastic bag or any appropriate container! Why do we save things? It is a memento of that special day, a gift that someone gave to us, or a treasure that someday might be very valuable! When? In a million years?? You will be gone by then! Ha! Ha! Ha!!! Then your family members can inherit it and hopefully can profit from all those years that it was kept!!! Wouldn't that be nice?? It was not saved in vain!!!! I cannot believe that some people hoard food also, beyond their expiration day! I think this is serious. Food cannot be kept past the expiration date or you might get sick! Does anyone know somebody that hoards food? I know some people, but that was before the year 2000. People were afraid of what 2000 will bring, so they stacked their pantries with food! Did these bring memories to everybody??? I see heads bobbing up and down!! Are people still doing that now? Maybe. It is hard though to keep food for a long time because you might forget it, and before you know it, it is past the expiration date! What did you accomplish here? Nothing!!! True, when you bought it, you were rejoicing because you saved a bundle. But now, you are throwing it away! Did you really save some money?? I would say no! It is really hard to part with some of our things, is it not? It is, and the only times that I can remember that I have to throw some away was when we had a flood in the basement. I tried to saved my precious pictures, but it did not work! I ended up throwing many, many priceless possessions! I was sooo heartbroken... gone are the hard copies of yesteryear! Oh well, it will still be in your memories, is it not??? It is, unless your mind becomes dull and you no longer comprehend what is going on around you!!! Then maybe, those picture albums will keep you company! Stop talking nonsense! You are becoming melodramatic! Boo hoo. Did you know you could have gone to a proffesional restoration place for your pictures? Yes, I do, but the pictures were all ruined by the water that it is impossible to do anything with it!!! Oh, well. Better luck next time! Or better yet, store your priceless possessions in a higher elevation so water will be out of the question!How about paychecks and receipts from a million years ago?? I cannot believe you still have those. It is slowly being disposed. I tell you that you keep putting it somewhere and before you know it, it has piled up!!!! My, oh, my, you are really a rat pack!!! Am I the only one that keeps old paychecks? Please let me know that I am not the only one that is obsessed with this collection!!!! How about clothes? I am also a little bit guilty about that? Just a little??? You probably have clothes since the 80's! Why don't you get rid of it??? I thought that the fashion from the 80's is coming back! You are right, fashion just keeps on rotating, but I have a question... Does the clothes you are saving still fits you??? That is a big problem!!! I cannot hardly zip it! My gosh! Did I really grew that much all over? Better yet, did the clothes shrink??? I like the last reason the best! Blame it on your dryer that shrinks clothes!!! LOL. So, now, are you getting rid of your old clothes? I will think about it! I already got rid of some of my precious shoes! You should have seen the agony in my face when I did it!!! Phew!!! It was very hard!Can you blame people for being a pack rat? Not really! What do you think is the percentage of people hoarding? How about the age group? These are very good questions!!! Can anybody give us the statistics? So, you see, it is very hard to get rid of your memorabilia that you have collected all your lifetime. But when you are gone, what will happen to it?? I do not know, but at least it is there for yor loved ones to see.... then they can decide what to do with it!!! I do not care by then, because it is out of my hands!!!!!
Posted by vs at 5/4/2010 8:28 AM Add Comment

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