Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial day, 2010

Memorial Day, a federal holiday observed on the last Monday of May. This year it falls on May 31, 2010. This holiday was formerly called Decoration Day because it commemorates the United States men and women who died while in military service. Many people observe this holiday by visiting cemeteries and memorials. Some places have parades, and other activities!!!
Other people view Memorial Day as the traditional start of summer driving. The prediction this year is for heavier traffic on the roads, as well as the air travel. Why? Because it seems like the economy is recovering!!! Is that right? I am not sure about that!!! Anyway, the people are already tired being coup up during wintertime, so many are ready for a long summer driving and fun!!! It does not matter whether the gas prices are up from a year ago!!! Ya, baby!!! Summer is here!!! Let us go to the beach and barbeque!!!!
Many will be traveling to the beaches to go swimming and boating. A word of advice: please use precautionany measures and safety equipments while on the water!!! You can easily lose yourself and be giddy and lose control while out having fun! I already heard a lot of people losing their lives! That is soo sad!!!
There will probably be many people on the park or their backyards firing up their barbeque grills..... for steaks, chicken, pork chops, hotdogs, sausages, corn and other vegetables or meat. Yum! Yum!!! Stop!!! I am getting hungry, and with the way you are talking, the food might not see Memorial Day tomorrow!!!! Oh, ya??? Oink! oink! Control yourself!!! One more day!!
Others take this day as an opportunity to do their gardens! Many have been buying tomatoes and flowers for their front yard or back yard! That is sooo amazing that the people have the drive to go and garden! Look, your beautiful flowers will be in bloom all summer long, and it adds a pretty picture on your yard, is it not??? You are right!! How about the vegetables?? That is also wonderful!! Think of the fresh tomatoes, green beans, cabbage, and green peppers that you can pick right from your backyard! It taste sweeter and very fresh than what you buy! Plus your vegetables do not have the pesticides that the farmers use! That itself is worth the gardening!!! Sigh!! How right you are!!! That is why, even a few apartment dwellers are planting some vegetables. They get the satisfaction that they will really eat fresh, good vegetables!!!!
So, on these Memorial Day, let us all say a prayer to all the courageous men and women that risk their lives for our country! Without them we will not have the democracy that we are enjoying!!!!
Happy trip, grilling, or whatever you are all doing on Memorial Day!!! Stay safe!!!
God bless America!!! God bless all!!!!
Posted by vs at 5/30/2010 11:18 AM Add Comment

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