Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Grocery Stores Self Check Out

The grocery stores self checkout is gaining popularity. Have you all noticed how more and more stores have these self checkout? Anything to conserve money for the businesses! These computerized checkouts do not get paid plus they do not get benefits like health insurance, paid vacation days, paid sick leave etc..etc...

Does everyone like it? If you only have a few items, that is good. Some stores have a limit of 15 items, but there are stores now that there is no limit to the items. What sucks with these self check out is when you are buying produce that does not have a code and it is not on the computer, then you are at the mercy of the checkout person! And sometimes these people are busy, and they can be mean! Why do these people work in these places if they have an attitude problem? Sometimes, I am tempted to tell the manager about it, but I just ignore it. I hope that I really do not lose my patience with them!!

When you have a big item, you have to take it out of the cart to scan it, whereas in the usual cashier checkout, they can just scan it without lifting them out from the cart! I asked one time why, the woman told me that they do not have a scanner? Why can't they be given a scanner? They make lots of money anyway!!! I do not kow why, go figure!!!

Speaking of making lots of money, businesses nowadays, I hope not all, but just a few....the prices are higher because they are going by the high cost of gasoline. Is that not crazy or what? So, I read that it really does not matter if you buy the ones made from China or not, the prices are being hiked by American businesses too!! We cannot win, can we??? In the meantime, the consumers, especially the low income and middle income family are really getting the bad deal all around! Any comments?? Am I wrong or am I right??

Well, folks, let us all pray for our beloved country, that all of this will pass, and America will once again thrive and still be the country for the people, by the people and of the people!!!

May God bless all of us!!!

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